Heavy choice

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I sit at that bar for hours just thinking about what Barbara had said. I have no real will to move or to sleep, it's like I'm stuck in a state of dull pain and emptiness. Eventually I pass out at the bar, not the most comfortable but it doesn't really matter anymore.
I wake up to the sound of glass smashing. Barbara has throw a bottle a cross the room witch breaks into pierces testifying close to my face.
"Get up!" She barks. I jump up and of the bar stole, she's in a horrible mood.
"Barbara what the hell you threw that at my head!" I scream.
She glared at me "it was a wake up call, for you to get off your awe and do some work!" She screams back.
I don't know why she's so hostile this morning. "Sheesh okay,"
Barbara points to her office "my office now!" She yells at me. I scurry in and sit down on the chair. Barbara comes in breathing fire. "What's wrong?" I ask just as much confused as I am scared.
"What's wrong!" Barbara says "what's wrong! What's wrong is that Ed nigma has kidnapped Tabitha!"
"Ed who?" I ask, it's hard to keep track aorta Barbara's many nemesis. "Oh keep up?" She snaps, "Ed and penguin used to be partners but now their enemies,all you need to know is that he has Tabitha and that we need to find her and slaughter him!"
"Slaughter him?" I say anxiously.
"Kill him I'm going to kill him!"
"I know what slaughter means, but I mean how do you even know he's the one who took her. Maybe she just needed a break."
Barbara gives me a death stare "a break from what, are you suggesting something?"
She says in a very threatening voice.
"N-no I just uh I, look al I'm saying so that we don't know it's Ed."
Barbara stared at me "oh it was Ed." She says "now I'm going out to find them, you stay here and take care of the club, if anyone comes in shoot them."
She hands me a gun.
"What no! I'm not killing anyone!"
Barbara just rolls her eyes,"look no one is going to come in but do, protect yourself."
I'm unsure but I nod. I've learned by joe that questioning barbara is never a good idea. "I hen will you be back?" I ask.
"When I find Tabitha!" She says and leaves me in her office. I hear the door bar shut, I feel the eight of the gun in my hand. I never want to use it. I leave it on her desk and go to clean the rest off the club. There's no pint in worrying about it right? It is Gotham though, I'm not sure anywhere is safe. I just hope Barbara find Tabitha sooner rather than later so that she can come back. Barbara may be crazy but at least I'm protected when she's around. As of right now I'm just a teenage girl in a bar. Not exactly the best situation to be in. But still I need to make light of it. I search threw the box of clothes Barbara had bought me, I didn't a nice one piece outfit that shine in the light.

 I search threw the box of clothes Barbara had bought me, I didn't a nice one piece outfit that shine in the light

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I look threw the boxes hoping to find flats to wear on my feet but unfortunately Barbara only settles for heels. Luckily they were chunky so it wasn't as hard to walk. After getting change I go back to cleaning. There's not a lot to do as I've made sure the club has been spotless over the past week. It's hard to think that I've been working for Barbara for that little amount of time. It's felt like decades have passed. I wonder if I'll be ver be aloud home again, or if my life will consist of passing out on bar stoles and being awaken by a screaming Babs. This now got certainly hadn't been pleasant, it made me wonder where Barbara slept, I assume she must have a bed somewhere, but I figure it's best not to peruse. I don't know what I'd find or even if I want to. Considering how many people have gone missing at this bar I assume there are any secrets. I guess some are just left untouched. I look threw the collection. To choline drinks at the bar, I don't even know what half the liquids are. It's odd how I work at a bar despite being so young. I remember when I was a child how my parents would always tell me to stay away from drinking. If only they could see me now. After a few more hours of mindless cleaning and looking around the club dork slams open. "Barbara!" I see him for in.
"Jim? What are you doing here?" I'm glad it's only him.
"I'm looking fro Barbara is she around?" He asks. I shake my head "no, she left a couple of hours ago, she said something about finding tabitha."
"What do you mean finding her?" He asked
I shrug " I'd not really know she just said that she was taken by a man named Ed big a and that she was going to kill him and bring her back."
It was odd how krona this conversation was to me. "Nigma" Jim muttered under his breath.
"I gotta go buy if Barbara comes back tell her I was here,"
He leave so a rush just as quickly as he came, I wonder what it was about. Probably just police stuff, unless this Ed guy was more dangerous than. Would he hurt tabitha or Barbara? I got out my cel phone and dialled Barbara's number, it would prolly be best to check in.
There was no reply and I started to get worried. What if something was wrong? What if Ed had already done something to Tabitha?
I needed to find out what was going on. I went back to Barbara's office and rifled threw her doors till I found a phone book. Well it was more like a lad of paper with some names on it.
I stoped when if our. The number for Penguin. He might be dangerous but he would be the only one who would know about this.
"Hello" he answers the phone right away. "Hi uh is this Oswald Cobblepot?" I ask.
"Yes who's asking" he asks suspiciously.
"It's el, we met yesterday at the sirens, you in you tried to kill me."
The phone is dead silent.
"You!" He says "don't think Barbara Kean can protect you forever!" He says.
I roll my eyes. "Ya ya listen this isn't about last night it's about your old friend. Ed nigma."
No response. "Ed? What do you want with him?"
I pause for a moment "well Barbara sorta went out to find him and she hasn't come back, I was just wondering if"
He stops me "if I could tell you where to find him."
"Um Ya!" I say.
"Ummm no!" He says. I slump "seriously not even a hint, please I'm desperate."
"Well that's to bad for you." He says in a mimicking voice. I grunt, this man is like a child.
"But maybe if-"
He hangs up the phone which I slam on Barbara desk. Now what!
I glance at the gun which is still on the desk. It's always there, but I cloud never use it. Or could I,
The idea was tempting but not in the way you'd only. I don't want to kill anyone, I wanted the control, the protection. For once in my life I actually had the chance to take things into my own hands. But could I really risk verging for the woman who was practically holding me hostage. The same woman who threatens my life daily and had hurt me in so many ways. Why did I feel a sense of loyalty to Barbara. Maybe because she'd saved me before or maybe something deeper. It was all so confusing but I couldn't wait around and do nothing. I knew I had to take action.
There was of course the possibility that I was I'ver reacting. Maybe Barbara was fine and she already had tabitha. Maybe this Nigma guy was dead. Regardless o had no way of knowing for sure. I tried calling Barbara one more time and when she don't answer again I made my decision. I was going to go out, I was going to find Barbara. Even if she was furious for me disputing her , even if she punished me for leaving the bar unattended, I could wait for my life to change. Not anymore.
Finally I grabbed the gun it was cold to the touch and I couldn't stop thinking about how Barbra has killed people with it. Could I really do the same. I went into Barbara's closet and stole one of her warmer fur coats as it was almost winter. I then shoved the gun in my pocket and left the club. If I was going to do this, I had to be ready, ready to die and even worse ready to finally live.

So I know this chapter is kinda short but the next one is gonna be really hectic so... I hope you like it 🔫

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