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This is a preview to Nila's story, ENJOY :)

~slight mature content ahead~


His gray eyes meet my hazel ones and his hand cups my cheek. His lips crash into mine and his hands trail down my body stopping at my waist. My mouth parts as his warm tongue slithers in. He walks me backwards until I bump into the cold stone walls of the boys dormitory. His hands flatten on the wall and I bring mine up to twirl into his hair.

"Draco..." I moan softly breaking our kiss. 

"Are you ok, love?" he asks gently trailing kisses along my neck. 

"Mmm," I murmur unable to fully articulate what I had previously wanted to say. He brings his lips crashing down to mine and I jump and wrap my legs around his waist. My blonde hair splays out against the wall as gentle kisses become more passionate his tongue snaking around my mouth making my senses tingle. I stifle a moan as his lips trail marks down my neck and chest. His hands trail to forbidden spots and I allow him to explore until I snap back to reality.

"Damn it Draco, stop," I moan and he hesitantly brings his hands back up near my head.

"Something wrong, darling?" He growls nipping gently at my ear his hands softly traveling back down my body. I jerk away my feet landing back on the ground, he pulls away looking hurt. I viciously grab his left arm my nails digging into his warm skin. He tries to pull away but I only hold tighter and pull his shirt sleeve up reveling what I had suspected. The dark mark. 

"I know what I need to do," I snarl dropping his arm. 

"Fuck Nila, don't," he begs but I'm already walking out of the room, "you're crazy, you're going to get yourself killed!" I lock the door behind me not wanting him to stop me. Once I near Hogsmeade I apparate away to Malfoy Manor, to Voldemort.


What did you guys think? Please leave a comment with any suggestions! This is a time-jump to later in the story so you'll then find out what Nila is talking about. The next four chapters will be a summary of Nila's first four years at Hogwarts so please be patient! Those chapters will be short.

Thanks for reading!

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