Chapter 11

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In Mr Gold's shop, Regina checked on David who was still under the sleeping curse.

"Any change?" Calista asked.

"No, he's not improving. He needs True Love's kiss. He won't wake up until Mary Margaret comes back," Regina asked.

"Until? Well, that's rather optimistic, isn't it?" Mr Gold said.

"What are you talking about?" Regina asked.

"They're up against your mother. The only chance Snow and Emma have of defeating her, is with the squid ink," Mr Gold said.

"Which is why you sent the message through David," Calista said.

"Which would be beneficial, if we knew that message was delivered. But alas, given the Prince's condition, we don't know. As such, it's important we take precautions. We have to consider the possibility that, when the portal opens it won't be his family that come through. It'll be Cora," Mr Gold said.

"And neither one of us wants that," Regina said.

"What are you two saying?" Calista asked.

"We have to find where they're coming through and destroy that portal," Mr Gold said.

"But whoever came through would die," Calista said.

"Exactly, but, I'm confident between Regina and myself, we can summon up enough magic to complete the task," Mr Gold said.

"Well, what if we're wrong? What if that portal opens up and it's not my mother? What if Mary Margaret and Emma do defeat Cora and go through it?" Regina asked.

"Well, I believe in this world, they call that a win-win," Mr Gold said.

"Rumpel!" Calista said.

"How exactly is that?" Regina asked.

"If we stop Cora, you are protected from your mother's wrath. If, on the other hand, we stop Snow and Emma, well... You become the only mother in your son's life, now don't you?" Mr Gold said and Regina hesitated.

"You can't be serious Rumpel," Calista said.

"Look, Regina, magic is unpredictable in this world. If something unfortunate were to happen while you were attempting to help... Henry could hardly blame you for that, could he?" Mr Gold said.

"No. I can't lie to him. I am trying to be a better mother," Regina said.

"You won't be able to be a better anything if Cora comes through and if she does, she will be a threat to everyone, including your son and," Mr Gold looked at Calista, "Our daughter," He looked back at Regina, "So, if you truly want to be a good mother to Henry, to protect him if you want to be better, prove it," He looked back at Calista, "What if Cora and Hook come through and he makes good on his promise to kill you and Naomi, what then?" Mr Gold said.

Calista and Regina looked at each other before they look back at Mr Gold silently.

Calista and Regina looked at each other before they look back at Mr Gold silently

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