Chapter 20

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A week later, Naomi, Neal and Calista were sat in the B&B, Naomi was colouring on the table.

"So, we've talked about me a lot... What about you? When you got off the ship what happened?" Calista asked.

"I, uh, I don't really talk about that," Neal said.

"Did he hurt you?" Calista asked.

"Not exactly, I wasn't who he was looking for," Neal said.

"Really? He had the ship searched for you, only for you to not be who he wanted?" Calista said.

"Yeah," Neal said.

"Okay, so this fiancee of yours?" Calista smiled, "What is she like?" Calista asked.

"I don't know if that's protective sister mode or protective mother mode," Neal said jokingly.

"Hey, I've already told you, you don't have to see me as a mother... Be kinda weird," Calista said.

"Well, you always were like a mother to me," Neal said.

Calista smiled at him, "Aww, still so sweet," Calista said.

Naomi looked at them and smiled, "What was it like?" Naomi asked.

"Hmm... Oh, I have a story about your big brother," Calista said with a smile.

"Oh, no, I know you well enough to know not to trust that smile," Neal said.

Naomi sat between them and looked at her mother, "I think he was on the ship for about... Two weeks and I was the only one he spoke to," Neal rubbed his forehead and looked away, "Killian got annoyed, as I used to always be around him then suddenly, Bae was always around me... I think one of the crew members turned around and said, he had a little crush on me," Calista said with a shrug.

"I did not," Neal said.

"I never said you did," Calista looked at him, "Though you did draw me... A lot," Calista said.

"Yeah, yeah," Neal looked at her, "Remember when I said I don't see you as a mother?" She nodded, "I'm seeing the embarrassment of a mother right now," Neal said.

"Oh, then I'm doing my job right," Calista chuckled, "But as I said, I knew you didn't, I was your comfort zone in an unknown place, I knew that you knew that, Killian knew that. If the crew didn't then... As I've said before, they're idiots," Calista said.

Neal smiled at her and cleared his throat, "I remember, someone said something... And you literally threw them overboard," Neal said.

"Meh, he probably deserved it," Calista said with a shrug.

"That's the pirate I know," Neal said.

"Hey, I'm a mother first and I'm your step-mother so be careful, I will ground you," Calista said.

"What will you have me do, mop the deck?" Neal asked jokingly.

"Maybe muck out the restrooms if I was still on the Jolly Roger," Calista said.

"Now that is like sentencing me to death," Neal said and Naomi chuckled at them.

The door opened and Henry came running in with Emma behind him, Neal stood up, "Hey, buddy!" He hugged Henry, "How are you?" Neal asked as they pulled apart.

"I'm good, I brought this," Henry held up the fairytale book, "I thought you could tell me what it was really like over there," Henry said.

"Sounds great, we were kind doing the same thing," Neal looked at Calista who waved at Henry, he looked back at his son, "I'll tell you what. Why don't you run to the diner, get us 6 hot cocoa and we'll dive in?" Neal suggested and he gave Henry the money, "Hey, Naomi, why don't you join him?" Neal said.

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