Chapter 6

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The Enchanted Forest...

Emma, Mary Margaret were with Aurora and Mulan walking to the haven, that the survivors from the Dark Curse were living. Their leader, Lancelot, turned out to be Cora who had killed Lancelot. She was planning to go to Storybrooke to be with her daughter.

Mary Margaret had an idea of how to get back to Storybrooke, the magical wardrobe that Emma and Pinocchio went through 28 years ago. Cora, disguised as Lancelot followed them then tripped up in his words resulting in Mary Margaret figuring out who he really was. To protect Henry, Emma torched the wardrobe but unknown to her and Mary Margaret that the ashes could be used to make a portal with added ingredients.

As the four as them entered the haven they found everyone dead across the field, bloody chests. It was Cora's doing.

"Cora did. Their hearts... They were ripped out. This is her magic, twisted and evil. We have to stop her," Mary Margaret said.

"Too late, she killed them, she killed them all," Mulan said.

"Well, we have to stop her before she hurts anyone else!" Mary Margaret said.

"Hey! Hey! Look!" Emma said and rushed over to a stack of bodies and debris, seeing someone moving their hand.

"There's someone under there," Aurora said and she helped Emma free the person, which was Killian acting terrified, "He's alive," She said.

"There's someone under there," Aurora said and she helped Emma free the person, which was Killian acting terrified, "He's alive," She said

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"Please," Killian said.

"It's okay," Mary Margaret said.

"Please, help me," He begged them.

"It's okay. You're safe now, we won't hurt you," Mary Margaret said.

"Thank you... Thank you," Killian said.


Calista woke up and saw Mr Gold holding a tray, she looked at him confused.

"Breakfast in bed," Mr Gold said.

"Ooo," Calista sat up and stretched as he put the tray table over her lap, "What's the catch?" She asked.

"An apology," She frowned looking at him, "I still have no idea when she first met," He said.

"It's okay, memories fade, I'm not upset anymore," Calista said.

"How old were you?" He asked.

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