Chapter 13

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Mr Gold's car came to a stop in front of the town boundary, he got out and then popped over the trunk to see Mr Smee was bound and gagged inside. Mr Gold removed the gag and led Mr Smee over to the town line.

"This will only take a moment," Mr Gold said.

"Don't... Push me over. If I cross the line, I'll lose my memory. It's a cruel fate," Mr Smee said.

"A fate you were more than willing to bestow upon Belle," Mr Gold kicked Smee to the ground and took his hat, "You've had this rag since the day we met. Why is it so important to you?" Mr Gold asked.

"My grandmother made it for me when I was a boy. It's always brought me good fortune," Mr Smee stood up, "What difference does it make?" Mr Smee asked.

Mr Gold poured a potion over the hat causing it to glow with magic, "Oh... All the difference in the world. It's your only chance," Mr Gold said and threw the hat back to Smee.

Smee quickly put it on and looked at him, "What do you mean, my only-" Smee began to say but Mr Gold pushed Smee over the town boundary.

A surge of blue magic pulsed through his body then it stopped, "What's your name?" Mr Gold asked.

Smee looked at him, "Willian Smee," Smee said.

"And who am I?" Mr Gold asked.

"Rumpelstiltskin. The Dark One. I remember everything! How can this be?" Smee asked as he walked back into the town border.

"Well, it seems our little experiment was a success. Now go," Smee fleed the scene, "I have a trip to plan," Mr Gold said and got back into his car.

Several of Storybrooke residents were gathered around a casket and a tombstone that reads Archibald Hopper

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Several of Storybrooke residents were gathered around a casket and a tombstone that reads Archibald Hopper. Friend and Conscience. Calista and Naomi stood beside Emma and Henry as Mary Margaret gave a eulogy to the crowd.

"Some of us knew him as Archie, others as, Jiminy. But we all knew him as a true friend and though, he may now be gone, he will always live on inside of us. Reminding us to be our best selves, to do the right, to always fight for what we believe in. So, we shouldn't think of today as goodbye just as a way of saying... Archie, we'll be listening." Mary Margaret said and she walked into David's arms as she began to sob.

Marco walked up to the tombstone, he laid Archie's umbrella against it, "I miss you so much, my friend. Well, at least... You are in a better place," Marco said.

Calista's phone buzzes and Emma looked at her, "Sorry," Calista said and Naomi walked to Emma as Calista walked away to answer the call, "Rumpel, seriously? I'm at Archie's funeral," Calista said.

"It can't wait, dear, come to the shop," Mr Gold said.

Calista sighed, "Okay," Calista said and hung up, walking away from the funeral.

Meanwhile, in the hold of Killian's ship, Killian was interrogating Archie, who was still tied up.

"Wait! No, please, don't! Wait! Please! Please!" Archie said.

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