Chapter 19

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Neal, Naomi and Calista we're at Granny's Diner having a breakfast.

"Wait... Wait... Wait," Neal waved his hand stopping Calista talking, "You were freed and you went back?" Neal asked.

"Yeah," Calista nodded, "Killian was at the nearest port, so it was him or your Dad... I picked your Dad," Calista said and sipped her coffee.

"And you and Hook?" Neal noticed the dark look on her face, "What did he do?" He asked.

"Kidnapped your sister, I went and he was angry I married your dad and had a child, blah, blah, blah he ordered the crew to kill us and I've hated him ever since... But he did say he'd always come and save me but he never did, for the years before then," Calista said.

"Damn..." Neal said.

Mr Gold walked in and walked to the table, "Hi Papa," Naomi said with a smile.

"Hi," Mr Gold looked at Calista, "You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, you staying for some breakfast?" Calista asked.

"Uh, no... I'm gonna warn your friends about Regina," Mr Gold looked at Neal then her, "And I think you two have a lot to talk about," Mr Gold said.

"Please, not as much as you want to say," Calista slid over a takeaway cup, "Here, I'll come with you," She looked at Neal, "I'm sorry to ask but..." She said.

"I'll watch her," Neal said.

"Thanks, Bae," Calista said and she left with Mr Gold.

Naomi sipped her juice and looked at Neal who smiled at her, "What is it?" He asked.

Naomi shook her head, "Nothing..." She said.

"You have your brother's awful lying, what is it?" He asked.

"Hmm... Well... Mama doesn't talk much about the time on the Jolly Roger to me..." Naomi said.

"Oh, you want to know what kind of pirate she was like?" He asked and she nodded, he rubbed his chin, "Alright, she was the one you'd go to if you needed anything. I remember my first time on with her, I had just been dropped into water, her brother welcomed me onto the ship but I wasn't feeling good in myself so when I was alone. She came in and smiled, she ordered her brother to get my clothes, without a care in the world and he just did as she asked. It was like... It was as if Hook was the Captain of the Jolly Roger and Cali was the Captain of Hook," Neal said and chuckled.

Naomi looked interested, "Are you saying she's bossy?" She asked.

"...No... But, even a blind man could see Hook loved her dearly and she, him. They always had each other's backs and they were always each other strengths," Neal looked at Naomi and smiled, "They were probably the best thing to happen to each other," Neal said.

Meanwhile, Mr Gold and Calista made it to the Charming's loft, Mr Gold knocked on the door.

"Calista," Mr Gold said.

"If you didn't have Mary Margaret use the enchanted candle you'd be dead and I'd be a widow. She saved your life, whether or not you tricked her into doing it," Calista said.

"You're not mad?" He asked.

"No," Calista said.

David opened the door and saw Mr Gold, "Get out!" David said.

"But he is," Calista said.

"I think you're gonna wanna hear what I have to say, for her sake," Mr Gold said and pointed to Mary Margaret who was laying on her bed, not talking to anyone.

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