Chapter 8

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The Enchanted Forest...

Emma, Mary Margaret, Aurora, Mulan and Killian approached beanstalk, Killian explained to the women that only one extra person could go up with a cuff that held a counterspell to the enchanted beanstalk that repelled intruders. 

The woman argued about who would go up with Killian and Emma decided that she would. She got sleeping powder from Mulan for help and Emma asked her to cut the beanstalk down if she wasn't back in ten hours.

Emma walked up to Killian and held up her wrist, "I was hoping it'd be you," Killian said.

"Just get on with it," Emma said.

"Put your hand right here," He tapped his shoulder and she put her hand on his shoulder as he snapped the magical cuff to her wrist, "That's a good girl. This will allow you to climb. There are other dangers. Thankfully, you've got me to protect you," He held up his stump hand, "I can't climb one-handed, can I?" Killian questioned.

Emma handed him his hook from Mary Margaret, "Don't think I'm taking my eyes off you for a second," Emma said.

"I would despair if you did," Killian said.

"Let's go," Emma said and the two began to climb up the beanstalk.


Calista was sat in her brothers' room, in the tub and a knock came from the door.

"Sister?" Killian called out.

"I'm okay," Calista said.

"Just making sure... I, uh... I'm sorry," He said.

"Why are you sorry?" She asked.

"I nearly abandoned you... I was going to leave you, you deserve better than me," Killian said on the other side of the door.

"Clothes... I don't have any..." Calista said.

"Uh, in my closet, take what you need," Killian said.

"Thank you," Calista sighed, "I'll... I'll be out soon... W... We'll talk then," Calista said.

"Uh, sure, yeah... Of course... You probably want to be alone and relax..." Killian said.

"Big brother..." She said.

"Yeah?" He said.

"I love you," She said.

Killian smiled, "I love you too, sister," He said and walked away from the door.

End of Flashback


Calista walked down to the docks and sat on the edge, she looked out at the sea. She pulled out a necklace from her pocket and looked at it, a simple ruby necklace.

"Didn't the Cap'n give you that?" Mr Smee asked as he walked up.

"Just because I'm allowing you to live doesn't mean you can sneak up on me," Calista said.

Mr Smee placed a blanket around her shoulders and sat beside her, "You're still my Captain's sister," He looked at her, "Why do you want to see him if you hate him?" He asked.

The Betrayal of the Sister [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || Crocodile's Love #2]Where stories live. Discover now