Barbara's plan

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I shiver, it's almost winter and the bar needs better central heating. "Drink this" Barbara says giving a drink into my hand "it'll warm you up." I take a small sip and gag.
"I'd prefer hot chocolate thanks" I say. She rolls her eyes shivering as she does so.
"I've called the electrician" says Tabitha coming out from Barbara's office "she said she won't be here till tomorrow."
Barbara smashes her glass on the table.
"But where supposed to be open tonight!" She says.
"We could always just close for one night." I suggest.
"And let the bar fail!" Snaps Barbara "no thanks!"
I sigh "it was just a suggestion." I say defensively.
Barbara softens a bit.
"Oh well, I need to meet Ed later anyways."
Tabitha growls "I still can't believe your working with him." She says.
"We're working with him" Barbara corrects and you'll be coming too."
Tabitha shakes her head .
"What! No way make her go" she says pointing to me.
"Uh not thanks!" I reply. Barbara doesn't seem to care very much.
"Your coming" she says "both of you"
I sigh pushing my drink away. I've never been a fan of alcohol anyways.
"Do we have to come?" I ask.
"Yes!" Barbara responds.
She leaves to get dressed into something undoubtedly fashionable.
I'm already changed.
I wear a simple black dress, nothing fancy, black leather boots and a white fur coat.

I wear a simple black dress, nothing fancy, black leather boots and a white fur coat

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When Barbara comes back out she's dressed fabulously as per usual.
Tabitha checks her out trying to be less obvious than she is. I hide a smile, Barbara does the exact same thing she's just or as discreet about it.
When we get in the car I don't talk much. There nothing to really say. Barbara turns on the radio and sighs.
"Ugh not this song again!" She says switching the Chanel.
"Hey I like that!" says Tabitha. I roll my eyes,
"Ya well I don't!" Barbara says in a nosy voice.
I can help but chuckle. "Something funny?" Barbara questions glaring at me in the rear view mirror.
"No" I say cover my mouth with my hand. I don't want her to see my smile.
"Let's just go and get this over with!" Tabitha says. She's not to happy about working with Ed.
"Alright, alright!" Says Barbara hitting the gas. We speed away much faster than the speed limit but Barbara doesn't seemed to fazed.
After around ten minutes of reckless driving we stop under a bridge. I see Nigma waiting for us. Me, Barbara and Tabitha all climb out.
"Well if it isn't Ed Nigma" says Barbara casually kissing his cheek. Tabitha frowns at this.
"Ladies" says Ed. He looks directly at Tabitha.
"It's nice to see you again Tabitha"
She growls and Barbara has to hold her back from him.
"Now now tabby lets be civil" she tsks.
"Great job with penguin" says Barbara "you've done quite a number on him."
Ed smiles "I told you I could do it, all it takes is a little persuasion to make the mayor lol insane on live television"
Barbara laughs. I feel really awkward just standing there, and bad I guess penguin did try to kill me but still Ed betraying him was harsh.
"Once we've destroyed penguins empire we'll kill him," says Ed "and then you will be the ruler of Gotham!" He says.
Barbara smiles at this.
"That reminds me" she says "I think I know just how to do it."
"Do what?" I ask.
She smiles at me "destroy penguins empire of course."
"Do tell" says Tabby.
She quickly explains her plan to us, I must admit it's quite smart dangerous perhaps but very smart. According to Barbara once the plan is in motion nothing can stop her from ruling Gotham. I'm not sure if this is an accurate goal but well it is Barbara.
"Well we should really get going" Barbara says abruptly.
"Tabitha I want you to go back to track down tommy bones, he's essential to the plan. And Ed you just wait for my call. The next time we meet Gotham will be mine."
"What about me?" I ask. She shrugs "your coming with me." She says dragging me towards the car.
"Bye Eddy" she says waving as we race off leaving both him and Tabitha.
I feel kinda awkward sitting alone with Barbara, without Tabitha to break the ice it's more stressful. "so where are we going?" I ask her finally speaking.
She snickers "we're going to visit penguin." She says eagerly.
I nod.
"Shouldn't we have maybe driven Tabitha." I say.
Barbara states at me emotionless, "she can find her own way back, and besides I don't have time to worry about her."
"But she's your partner." I say. Barbara doesn't respond so I continue.
"Barbara I know you'll probably hate me for saying this but you care about Tabitha, and I don't just mean as a friend."
Barbara glares at me "shut up!"
I sigh sinking back into my seat. There's no point in trying to get threw to Barbara. She doesn't listen to anyone's opinion but her own. That really bugs me.
"You may not talk about it but I know you Barbara, believe it or not I know what it's like to miss people, and you miss tabby."
"Dint I tell you to shut it!" She says. I turn away from her.
Neither one of us talk.
"You said your parents were dead right." She catches me off guard with the question.
"Uh yeah, yeah they are."
She silent for a moment.
"you never told me how it happened."
I frown I don't want to talk about it with her.
"Well" she presses.
"Car crash." I say blankly.
"Hmm" that's all she says, then again why would she care after all she murdered her parents.
We don't talk a again until we arrive at penguins manor.
Barbara barges in as per usual. "Past!" She calls.
There no response, we walk into the living room to find him oases out on a couch in front of the fire. There's a new station of today's newspaper beside him. Barbara picks it up and sits down on the coffee table.
"Mayor crumblepott" she begins to read aloud until Oswald finally wakes up.
"Barbara?" He asks in confusion. "What the hell are you doing" he asks waking up.
"Reading" she says "mayor crumblepott clever huh"
"Is Ed here" he asks sitting up. Barbara continues to read to him. "Did he call?" He asks, Barbara speaks over him.
"I need to find Ed." He says once she's done reading. "You need to fix this situation!" Says Barbara in a stern voice.
Penguin sighs "who care what people think of the may the city runs itself." He says.
Barbara looks at me in exasperation.
"I'm talking about your other job, the real one. You melt down in public and hide out here, people start to smell blood in the water" she says.
Oswald looks up. "Who?" He asks.
"Tommy bones, the duke, the east side fans are holding but south of the narrows the docks there chatter. The king is dead, or soon will be, that kinda chatter!"
Oswald puts his head in his hands. I don't think I've ever seen someone so overwhelmed. In fact he doesn't even notice I'm here. "I need Ed, he's the only one who-"
"Listen to me!" Barbara snaps hitting him in the head with the newspaper.
"Ah" he yells.
"Ed's not here I am." Barbara says. "So get up, take a shower, do that disco vampire thing with you hair. I will call a meeting with the heads of the families, you will come! You will be your old self and the rumours will stop!"
Penguin shakes his head "why are you helping me?" He asks. Barbara rolls her eyes like it so obvious.
"Because people think you like me Ossy, and as long as their scared of you I get to keep breathing" she slams down the paper.
"One a-clock my place, don't be late!" She warns him.
She gets up swiftly and beckons me to follow her.
I give Oswald one last tome before we leave. Barbara has a large smile on her face. Her plan is in motion...

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