Chapter 24

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On the Jolly Roger, Calista was leaning on her brother as he looked at a picture of Milah.

"What are you thinking?" Calista asked him.

"Same thing I do every day," Killian said.

Mr Smee approached them and saw the picture, "Milah was quite beautiful, wasn't she? Don't worry, Captain. You'll avenge her. No matter what it takes, I know you'll find a way to kill Rumpelstiltskin," Mr Smee said.

"Mr Smee, what news of the day's catch? The boy we yanked from the sea," Killian asked.

"He's still asleep. A bit waterlogged and smells of catfish, but he'll live," Mr Smee said.

"Where do you suppose he came from? There aren't many other ships in this area and his clothes are certainly not of this land," Calista said.

"What if the boy belongs to him? The ones he kidnaps from the other world. I'd bet my rations on it," Mr Smee said.

"Indeed, but could we be so lucky?" Killian asked.

"Lucky?" Calista said and swiped her hand over the back of his head, "Watch it, he'll be looking for us," Calista said as Killian rubbed the back of his head looking at his sister.

"He knows this land better than we do," Mr Smee said.

"Mr Smee, are you not a connoisseur of rare and valuable objects? If we return the boy to him, it could be the very key to our survival in Neverland," Killian said.

"Big brother Killian, he's just a boy," Calista said.

"Come on," Killian said and led Calista downstairs to where the boy was, "Ahoy there. Aren't you lucky to be alive?" Killian said.

"Lucky? I'm a prisoner of pirated in a land cursed with magic," The boy said.

"Well, most children think they've found paradise when they lay their eyes on Neverland's magic. Why else leave home in the first place?" Killian asked.

"I came so a family I loved could live," The boy said.

"Well, aren't you quite the hero?" Killian said with a smirk.

"Brother, enough," Calista said.

"What would you know about that? Pirate," The boy said.

"Pirates who saved your scrawny bones from the curse of the mermaids," Killian said.

"A pirate killed my mother and tore apart my family," The boy said.

"What about your father?" Calista asked.

"He left me. He's a coward," The boy said.

"What's your name, boy?" Killian said.

"I don't have to answer you," The boy said.

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