Chapter 9

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Calista was sat in the diner alone, looking out the window when Henry joined her, she looked at him and he smiled at her.

"What's up kid?" Calista asked.

"We can bring Emma and Mary Margaret home," Henry said.

"That's great news," Calista said with a smile.

"You don't seem all that happy," David said and sat beside Henry.

"Oh, I'm... I'm fine. Just... Just something Naomi said," Calista said.

"What did she say?" Henry said.

"Oh, don't worry about me... My issue," Calista said.

"Calista... What is it?" David asked.

"She said something was coming... And it was going to hurt me," She said as she looked at David, "The only person I know who wants to do that, is my brother," Calista said.

"You do know, he won't get the chance with your husband, right?" David said.

"Oh, I know, why do you think I'm wearing this?" She held up her left hand showing a gold wrist band, "Want to take a guess?" She said.

"Oh, I know, why do you think I'm wearing this?" She held up her left hand showing a gold wrist band, "Want to take a guess?" She said

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"He's put a tracker on you hasn't he?" David said.

"Oh, yes... I'm not that bothered about it, at least it's pretty," Calista said.

"Where is he?" David asked.

"At home, teaching Naomi... Now, she's convinced I'm in danger and she's going to protect me," Calista said.

"That's..." David said.

"Yeah," Calista said and drunk her coffee, "So, uh, you found the diamonds?" 

"Yeah, the magic brought them back, we'll be able to get Emma and Mary Margaret back with Jefferson's hat," David said.

"You know how the hat works right? The same amount of people go in and come out," Calista said.

"We'll work it out," David said.

"Alright," Calista said.

Belle sat beside Calista and handed her a drink, "You seem better," Belle said.

"I'm being tracked by my husband, what else could I be happy about?" Calista asked.

"A mouse," Billy said to Ruby behind Belle and Calista.

"What? Where?" Ruby said worriedly.

"No, I meant me. I was a mouse. My name was Gus. I lived in Cinderella's pantry, I ate cheese, I gnawed on wood, but I preferred the cheese," Billy said.

"And, why are you telling me this?" Ruby asked.

"Uh, we haven't had a chance to talk since things... Changed. I just wanted you to know who I was... Back home," Billy said.

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