Chapter 14

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Naomi kept her hands over her mothers wound crying and suddenly her hand glowed pink and Calista's shallow and quick breaths became deep and steady. Calista sat up and looked to see her wound was healed, she hugged her daughter, "Oh, sweetheart," Calista said.

"Mama..." Naomi said as she sobbed into her mother.

"Let me... Let me. Let me," Mr Gold said to Belle and he magically healed her injuries, "All better, good," He looked at Naomi, "Good girl, Naomi," He said with a small smile.

"How did you both do that?" Belle asked looked at Naomi and Gold.

"It's nothing to be afraid of," Mr Gold said.

"Get away," Belle said.

"Shh, Belle, please," Mr Gold said.

"What are you?!" Belle asked.

Calista let her daughter go and she got up, walking over to her brother. She shielded her eyes as the sheriff car pulled up, David and Emma got out of the car, "Calista?" David said.

Calista pointed to Mr Gold as she tripped over and fell beside her brother, "Ugh..." She groaned and crawled over to him, she looked at him and checked his pulse, finding it instantly, "Do I be happy or disappointed he didn't kill you off?" Calista asked.

"Ugh, where's the love, dear sister?" Killian asked as he opened his eyes.

"Shut up," Calista laid on the ground beside him and rolled onto her back, "I hate you, so bloody much," Calista said.

"Aye, I know," He said. Emma walked up to them and looked at them, "Hey, beautiful. Here, I didn't think you'd notice," Killian said.

"Disgusting," Calista said.

Emma rolled her eyes, she leaned down and pressed on Killian's ribs, he yelled out in pain, "Your ribs are broken," She pressed down on Calista who just looked at her, "You're fine, just weak," Emma said.

"That must be why it hurts then I laugh. Did you see his face? His only friend, gone in an instant! Just like Milah, Crocodile! When you took her from m-" Suddenly Calista punched him in the face, shutting him up.

"But you took her first," Mr Gold said as he walked up and lunged at Killian, digging his cane into Killian's neck.

"Gold, are you insane?!" Emma looked at Calista, "You just going to let him?" Emma asked.

"Yeah," Calista said.

"Yes, I am!" Mr Gold answered Emma.

"You can't do that!" David said and rushed over pulling Mr Gold from Killian.

"I can if you let me go!" Mr Gold said as he struggled against David.

"You don't want your daughter to see this," Emma said.

Mr Gold stopped struggling and he shrugged David off him, Mr Gold walked over to Calista, "Come on, dear," Mr Gold said and he helped Calista up but Killian grabbed her hand.

Calista looked at him and suddenly kicked him in the ribs, he screamed and let her go, "Never touch me again," Calista said and stood with her husband, Naomi ran over to her parents hugging them both.

The paramedics headed towards Killian, but Emma directed their attention to the driver of the car instead, "No! Him! Take care of him. He can wait," Emma said.

"What?" Mary Margaret asked as she tended to Belle.

"There's someone in there?" Emma said.

"Stay," Mary Margaret looked at Belle, "I'll be right back," Mary Margaret said and walked to her daughter as they watched the paramedics look over the unconscious driver of the car.

The Betrayal of the Sister [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || Crocodile's Love #2]Where stories live. Discover now