Can't let you go

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Barbara, me, Tabitha and Butch stand before penguin. He's tied up to a chair and struggling.
I'm just shocked that they actually pulled it off. I mean Barbara actually managed to trick penguin and the. Butch and Tabitha were actually able to capture him!
"So, here we are." Says Barbara placing a hand on her hip. She wear a sparkling black and blue dress that fits her figure perfectly.
"I suppose I underestimated you Barbara" penguin says. He looks utterly depressed.
Barbara smiles touching her hair, "it's the curse of great beauty." She states.
"How'd it go?" Asks Oswald.
"You put together together what happened to Ed's librarian, turned him against me.
Barbara glares down at him.
"Honestly it wasn't to hard" she says. I roll my eyes.
Penguin continues, "and them together you hatched a plan to destroy everything I made, and now your gonna kill me."
"Pretty much." She says leaning down closer to him.
"And oh brother did you take the bate," she whispers into his ear.
She laughs maniacally.
It's quite unsettling.
"Well I hope your happy at the head end of the table." Says penguin.
Barbara sighs getting up.
"You know the table is more or less littered with other dead old dudes but hey, it's a a place to grow!" She says placing her hands on his shoulders.
She snickers more.
"And now that you got what you want, you don't need Ed anymore." Says penguin finally piercing it all together.
They both laugh for different reasons.
"My, my, it didn't take  you long to turn on each other." He says.
She chuckles, "you know, I think of it as a limited partnership that needs dissolving." She leans down very close to him.
"So now, I help you find Ed and things go better for me, I don't and you kill me? That about it"  He asks.
Barbara shrugs, "yeah."
Oswald sighs heavily.
Barbara claps her hands together,
"Now," she pushes a telephone toward Oswald using her foot. "Your going to call Ed, tell him your alive, tell him... oh, I don't care! But find out where he is." She demands.
"Why don't you call him?" Asks Oswald looking up at her with his most serious face.
"Because he's not stupid," she says, "he knows that now your no longer the head of the underworld, or anything else, we don't need him anymore. It's out one to rule!"
Penguin just scoffs at her.
"You understand if I feel compelled to refuse?"
"Give me five minutes, he won't refuse." Says butch.
"I'd do it in three." Tabitha says.
"Why you gotta do that?" Asks butch.
"Cut me down like that in front of people." He says.
"I'm just saying..."
"Will the two of you shut up!" Barbara snaps.
They both go silent. I feel very uncomfortable just standing there.
Oswald buries his face in his hand.
"Give up Nygma, save your own ass." Says Barbara like it's simple choice.
"Like it's that easy." I chirp in.
Barbara glares at me, a warning to not Interrupt her again.
"Live to love another day,hey!" She exclaims. Penguin is very silent for about a minute.
"Wow!" He says breathlessly.
"What going on?" Barbara asks "you have a weird look on your face, like weirder than normal."
He looks up at her,
"Your right, I should want him dead." He says.
Barbara's face goes very dark.

"Should! Oswald, you loved him and he betrayed you!" Shes says leaning down so their eye to eye.
"Actually I don't know that I did, love him, not really."
"What!" Barbara demands.
"He was right," Oswald continues, "I thought I loved him, because, he saw me as no one had since my mother... but I killed Isabel."
"I'm pretty sure her name is Isabella, but go on." Says Barbara.
"Because I wouldn't share him." He says close to tears.
"Ed said love is sacrifice. I should have been able to sacrifice my happiness for his. I couldn't."
Barbara just stares at him crossly.
"But I'm ready now." He says breathing frantically.
"I won't call Ed!" He says, "I won't let you hurt him!!"
"So you'd rather die than give up the man who tried to kill you?" Barbara yells.
Penguin laughs with insanity, "I would! Isn't that crazy?"
"Yes" Nygma enters the room, "it is."
Barbara gets up.
"Guess your not as smart as you though you were." She says mockingly, "he didn't give you up after all." She says pointing to Penguin.
Oswald gasps, "your in this together aren't you. But why?"
Barbara just rolls her eye at him like he's a child.
"Because," Nygma says, "I didn't want to just take what you had. I wanted to take what you believed in. I wanted you to die... knowing that you were incapable of loving another person."
I see a year trickle down penguins face.
"But I can." He says desperately "I just proved that right?"
He lets out an anxious wheezy laugh.
"Does that mean I passed?"
Barbara looks to Nygma.
"Ed?" Penguin asks.
"I... don't know what it means." He sighs. Penguin let's his tears run free.
"Well I suppose he's yours now Ed." Says Barbara. "Now that I'm officially the Queen of Gotham, we have some work to do.
Ed nods courtly. He forces penguin up and out of the bar. I don't know where he's taking him but I have a feeling I may never see Oswald Cobblepot again.
"Well that was fun." Says Barbara pouring herself a drink. I sit down next to her uneasily. I can't help but feel bad, for both Ed and Oswald. Whether they know it or not there both being hustled by Barbara. And they're also both hurting, broken in a way. I think I understand that more than anyone.
"Is Nygma going to kill him?" I ask.
Barbara shrugs but I can't see a faint smile tugging at her lips.
"I don't really care, soon they'll both be dead."
She laughs to herself.
"I get to kill him though right?" Tabitha asks sitting on Barbara's opposite side.
"Of course baby." She says with a sweet smile. Butch grumbles.
Barbara winks at me, I can tell she likes getting on Butch's nerve, and she clearly wants Tabitha all to herself.
"I still can't believe you let that baster walk out of here!" Butch says.
Barbara rolls her eyes, "get over it!" She says. She really doesn't care but then again neither do I.
I'm just worried for the people of Gotham. What will Barbara do now that she's Queen. I have a feeling she'll always crave more power.
"So do we have a plan?" Asks Tabitha.
"What'd you mean?"
"You know," she says. "Barbara your the leader of Gotham now, above are you gonna use that power?"
Barbara smirks, "oh I have plans." She says her smile growing.
"What plans?" I ask her. She glares at me.
"That's none of your business, now run off and clean something,would you."
I scoff at her dismissiveness. After everything she still treats me like shit. I go out and sit in the alley way, it's the place where Barbara first saved my life that night. When that guy had tried to kill me for those crates. She'd done so much since then, mostly bad but there had been moment of goodness, however small.
Like when she'd bought me all those nice clothes. She'd only done that though because she'd banned me from leaving her side. I wonder if my land lord has taken my apartment yet? Probably, but I suppose this place had grown on me. Ideally I'd want more sleep. Especially considering I'd been crashing on Barbara's couches for weeks. But she lived at the bar too didn't she. I'd never really seen her leave, not for a long period of time anyways. I remember Selina telling me something about Barbara having an apartment. Apparently they'd lived together.
I laugh to myself, I doubt they got along too well. But Barbara seemed to tolerate Selina, more than me at least, that's for sure.
I haven't seen her in weeks.
I haven't really seen anyone. But then again Barbara's been so busy with her schemes I haven't really had time. It's weird how I work in a club and yet have barely met any new people. I take out my phone and look at my contacts. I don't have many. Just Barbara, Tabitha, butch, him and a few others. I stop when I see my parents contacts. After they'd died I'd never had the heart to delete them.
I don't know why but I dial my moms.
Of course there was no answer just voicemail.
"Hey it's Clara leave a message." I start crying, just the sound of my mother's voice is enough to bring me to tears and before I know it I'm sobbing over the voice of my long dead mother. She's dead, she's never coming back and whether I like it or not Barbara is all I have. She's the only one who's taken care of me in Gotham and for better or worse I owe her everything.
I am hers. She practically controls me. Everything I do, all the choices I've made have been because I've worked for her. But what happens when something goes wrong, when Gotham falls apart. What happens if someone tries to trick Babs just as she tricked penguin. What will happen to me? To Tabitha and butch?
I gasp, what if the people who trick her are Tabitha and butch. What if when Barbara sent me to spy on them she wasn't just paranoid. What if they are planning sketching just like she was. Despite what I think of Barbara the thought scares me to death.
I can't let anything happen to her! I won't! Swiping away my tears I get up and go back into the club.
Butch and Tabitha are talking in a corner.
I go up to Barbara "can we talk?" I ask her.
She looks at me her icy blue eyes stuffing my intent.
"I'm rather busy" she says nonchalantly.
"Barbara please, it's important."
"Fineee" she says rolling her eyes. She drags me into her office and shuts the Fort.
"What is it!" She says hands on hips.
"I- I think Tabitha and Butch want to kill you!" I blurt out.
Barbara just gives me a stoic expression.
"Well obviously, they've been whispering like teenagers for weeks now!"
"Doesn't that concern you?" I ask.
Barbara gives me an impressively exasperated look. "As if they could, if either of them try anything I'll slaughter them."
She speaks like it's so simple.
"But don't you love Tabitha?" She glared at me, I shouldn't have said that.
"How about you spend more time worrying about how you can survive rather than thinking about me!" She snaps.
"Get out!" She says pointing to the door.
"I was just trying to-"
"Out!" She says.
I do so, there's no point in arguing.
I only hope Barbara realizes what she's started. She may be queen of Gotham now but something tells me this won't be the end of her struggles...

Alright so this is part 13, I'm going to keep writing but if you have any suggestions or things you'd like me to write about I'd be happy to do so.

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