Chapter 17

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Calista walked down the main street to the shop, she unlocked the door, walked inside changed the sign to open and walked into the back where her brother was waiting for her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Calista asked him and saw the back had been ransacked.

"Where's my hook?" He asked her.

"I have no idea," Calista said.

"Don't lie to me. I've had enough of people lying to me!" Killian said.

"Aww, poor you. Maybe, you should've thought about that before you piss people off," Calista said.

"I don't care. Where's my hook!?" Killian asked her angrily.

"I don't have it," Calista said.

"Ah, but you know who does," He walked up to her until they were inches apart looking at each other in the eyes, neither one giving up, "Where is it, sister?" Killian asked.

"I. Don't. Know." Calista said.

"Yes. You. Do." Killian said.

"Hmm. Nope. How would I know where it is if I didn't see the person who took it?" Calista asked him.

"Cali... I've had enough of people playing games. I'm asking you as a brother, tell me where it is," Killian said.

"Brother? My brother is dead, Liam died many years ago and it should've been you!" Calista yelled and pushed him backwards suddenly.

Killian stumbled back, Calista grabbed him by his coat collar and pulled him up as she hovered over her lap on anger, "You should've been the one to die!" She yelled and punched him across his face, "You should've died! You should've died! You! Not him!" Calista continued to punch him in the face, "I hate you! I hate you! Why can't you just leave me alone! I was happy till you came here! You mess everything up!"

Ruby and Naomi were in the shop and heard Calista shouting, they ran into the back. Ruby pulled Calista off Killian, "Stop, Cali. Cali enough now," Ruby said.

Killian leaned upon his elbows and brushed his fingers below his nose, seeing blood on his fingertips. Naomi walked to him and he looked at her, "St...Stay still," Naomi said and knelt beside him. She waved her hand over his face, healing him as her hand glowed pink, "You should go Uncle Killian... And never come back, please," Naomi said and walked to her mother, hugging her.

Killian stood up, he looked at his sister who had her hair curtaining her face, he backed up to the door then walked out.

Calista fell to her knees and all her anger came out all a sudden, she started to cry as Ruby and Naomi hugged her.

Outside, as soon as his sister started crying he stopped walking and looked back at the door. He wanted to go back and let her take out her anger, get it all out even if she wanted it to be with a sword, but he decided against it.

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The Betrayal of the Sister [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || Crocodile's Love #2]Where stories live. Discover now