Chapter 7

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The Enchanted Forest...

Mulan tied Killian to a tree in the woods while Emma, Mary Margaret and Aurora stood by.

"I already told you, I'm just a blacksmith," Killian said.

"Sure you are," Emma whistled, attracting the ogre's attention, "You don't want to talk to us? Maybe, you'll talk to the ogres while they rip you limb from limb," They heard the ogre's approaching and Killian wasn't saying anything, "Come on," Emma said and the four women started to walk away.

"You... You can't just leave me here like this!" Killina said.

"What if he's telling the truth?" Aurora asked Emma.

"He's not," Emma said.

"Good for you! You bested me. I can count the number of people who've done that on one hand," Killian said.

"That supposed to be funny? Who are you?" Emma asked him.

"Killian Jones, but most people have taken to call me by my more colourful moniker, Hook," Killian said.

"Hook..." Mary Margaret said.

"Check my satchel," Killian said and Mary Margaret brought out his hook.

"As in, Captain Hook?" Emma said.

"Ah, so you've heard of me," Killian said with a smirk.

"Jones... As in Calista Jones big brother?" Emma said.

"Ah, how is my little sister? Still married to the Dark One, with that disgusting child?" Killian asked.

Emma slapped him across his face, "Watch it..." Emma warned and he blinked, "Now, you better hurry up, they're getting closer. So, unless you want to be dinner, you better stop mouthing your sister and niece and start explaining," Emma said.

"Cora wanted me to gain your trust, so I could learn everything there is to know about your Stroubrooke. She didn't want any surprises when she finally got over there," Killian said.

"She can't get there, we destroyed the wardrobe," Emma said.

"Ah, but the enchantment remains. Cora gathered the ashes. She's going to use them to open up a portal. Now, if you'll kindly cut me loose," Killian said.

"No, we should leave him here to die. To pay for all the lives that he took," Mulan said.

"That was Cora, not me," Killian said.

"Let's go," Emma said and they turned to leave but he stopped them again.

"Wait. Wait! You need me alive!" Killian said.

"Why?" Emma asked him.

"Because we both want the same thing, to get back to your land," Killian said.

"you would say anything to save yourself. Why are we supposed to believe you now?" Emma asked.

"I arranged for transport with Cora, but, seeing how resourceful you are, I'll offer you the same deal. I'll help you if you promise to take me along," Killian said.

"How are you going to help us get home?" Emma asked him.

"The ashes will open a portal, but, to find your land, she needs more. There's an enchanted compass. Cora seeks it. I'll help you obtain it before she does," Killian said.

"So, Cora won't make it to Storybrooke and we'll be one step closer to getting home," Emma said.

"Sounds too good to be true," Mary Margaret said.

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