14) Mother Dearest

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DISCLAIMER:  I still do not own Harry Potter

~slight mature content near the end~

We enter the knight bus and Draco tells the driver where to go. To my surprise it's to Sirius. I don't ask how Draco knows where Sirius is because the bus starts moving and Draco and I fly backwards. Draco grabs a handle and helps to steady me. We then stumble to a seat and we sit without saying a word.

I feel sick.

The night bus was awful but I don't think that's the reason. Draco and I exit the knight bus, his hand gripping mine tightly.

The world spins around me.

We walk toward the newly appeared Grimmauld place.

"Draco I-" I stumble but he catches me, "I feel dizzy."

"Let's just get you inside," he whispers reassuringly. His voice fades as I stumble up the steps. My scar aches and the pain makes me want to throw-up. Sirius opens the door and immediately ushers us in. Draco and Sirius are talking but I can't hear them. Draco is leading me into the kitchen now, his arm is draped tightly over my shoulders. I imagine Draco is telling Sirius about my parents. I see Sirius gasp and reach towards me.

I think I'm crying.

But I don't feel anything.

Kreacher appears and hands Sirius a glass of water. Sirius pushes it towards my lip.

I think I take a sip.

Draco sits me onto a stool and wipes something off my face.


So I am crying.

My body feels numb.

Except for the scar.

The scar throbs. It burns.

I think I'm screaming.

Draco rushes over to me and cups my face with his hand Sirius points to my scar. Draco touches my scar with cold hands.

That feels better. I thought I said that aloud but it must have been in my head as Draco pulls his hand away. I place my hand on the scar but it feels worse.

It feels like it's on fire.

I take my hand off.

It still aches. I open my mouth but I don't think any sound comes out. Sirius is telling Draco something and he kisses my forehead before walking out. Sirius guides me to a room and lays me down in a bed.

I curl up.

He makes me drink something.

The next thing I know I wake up with Sirius looming over me.

"Thank godric you're awake, your parents will be here any second." He tells me and hands me a glass of water.

I take a sip, "what happened, Sirius? Why are my parents coming?"

He sighs, "We aren't sure exactly. You must've been overwhelmed, I think your scar was hurting."

I nod, "yes, but why was Draco so worried? Why are my parents coming?"

Sirius stares at me for a moment as if debating to tell me, finally he starts to talk, "Draco

believes Marlene is alive."

"What? But I saw her die, in my dream!"


Christmas break of fifth year

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