Miss Kean

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The streets of Gotham:

The sun never shines in Gotham, I've only been living here for a week but it's one thing I can say for certain. Today just like every other day I scower the streets looking for work. I'm kinda desperate at this point, I'll take any job. But no one really wants to hire a 17 year old girl without parents. I have a small apartment but that's all, no money, barely any nice clothes and absolutely no work experience.
I sigh sitting down on the curb, I might never find a job. I hear a scream and jump to my feet. I look for the voice and see two men on the ground, clearly having just been kicked out of somewhere. I walk to the location, a bar. Plastered on the door was a sign that read "help wanted"
Ignoring the men who'd just been thrown out I walk in praying that someone there would give me a job. To my dismay the bar was empty. I look around at the place. It's elegant and classy a cool place to work. "Can I help you?" I jump as someone speaks from behind me. I turn to see a beautiful woman with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she wears a tight black dress that fits her slim figure and expensive jewelry.
"I'm looking for a job," I say politely following the woman to the bar.
She raises an eyebrow, looking me up and down.
"You want a job, here" she sneers.
I nod courtly "yes,"
She squints at me with interest in her eyes. "exactly how old are you?" The woman asks. At first im tempted to lie but I know that won't get me anywhere.
"Seventeen" I say.
"Hmm" she eyes me like a hawk watching it's prey. I don't know what she's thinking but it doesn't seem to be good. And you want a job here, in this bar." She confirms.
I shrug, "I'm kinda desperate, no one will hire me."
The woman smiled "well your in luck because it just so happens that no one will work for me"
She laughs but I don't find it too funny, why would no one work for her?
"I'm El I say extending my hand,
"Barbara Kean" she says shaking it.
"You should know that I'm a big deal around here, you must be new."
I nod "yeah, I've only lived here for a week"
Barbara grins.
"Why don't you come into my office," she says sneakily. I follow her and we sit facing one another. "Now" she says drawing my attention "if I'm to hire you, you'll have to agree to a few of my terms." She speaks with a sly voice, there's something menacing about her.
"Oh, uh alright." I'm not sure what I'm getting my self into. Barbara smiles again a passes me a piece of paper. I read it carefully not wanting to skip over anything. Most of it is normal expect for one part. "What!" I exclaim. "This says that I have to do what you say or you'll kill me!" I look up at her in terror, she has a gun pointed directly at my face. "Just sign the agreement and I won't kill you." She says in a calm voice.
I jump up and attempt to leave but she stops me,  grabbing my arm and pointing the gun at my forehead.
"sign it" she whispers threateningly into my ear. I tremble as I feel the cool barrel of the gun press against my skin.
"Please, just let me go." I plead but it's no use, Barbara had complete control over me. She knows it and so do I. Slowly I bend down and sign the paper. She smiled and puts away her gun. "Good girl, now sit back down."
I obey her quietly not wanting to upset her anymore. She folds her hands as she sits down. " You'll start tonight," she says, "but I  recommend you change first, that outfit isn't exactly flattering." 
I bite my tongue as she insults me. "Yes miss Kean" I say trying my best to remain polite.
Though no matter how hard I try I can't stop shaking. I can't believe how horrifying she is, part of me is tempted to leave and never return but something tells me that she'd be able to find me anywhere.
"Call me Barbara she says, only men call me miss Kean"
"Sorry, Barbara" I correct myself.
Barbara looks pleased, "alright now be back at four sharp, oh and don't even think about running. I'm the queen of Gotham, I can find you. And when I do I promise you will suffer."
I gulp, she laughs clearly amused by my fear. I can tell she's someone who likes to hurt others. But I was only sixteen, would she really harm a child. I wasn't going to wait around and fine out.

Once I'd left and checked to make sure no one had followed me I made my way home only relaxing once in my apartment. I flopped down on my bed and buried my face in my pillow. No words could describe how terrifying the day had been, and it wasn't even over. I had less than two hours to get ready and be back at the sirens club. I wouldn't dare be late and upset Barbara for there was no telling what she might do. It was no wonder no one wanted to work for her. I wondered what happened to those that did, and if they ever lived to tell the tale. There had to be a reason as to why the club was empty, I shuddered to think of what Barbara had done to her past employees. For all I knew they were dead.
After a little while I got up and got dressed, putting on my nicest clothes. A short maroon coloured dress, it probably wasn't fancy enough for Barbara's standards but it was the best I had.

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