Start a war

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The streets of Gotham were empty. I shiver in the cold glad that I brought a jacket. It went from spitting rain, to hard pellets of hail in seconds. I searched for the gun in my pocket. Having it gave me some power but most of all fear, is never even tougher one before. I brush past it with my finger tips as I reach for my phone. I dial the number id gotten the day before.
"Hello?" Jim Gordon answers the phone.
"Jim hey, it's El I need your help."
"What happened?" He asks his voice very serious. I sigh "it's Barbara she's been gone four hours and won't answer her phone, I need to know where she is."
He's silent for a moment "where are you in coming,"
"What why?!" I ask.
"Because" he explains "your not going out and looking for her this is way to dangerous."
I shake my head "no it's not okay I have to do something, and I can't just wait in that bar for someone like penguin to come and kill me!"
"Why would Oswald kill you?" He asks.
"Never mind that, where is Barbara."
He hesitates for a moment.
"I tracked her location down to a small warehouse in the narrows but you can't go there alone okay. Just tell me where you are and I'll come."
I sigh "Jim I'm sorry but I can't let you bring me back to the club, I have to do this"
"El no-"
I hang up there phone on him and pull out a map on my phone. According to it the narrows isn't that far. I can be there in half an hour if I run fast. And I know I have to. It's only a matter of time before Jim finds me or something happens to Barbara.

She I get to the location on the map it's dark. The narrows are clearly not a safe place but o have no choice. Soon enough if isn the wheelhouse Jim told me about. I head terrible screams from inside. I have to get in there and help. Like something I'd seen Selina Kyle do I scale up the wall via layer and go in the roof thee a hatch. The screams of Tabitha and a man I don't recognize echo threw the building. I get a closer look at the two people. One of them is Tabitha and the other a large man. They look at each other fearful.
"NIGMA!" I hear a familiar scream sound threw the place. It's Barbara. So she is alive.
I hear someone coming so I hide.
The next thing I know, Barbara and the other man are helping Tabitha out of the building. I notice something red in Barbara's hand.
"Barbara wait!"
I call climbing down from my hiding place.
Her face turns red when she sees me.
"I told you to wait at the bar!" She screams shaking a bag of ice. It has something in to. I scream when I realize what it is.
"Tabitha! Your hand" I notice now that it's completely severed off.
"Come here!" Barbara drags me by the arm out of the bulging and into the car. I sit in the backseat with the man.
"I'll deal with you later!" she hisses
"Butch." Tabitha mumbles the mans name.
"I'm right here tabby." He says.
"What were you thinking!" Barbara scold. I can't tel do she's talking to me or the others in the car. She looks back at me.
I shrug "I dunno I just wanted to help."
Barbara growls and snatches the gun that's still on my hand.
"Is that my coat?!" she ask.
I sink into the seat.
"It was cold" I say in my defence.
"BARBARA LOOK OUT!" Tabitha screams as we nearly hit another car. Barbara swerves and Butch crushes me.
"Oh relax!" She says. I give butch a look.
"Who are you again?" He asks.
Barbara grimaces "she's the bratty seventeen year old who's about to wish she were never born !"
"Butch" we shake hands.
I shiver, maybe Barbara was over exaggerating.
"Are we there yet!" Tabitha asks her blood soaking the car.
"Where?" I ask.
Barbara just glares at me "where do you think?!"
"The hospital" I guess.
"YES!" The whole car screams in unison. I shake my head what craziness have I gotten myself into. We swerve some more before arriving at the hospital. Barbara grabs Tabitha hand and me and butch he'll her inside. "OUT OF THE WAY!" Barbara screams as we rush threw the halls. Everyone clears for her except for one doctor.
"Excuse me ma'am you can't just"
She stops when Barbara shuts Tabithas banged hand at her.
She and the other nurses go into a panick and rush Tabitha away. I'm left wi butch and Barbara. Once Tabitha is gone Barbara turns her attention to me.
"You idiot!" She screeches slapping me in public. No one even asks if I'm okay.
"Barbara I'm sorry I just you were gone for so long and!"
"And what!" She yells "how did she even find us?" She asks.
I gulp "Jim" Barbara goes livid.
"That son of a bitch!" She screams.
"I don't understand why did Nigma do that to Tabs?"
Barbara Tuan to butch "that's what I'd like to know."
Now he looks nervous "he, he wanted revenge, he thought that Tabitha killed his girlfriend."
"Girlfriend?" Barbara asks as though she can't believe it.
Butch nods "Isabella I think her name was, anyways Ed thought that Tabitha killed her,"
"But she didn't" Barbara says.
"Exactly, thats why he left" butch says.
It all coming together now. "It just doesn't make Spence" says Barbara "I'm who kills a librarian what's the motive,"
Bitch just shrugs "I dunno maybe someone has a over due book and things got out of hands."
Barbara glared at hind, this clearly isn't the time for jokes.
"You cut someone break lines you'd know where there going and when, you'd , you'd know them," Barbara mummers to herself and then laughs, "I know who did it."
Me and butch look at her "who?" We ask in unison. She laughs again "the same person who's in love with nigmahas and doesn't wanna share him," she grinds mischievously.
"Wait a second one woman in love with that psychotic bean pole defies explanation but two."
barbara interrupts him.
"who said anything about a woman." she says "I am tired of sitting at the kids table, if I'm right we can have way more than vengeance we can have it all. We don't need to go to war, all we have to do is start one." I back away from Barbara there's a crazy look in her eye, more terrifying that anything she's ever said or done. I know she means business and so does butch.
"Barbara maybe we should-" she points a finger at me "I said I'll deal with you later!" I cringe I'd thought she'd forgotten about that. Trying my best not to think about Barbara's extreme plan me, butch and her sit down. After about half and hour of silence the nurse calls us.
"Miss Kean"
The same nurse who she'd thrown the hand to addressed her.
"Miss Galavan made hand as been successfully re attached, some rest and rehabilitation. And she'll  b expected to make a full recovery."
Barbara rolls eyes "well of course she will" she says but I can tell shes relieved. Its clear that she cares a lot for tabitha, after all she did make all that effort to save her life. You dont do that unless you really care about someone. Tabitha comes out and butch hugs her. She then goes to Barbara the look they give one another saying a million words. I can't really describe the electricity that's between them.
"Nigma will pay for this." Tabitha says.
Barbara just nods and we leave.
When we get back to the bar Barbara and Tabitha begin their nightly ritual of drowning their fears in a bottle. Well multiple bottles. Barbara doesn't speak to me at all, I know she's furious.
I say coming up for behind her.
She doesn't respond "Barbara I'm sorry"
She spins around on her stool.
"You could have gotten yourself killed!" He says in a harsh tone. I look avoid her eyes but I know she's right. Despite my best intentions I disobeyed her. "I just wanted to help" I say meekly.
"Well than maybe you should have considered doing what I told you. The bar could have been robbed!" She yells at me.
"I know I"
"Do you know how stupid you were today!"
I sigh "I do"
She shakes her head in disgust "!" She says.
I nod and go to wipe down one of the bar tables.
She ignores me again.
"Don't you think your being a bit harsh." I hear Tabitha whisper.
"She just tried to prove she could help"
I hear every word she says. Barbara just growls "who's side are you on!" She yells.
"Lower your voice!" Tabitha hisses "and I'm on your side, always I just think you a bit harsh sometimes."
Barbara rolls her eyes and doesn't respond. I sit down at the bar I've been cleaning. Butch comes over.
"Barbara mad?" He asks.
I nod "yep, it's my fault though, I shoulda just listened to her."
Butch grunts "I wouldn't go that far, she doesn't always know what's best."
I smile slightly "I take it your not a fan." I say.
He sits next to me.
"Is it because of Tabitha, I see how you look at her, and how Barbara looks at her."
He loos at me "Barbara doesn't even appreciate her!" He rants. "Tabitha deserves more!"
"Don't we all" I say.
Butch nods in agreement "she's pretty tough on you huh."
"Yeah," I say.
"But I think keep down she cares, maybe not about me but definitely about Tabby."
Butch frowns "I care about her more than Barbara ever has."
I raise an eyebrow "you sure about that, I mean I know she's not the most empathetic person but Barbara doesn't just go out and risk her life for anyone."
"What you saying you think there a better couple?" He asks.
I shrug "I never said that I just think there good for another."
He grumbles to himself.
"Be careful around her, you never know when she might shoot you in the back" he gets up and leaves me to think.
I lol over to Tabitha and Barbara who talks lounge themselves. A question tugs at my mind: how much longer will Barbara keep me around now that she has Tabitha?

What should happen next chapter?

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