wgm: advice pt.2

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it was a cold morning at 4:26 a

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it was a cold morning at 4:26 a.m in seoul. ryun felt stupid not storming out of the house without at least putting on a pair of pants instead of just pajama shorts and a tank-top. going back in to change seemed like the obvious decision any rational person would make, but her pride was too hurt to even consider that option, so she stood in the dark, freezing cold and waited until a familiar black car pulled up beside her.

"ryun! oh my god!" she heard them exclaim before she saw a familiar shape jump out of the passenger side of the car and wrap her in what she assumed was a jacket. "hurry! get in the car it's freezing!" she was swiftly pushed into the passenger seat and once the door behind her slammed closed they took off.

"what the hell were you doing out there?" hwasa asked from the seat behind her as she adjusted the jacket around her properly.

she shrugged. "i didn't want to go back in. it wasn't that cold." hwasa knew she was lying by the way she shivered even with the heating and a jacket on but didn't commented, instead they rode in silence.

• • •

"i feel terrible." ryun sighed into hwasa's chest as they cuddled on the couch and wheein sat in the chair across from them sipping a cup of caramel coffee.

it was almost 6:00 a.m and she'd just finished explaining what happened between her and woozi and all of their smaller fights that'd lead up it. between the three of them they'd consumed ten cups of coffee in the last hour and a half, and didn't show any signs of slowing as ryun was still feeling shitty.

"unnie what should i have done?" ryun asked, she knew she hadn't been the most mature person in the fight and that it was her fault that the fight escalated as much as it did. honestly she didn't understand what she could have done to have diffused the situation enough so that the same fight wouldn't have happened just at another time.

"well," hwasa began, gently threading her fingers through ryun's hair like she used to just a few years ago, "first of all you shouldn't have started the fight. he told you to leave it alone didn't he?"

rolling her eyes discreetly against hwasa's bust, she mumbled a small 'mhm'.

"then you shouldn't have pushed him, he told you he was too tired to fight, you should have listened." she continued not giving ryun a chance to comment. "that being said, he shouldn't have said the things he did to you. no amount of tiredness or provoking warrants calling you crazy or making you cry just because he wanted to get angry at you for being worried about him."

humming slightly at her words, ryun sunk further into hwasa's comforting embrace and let out a whine, "i was such a bitch to him. wasn't i?"

"you weren't a bitch ryun-ah." hwasa scolded, tapping the back of her head lightly. "don't call yourself that. being worried about somebody isn't a crime. you could and should have handled things better than you did but that doesn't make you a terrible person or a bitch."

"i still feel like one though."

hwasa sighed when she saw ryun's pout and tightened her grip around her her small waist. "stop looking like that." she scolded again, lightly swatting her forehead and chuckling softly when her nose scrunched cutely.

"i hate when you use that word." she sighed exasperatedly, "you're not a bitch ryun-nie, stop putting yourself down like that, it doesn't help the situation or make you feel any better. besides i don't see any kind of canine in this room right now, all i see is three young, sexy, rich, successful, bad bitches - right whee-nie?" she asked, looking in her childhood friend's direction.

"huh?-oh yeah. you're anything but a bitch ryun-ah." smiling reassuringly she added jokingly, "i mean you have you moments but-" she stopped when hwasa shot her a 'are you crazy' look and quickly backtracked "-b-but you're a rich, talented, it-girl with a hot body and the smarts to know that anybody who tells you different is out of their mind." she smiled nervously, "did i mention that i love you, very very much" she shied away from the younger woman's glare and went back to her coffee cup.

giggling lightly at the scene, she relaxed against hwasa's chest and wrapped her arms around her waist. "unnie?" she asked and hwasa hummed, "should i apologize?"

"i think so." she said, going back to gently stroking ryun's hair who snuggled into her touch, it was something she didn't realize just how much she missed the type of attention from her best friend. "both of you were acting like children who couldn't control their emotions and you said things that you knew would hurt the other person. it was both of your faults so both of you should apologize."

however that wasn't the end of her speech, adding in a sickly sweet tone she gently caressed ryun's hair affectionately, "make him grovel when he does apologize though. oh and he better apologize first. no best friend of mine is ever going to apologize to a man who made her cry first. also dear, make sure he knows that if he ever makes you cry again and i have to come pick you up off the street in the middle of night in freezing temperatures...well...i can't guarantee he'll make it back to his members with his life."

the yawn that younger woman was about to let out caught in her throat at the words, as did wheein's mid sip of her coffee. they stared at their friend both unbelieving and a little disturbed by the words that came out her mouth. after a few moments of silence, while hwasa never missed a beat comforting ryun in her arms, said girl could only laugh at her best friend's antics.

"jinnieeee you can't just threaten my virtual husband like that." she whined into the fabric of hwasa's night shirt. hwasa cooed at the action, not minding her words but instead finding the younger's reaction adorable.

"aw ryun-nie that wasn't a threat, i don't make those - it was a promise," she booped the girl's nose, enjoying the way she swatted her hand away in turn. wheein watched the scene with lazy amusement, her exhausted body fighting the affects of a wired caffeine filled brain.

their early morning caffine consumption had a different affect on the girl in hwasa's arms thought as she felt the weight of two weeks worth of sleep deprivation and draining emotional turmoil hit her hard and her eyes began to feel heavy. hwasa noticing the sleepy haze in her eyes, silently gestured toward wheein instantly understood her friend and upon request got up and draped a blanket from their couch on top of the pair before walking off to wash their dirty coffee cups and prepare for bed.

"unnie?" ryun's sleepy voice softly called.


"thank you. i don't know who else i would have called unless you guys came."

hwasa smiled down at her with a certain gentleness she saved for her special people, "you're one of my favorite people ryun-ah, of course we came." she shifted both of their bodies so that they both could be comfortable and pulled the blanket up to ryun's shoulder before pressing a light kiss to her forehead.

"sleep now hun. things'll work out."

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