Chapter 4

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Mr Gold and Calista were in the pawnshop alone, Mr Gold took out a small box and opened it, showing her a necklace.

"It's, uh... It's very beautiful. So, what's the occasion?" Calista asked.

Mr Gold took the necklace out of the box and goes to put it around her necklace. Calista lifted her hair out of the way and over her shoulder, "The occasion is us. We haven't gotten out much since Storybrooke awakened. So, I thought we should see it together... Charming is watching Naomi, it's the only thing he'll do for me," He clasped the necklace and she turned to him, "Wow..." He said as he saw the necklace on her neck.

"Thank you," She said and they hug.

"But don't get your hopes up," They pulled away from each other, "The nightlife is extremely limited here, as you know," Mr Gold said.

Calista chuckled a little, "I know that, love, and that's not what I meant. Thank you for... For what you're doing, for how you're changing for our little girl," Calista said and they leaned in.

The bell rang as Leroy entered interrupting the moment.

"Okay, Stiltskin, I want my axe," Leroy said.

"I'm sorry, but we're still closed," Mr Gold said as he looked at him.

"It's mine, give it to me," Leroy said.

"And yet, still closed," Mr Gold said.

"Just because you possess something, don't mean it's yours. Nothing in this shop belongs to you. And you?" Leroy glared at Calista and she looked at him, "The cursed you would never allow this. How can you be with such a monster? Or maybe, you're actually still another possession, too," Leroy said.

"How dare you?!" Mr Gold sneered in anger, he pushed Leroy back, grabbed him by his neck and pinned him against a display case, "You want your axe? Fine!" Mr Gold said in anger as he began to strangle him.

"Rumpel!" Calista said worriedly.

"You can have it... Buried in your chest!" Mr Gold said to Leroy.

"Stop! Stop! This isn't you anymore! You changed for Naomi!" Calista said.

Mr Gold turned into Rumpelstiltskin and looked at her with a smirk, "Oh, it's me, dearie. Always has been, always will be," Rumpelstiltskin said as he smirked.

Calista woke up from her nightmare to find out herself alone in bed. She slipped on slippers, wrapped a robe around her, she walked to Naomi's room, opened the door opened and saw her daughter asleep in bed then she closed the door.

Calista walked downstairs, she looked for Mr Gold and walked outside to find him in the basement. She watched as he spun straw into gold at the wheel, he cut off a segment of the gold, placed it into a vial, causing a magical reaction.


A human Rumpelstiltskin arrived home with a basket of wool.

"Milah? Bae? I'm home," He called out and saw young Baelfire sat at their table, alone, "Hey..." He said.

Baelfire looked at him, "Papa?" He said.

"Where's mum?"  Baelfire looked upset and stayed silent, "Well, she probably just... Lost track of time. Grab your cloak. We'll find her," Rumpelstiltskin said.

 We'll find her," Rumpelstiltskin said

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The Betrayal of the Sister [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || Crocodile's Love #2]Where stories live. Discover now