Chapter 21

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At Mr Gold's Pawnship, Henry was surrounded by, Emma, Neal, Mary Margaret, David, Mr Gold, Calista and Naomi. Henry blew out eleven candles on a cake, the other cheered and clapped their hands.

Mr Gold leaned towards Henry, "And not, my boy, for your present. Pick one object from this shop. Anything you like," Mr Gold said. 

Henry walked around looking for something, he stopped and pointed at one of the wands, "That," Henry said and took it before he waved it around.

"Alright, careful, buddy! Wands are powerful," Neal said.

Henry turned to Mr Gold, "So, how does it work?" Henry asked.

"Here, let me show you," Mr Gold said.

Henry handed him the wand, Mr Gold waved it through the air for a moment and with a flick of his wrist, he turned Henry into a statue.

Calista pulled Naomi to her, holding her daughter close and protectively as she stared at her husband in shock.

"Gold, why would you do that?!" David asked.

"The prophecy. The seer said the boy would be my undoing. So, I have no choice. I must be his," Mr Gold said and took his can, shattering the statue.

At Mr Gold's house, Mr Gold suddenly woke up and sat up in bed, he looked around.

Calista stirred beside him and woke up, "Rumpel? What... What's wrong?" Calista asked sleepily.

"It's nothing, go back to sleep," Mr Gold said.

"Only if you come back to bed," Calista said and ran her hand along his arm, "Please, I'm getting cold," She said.

He looked at her before laying down, she scooted closer and Calista quickly fell back to sleep as Mr Gold laid in bed.

He looked at her before laying down, she scooted closer and Calista quickly fell back to sleep as Mr Gold laid in bed

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Later, Neal and Henry were sword-fighting in the park and Naomi was sat on the swings, sketching in her pad. Mr Gold watched the three of them as Regina approached him.

"Seems like we both have been pushed to the sidelines," Regina said.

"What are you doing here?" Mr Gold asked.

"The real question is what's your son doing with mine?" Regina asked him.

"Oh, that..." Mr Gold looked at Regina, "That's right, you didn't get the birth announcement, did you? That's Henry's father," Mr Gold said. 

"What?" Regina asked.

"Do I have to spell it out for you? Miss Swan and my son-" Mr Gold began.

"You're Henry's grandfather?" Regina interrupted.

"Guess that makes us family. He's got my eyes, don't you think?" Mr Gold said and started to walk away from Regina.

"You did this!" Regina said as she followed him.

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