4) Basic Human Decency

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DISCLAIMER: I still don't own Harry Potter... check back next time and we'll see!


flash forward to sixth year 

He whispers a spell and hot pain sears through my arm.

I don't blink. I don't break eye contact.

He laughs again and the pain intensifies.

This is a game to him, I realize.

Well then, let's play.

His face tenses and he growls. It's bothering him that I'm not crying.

I bite my tongue to stop from screaming.


Much like my first year both my second, third and fourth years passed in an unreal blur. In my second year I got into a familiar pattern of spending time with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and occasionally the Weasley twins, Fred and George and Ginny Weasley. That year was filled with the chaos of the Chamber of Secrets. As it turned out Ginny had gotten possessed by a man named Tom Riddle's diary. In The end Harry saved the day once again. That summer I went home to my stricken mother who was beyond worried for my safety at this school.

"It is completely unsafe! What if she had gotten hurt by the snake?" My mother had fussed once we had gotten home. My father, also a bit concerned, seemed relieved when I told him how much fun I was having and about all the new friends I had made. When I once again begged my parents to allow me to spend the last weekend of the summer at Diagon Alley with the Weasleys both parents allowed me to go without an argument.

Third year went by a bit slower. Daphne and I got a lot closer, she stood up for me on multiple occasions when Pansy had a go at me. She even took me to meet her family over the Easter Holidays. Draco Malfoy was nasty as ever and I took to avoiding him and Pansy more than ever, as they had become the most gruesome couple. Near the end of the year Harry, Ron, Hermione and I uncovered the mystery of the framed notorious mass murderer Sirius Black who also turned out to be Harry's godfather. As it turned out Sirius had the most spectacular stories and we tried to prove his innocence but failed. We also met Remus Lupin who was the best Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher we have had. Within the first few months Hermione and I had uncovered the fact that he was a Werewolf. We decided not to tell the others about this information until we were certain, especially since Professor Lupin was the best teacher we have had. When my mother found out about our year she looked stricken but with a quick word from my father she slowly came to accept the fact that I was safe at Hogwarts. Instead of her usual outburst she responded with, "Sounds like so much fun, sweetie." And left it at that.

Summer going into fourth year I attended the Quidditch World Cup which turned out to be a disaster. The rest of fourth year hurried along as Harry was forced to take part in the Triwizard Tournament. To my surprise I attended the Yule Ball with Michael Corner who had nervously asked me at the end Herbology. I had responded yes with a smile, he was very handsome after all. Daphne and I went shopping the next weekend in Hogsmeade. I picked out a gorgeous, silky, emerald green dress that went wonderfully with my tan skin and wavy blonde hair. Daphne picked out a stunning dark blue dress with lace details. The ball was incredibly fun, at least for me, and much to my surprise Hermione went with Victor Krum. Fourth year ended terrifyingly with the return of Lord Voldemort and the saddening death of Cedric Diggory. 


Well, last summarizing chapter. Now we get into the good stuff! I'm really excited to read the next few chapters! Again, advice is welcomed and encouraged :) 

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