19) Happily Never After

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~slight mature content ahead~

Harry is convinced that Draco is a death eater. Hermione disagrees, as does Ron. I despise lying to my friends but even so I pretend to disagree with Harry.

Ron was poisoned, Katy Bell was cursed.

Draco did it.

Harry is talking to Katy Bell who has just returned to school. I hear her tell him that she remembers nothing and I breathe a sigh of relief. Hermione turns and sees my worried face. She looks quizzically at me but I shake my head and stand up. Harry turns around just then and I follow his gaze to see Draco standing anxiously in the doorway to the great hall. Harry stares at him and Draco runs out of the hall, Harry follows. I follow.

I arrive breathless to see Harry staring at a sobbing Draco. He starts to walk into the bathroom but I grab the back of his robes and pull him back.

"Nila, what?" he hisses under his breath.

"Don't Harry," I beg, "please just leave him be."

"Don't you see," he snarls turning to me, "he cursed Katy Bell! He's the one who poisoned Ron. He's up to something, Nila!"

"I know," I breathe.

"Y-you know?" He gasps, his fists clenched at his side.

"That's what I said, I know!" I whisper-yell in response.

"But you said you didn't think he did it."

"I know," I hiss, "now just leave it, Harry, please!"


"Leave it," I growl, "I will take care of it." Harry relectutaley walks out of the bathroom. I turn and see Draco splashing his face with cool water. His sobs echo painfully through the empty bathroom. I slowly walk up behind him. He looks up and sees my reflection in the mirror.

"Nila," he gasps. He turns and wipes his eyes. I walk up to him and envelope him in a tight hug. He sobs into my shoulder and I rub his back.

"Draco," I whisper, "please, love, tell me what's going on."

"I-I can't," he sniffs. He pulls back and wipes his face off.

"You can trust me," I beg.

He shakes his head, "I know."

"Then tell me."

He pulls me in and hisses the top of my head, "he'll kill me."

"Draco," I gasp, pulling away.

"If I tell anyone he'll kill me and my mother." His voice quivers and tears stream down his face. My heart breaks seeing him like this.

"I can help," I whisper, bringing him close again.

"No," he breathes, "no one can help."

"Draco-" before I can finish Draco walks past me and leaves the bathroom. I sigh but I let him go. I'll just have to find out by myself.


That night I sit near the fire reading a book that Draco gave me for my seventeenth birthday the previous week. He had read it and passed it along to me. It is all about the history of Knockturn and Diagon Alley, I have found it extremely interesting. He had also given me a necklace with two snakes intertwined with each other. I open the book to Part II which is about Knockturn Alley. I flip through the pages learning about the different shops and how they came about. When I get to the chapter about Borgin and Burkes I pay special attention, remembering how on multiple occasions we have found Draco roaming there. To my surprise I find many sentences underlined.

Borgin and Burkes, located in the heart of Knockturn Alley at number 13B is famous for their various assortment of dark items. They sell hands of glory, cursed necklaces, enchanted goblets, various instruments, and they even have a vanishing cabinet!

I know that Draco has the cursed necklace but I try and remember where I have heard about a vanishing cabinet. Thoughts swirl in my head and then I realize, Montague. Fifth year Montague got stuck in a limbo between here and Borgin and Burkes! I bet anything that Draco has been fixing the cabinet! But why would he be fixing the cabinet? I decide that need to know if Draco is a death eater.


Later that day Draco comes into the common room in a significantly better mood then he has been in all week. He smiles at me and apologies for earlier. I hug him and tell him it's alright. Later that night he corners me. I am ready to ask him but he grins and pulls me into a hug. He looks so happy, I don't want to ruin it. He pulls back and his gray eyes meet my hazel ones and his hand cups my cheek. His lips crash into mine and his hands trail down my body stopping at my waist. My mouth parts as his warm tongue slithers in. He walks me backwards until I bump into the cold stone walls of the boys dormitory. His hands flatten on the wall and I bring mine up to twirl into his hair.

"Draco..." I moan softly breaking our kiss.

"Are you ok, love?" he asks gently trailing kisses along my neck.

"Mmm," I murmur unable to fully articulate what I had previously wanted to say. He brings his lips crashing down to mine and I jump and wrap my legs around his waist. My blonde hair splays out against the wall as gentle kisses become more passionate his tongue snaking around my mouth making my senses tingle. I stifle a moan as his lips trail marks down my neck and chest. His hands trail to forbidden spots and I allow him to explore until I snap back to reality.

"Damn it Draco, stop," I moan and he hesitantly brings his hands back up near my head.

"Something wrong, darling?" He growls nipping gently at my ear his hands softly traveling back down my body. I jerk away my feet landing back on the ground, he pulls away looking hurt. I viciously grab his left arm my nails digging into his warm skin. He tries to pull away but I only hold tighter and pull his shirt sleeve up reveling what I had suspected. The dark mark.

"I know what I need to do," I snarl dropping his arm.

"Fuck Nila, don't," he begs but I'm already walking out of the room, "you're crazy, you're going to get yourself killed!" I lock the door behind me not wanting him to stop me. Once I near Hogsmeade I apparate away to Malfoy Manor, to Voldemort.


A little bit of a short chapter! 

I hope you liked it, though. 

Any suggestions?

Next chapter is going to be intense! I'm really excited to write it! There will be some parts from Draco's perspective as well. 

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