Chapter 3

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Calista woke up and saw Gold sorting out his tie, he looked at her.

"You're staring," He said.

"No, just watching," Calista said and sat up.

Naomi ran into the room and jumped on the bed with a giggle, "Morning," She said happily.

"Morning sweetie," Calista said.

"Morning," Gold said.

"Ready to go to school?" Calista asked her.

"Unh-unh," Naomi shook her head, "What if they hate me?" Naomi said.

"Then I will turn them into snails and crush them," Mr Gold said.

"Papa!" Naomi said.

"They can't hate you, you're just not hateable," Calista said.

Naomi shuffled to Calista and hugged her, "I hope you're right Mama," Naomi said and climbed off the bed, walking out of the room.

"Rumpel... Please don't threaten people," Calista said.

He looked at her, "If they make her cry, Cali..." Mr Gold said.

"I know, I know," She said and got out of bed, "I'll deal with it if that happens okay?"

"I can't protect my daughter?" He asked her.

"You protect her from Regina, I protect her from bullies," Calista said.

"Fine, dear," He said.

"Good," Calista said.

Calista and Naomi walked down the main street and Naomi ran ahead of her mother seeing Henry and David

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Calista and Naomi walked down the main street and Naomi ran ahead of her mother seeing Henry and David.

"So, what's on the agenda for Operation Scorpion?" Henry asked as Calista caught up to them.

"What's Operation Scorpion?" David asked.

"The code name for our mission to find Emma and Snow? Do you prefer viper? That was my second choice... Morning Naomi, Cali," Henry said.

"Morning," Naomi and Calista said.

"Henry, we need to talk," David said.

"Yeah, scorpions better," Henry said.

"No, it's not that. It's..." David said.

"I'm not coming with you. but I... I thought we were going to find Jefferson?" Henry said.

"Oh, that's who you were looking for," Calista shrugged when David looked at her, "My husband keeps secrets from me, I'll keep some from him," She said.

David looked at Henry, "I already did find him," David said.

"What? Is he going to help you?" Naomi asked as she and Henry looked at him hopefully.

The Betrayal of the Sister [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || Crocodile's Love #2]Where stories live. Discover now