Running from madness

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It's around three in the mourning when the club finally closes, I don't think I've ever stayed up this late in my life. But we'll there's a first time for everything, right?
"Don't worry about the body tonight" Barbara calls to me referring the dead man she'd shot out back "we can dump him in the morning."
She jestures for me to come over and sit next to her at the bar. She pours herself another drink. She doesn't seemed tired in the slightest. "Here drink this" she says passing me a clear liquor in a glass. "Oh I can't, I'm only seventeen," I say pushing it away. She shoves the drink in my hand. "It's Gotham." She says matter of factly, apparently Gotham doesn't care much about legal drinking age.
"now drink."
I do as I'm told sipping the liquid, it tastes awful, "your not thing to poison me are you?" I asked generally concerned. Barbara rolls her eyes, "if that was poisonous you'd be dead by now."
I shrug, and sip again forgetting how terrible the stuff is. "Yuck" I spit the drink back into the cup discreetly. Barbara doesn't notice or maybe she just doesn't care, I can tell.
"so how was I, do I get to keep my job?"
She scoffs "you always had the job you idiot, I'm short on staff plus your naive, pretty, young." She smiles dangerously "your going to have plenty of time to work for me." I gulp edging further away from Barbara. "Do as I say and you can stay alive."
I look down to the floor. "Lol at me when I'm speaking to you!" Barbara reprimands grabbing me by my chin and forcing me to look into her eyes. "Agh stop" I say as her sharp nails dig into my check. She lets go of me end focuses back on the drink in her hand. "If there's one thing I don't tolerate it's disobedience"
One thing? More like a million things.
"You understand?" Barbara asks me studying my face carefully. I nod "yes," she smiles happy to have control over me. "Your just lucky I didn't let that man kill you."
I frown, she changes her mind a lot, one minute she's the only one aloud to kill me, the next she wants some thug to shoot me. I really don't understand her! But from what Selina said it's clear she's crazy.

"Is it true?" I ask out of know where "did you rally kill your parents?"
An evil smile comes to her face and I can see a twinkle of insanity in her eyes. "I stabbed them to death." She says wildly.
I shake my head "why?"
I don't know why I ask it's probably a bad idea. Barbara smiles like she's recalling a found memory. "They simply never understood me." She says he voice almost a whisper. "Though I'm sure you'd understand that, I don't see your parents around here."
I shoot her a look, "my parents understood me fine!" I say forgetting who I'm with. Barbara simply smirks. "And what happened to them."
"What's it to you?" I ask trying to control my temper. Barbara smile fades and she give me a piercing look. I know better than to talk back again.
"They died," I say looking away. Barbara laughs "then count yourself lucky." I turn to her with disgust in my eyes, how could she be so terrible.
"Your horrible" I say but I immediately regret it. Barbara snaps slamming her drink so hard on the counter is smashes. I jump up in fear of what she might do next. "You watch it!" She yells pointing a warning finger at me. "Make me!" I say trying to show her I'm not scared.
Barbara looks at me livid with rage before striking me hard across the face. "Agh" I fall to the ground from the impact of the slap. Tears well in my eyes. "You listen to me you little brat!" Barbara spits pulling me up by the collar of my dress. "One more word from you and I swear to god I'll gut you like the twerp you are!" She screams, I feel hot angry tears corse down my checks.
My check burns where she hit me. I can already feel it bruising. "Your a monster" I say but she only sneers at me. "Get out of my sight!" She says." I linger only for a moment but it's enough to make her even more mad. "I SAID GET OUT!" She screams throwing a glass at me. I dodge it and wasting no time I run from the bar. The air outside is freezing as I can feel my check burn. I'm just glad that Barbara hadn't ended me right there and then. But I knew there was still time for that. I needed to get out of Gotham before she could find me. I was done with Barbara Kean, not only had she threatened my life but also hurt me I ways I didn't even know possible.
I ran and ran until I was at my apartment. I immediately got out it a suit case and threw whatever items I could find inside. Clothes, food, shoes anything I just needed to leave. My phone rings but I don't dare pick it up, for all I knew it could be Barbara trying to hunt me down. I threw on a coat and fled my apartment.  I don't know where I'd go bust I knew I could stay there. Just as I reached the door it flew opened. Barbara walked in gun pointed straight at my chest. I could believe what I was seeing! How did she find me so quickly!?
"Barbara please-"
"Shut up!" I dropped the suit case to make a run for it but Barbara had me pinned to the wall in seconds.
"Did you really think you could run?" She asks whispering into my ear. My whole body trembles as she holds the gun to my temple. She uses her elbow to lock me in place. "One pull of this trigger and you'll be dead!" She says.
I've never seen anyone look this crazy. "Barbara please don't do this! I cry.
"Please I'll do anything!" I scream. Barbara grows more smug as she watches me squirm against her. I'm nowhere near as strong as she is.
"Give me one good reason that I should blow your brains out!" She says her eyes pouring deep into mine. I don't know what to say. "Barbara don't do this please I'm begging you, if you let me live will never run again I promise just please." I can't stop sobbing. Barbara pressed the gun harder into my head making me squeal, she laughs. "Your pathetic" she says "killing you wouldn't make a difference , no one would even notice or care."
I cry harder not because I'm scared but because I know she's right.
"Your right," I say "I have no one, all I wanted was a fresh start and instead I got a job with you. But if you kill me, it's not going to make a difference, you'll still be the same and I'll still mean nothing."

"Not a very compelling case" she sneers. "But I do still need the help so." She loosens her grip on me a bit and I can finally breathe. "You know what, I'm not going to shot you, not yet at least." She cackles to herself "no, I'm going to have some fun with you first." I feel the pit of my stomach drop. "Your coming back to the club" she says "I tried to be nice and let you have some freedom but apparently you need a firm hand."
She grabs me and pulls me out of my apartment. It's still the middle of the night so even if I wanted to no one would here me scream. Barbara shoves me in her car gun still pointed at my head. "Sirens club!" She riders the diver. I temple under Barbara's gaze, she won't take her eyes off of me. "Aw what's wrong, are you scared?" She asks sarcastically. I do my best not to break in front of her but I know my pride has already been shattered beyond repair. There is no escaping from the queen of Gotham.
At the club she cuts me to the side of the bar. I don't know how she has handcuffs considering she's the furthest thing from a cop there is. "What are you doing ?let me go!" I yell trying to break free from the restraints.
Barbara puts her Gun down and replaces it with what looks like a taser.
"NO PLEASE NO!" I scream as she walks up to me. She then gave the taser in my side. I feel a blinding pain as my muscles spasm. I Collapse on the floor still handcuffed. Barbara just laughs at my discomfort. "How was that?" She laughed tasering  me again this time on the arm. I scream and she goes from my neck. I feel completely daze. The pain starts from the point where if been tasers and spreads threw my by like weeds. My body twitches uncontrollably. I let out an involuntary Yelp as she kicks me in the stomach. I circle up in a hall on the floor. Barbara's laugh echos threw the bar. She gives me one last taser and then...

Everything goes dark.

Lol this is chapter two, I know it's really cringe but oh well I had fun writing it. I think I'm just gonna continue with this story even though no one will ever read it. But hey that's really what writings about isn't it. Taking you ideas and writing them for your happiness, I guess it's just a bonus if it makes other people happy too. Anyways part three coming some time this week 🙃

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