The Riddler

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I wake up after a full nights sleep. I'm on Barbara's couch in her office. I'm surprised she hasn't woken me up, we fought a bit yesterday, but I'm hoping she's over it by now. I open my eyes just a bit, she's writing on some papers at her desk. She hasn't noticed I'm awake yet. I just watch her for a little while. She's not so scary when she thinks no ones watching.
"She checks her new stylish watch, and then looks up at me.
I shut my eyes, I hope she don't see them open.
She walks across the room. My eyes are closed but I know she's watching me. I here her stop in front of me. I feel my heart rate quicken for some reason.
"Time to wake up." She says softly. She touches the side of my check. She's very gentle, a first.
Common, she taps my face a little harder. I let my eyes flutter open.
She smile,
"Well good morning sleepy head." She says. If it wasn't for the fact that I was already awake this would be terrifying.
"Umm what are you doing?" I ask her.
She rolls her beautiful blue eyes, "it's eleven Alcock, time to get up.
"What!" I sit up straight. I haven't slept this long I'm ages, she wouldn't let me.
"Why did you let me sleep in?" I ask. She tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, shrugging.
"You looked like you could use some rest." She says in a motherly voice.
It makes me really uncomfortable, why is she being so nice.
"But it's time to get up, we have a big day ahead of us."
"Sooo, your not mad?" I ask her.
She turns around.
"Mad? Why would I be mad?"
I'm really suspicious now,
"You know," I say,
"Because of last night, the things I said. I- I'm sorry I didn't mean them."
Barbara sighs and walks back over to me. She lifts my chin so that I look her in the eyes.
"I was hard on you." She says.
I'm shocked, who is this woman and what has she done with Barbara.
"And," she continues "I've come to realize that with people, children especially, you can't always get your way by harmful means." She gestures to the bruising on my face. It's quite noticeable.
"Now come here, I'm going to cover that up." She says pulling me over to her mirror. I'm really confused.
"What about the guy that attacked us yesterday?"
"Oh that, yes that, I'm Going to Nygmas for more information."
"I thought you were done partnering with him." I say.
She grins "I am, but no one ever said I stoped using him."
She laughs to herself while applying makeup to my face. It kinda hurts but I don't complain. Once she's done she sits back down at her desk. I sit opposite her.
"Will Tabitha be okay with you going over to Ed's place?" I ask.
"I don't really care!" She snaps, "and if you care about your well being, I wouldn't mention it to her."
Now this is more like the Barbara I know.
"Oh relax," she says notice my worried expression, "I'm not going to kill you, not yet anyways."
She laughs like it's a joke. I don't find it very funny.
"You should go get changed," she says getting up.
She leaves me in her office, undoubtedly to go get a drink.
I thrift threw my bags of clothes until I find something nice to where.
A bright pink ribbed top, and a glossy black leather skirt.

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