Lets talk

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When we get back to the sirens club Barbara immediately pours her self a drink. Tabitha isn't here and neither is butch.
"Barbara are you sure about all this?" I ask her generally concerned.
"Sure about what?" She asks.
"You know, overthrowing penguin, tricking him, he's dangerous and powerful"
She laughs aloud "oh please once I'm done with him, he'll be as harmless as a fly."
"More like dead" I mutter under my breath. She just rolls her eyes at me.
My phone rings suddenly.
"Hello" I say picking it up.
"Hey it's Tabitha are you with Barbara?"
"Uh yeah do you wanna talk to her"
Tabitha tells me he's.
"It's Tabitha she wants to speak to you" I say holding by the phone to my chest.
"Why doesn't she call my phone?" Asks Barbara. I shrug and pass her the phone.
"Hello" days Barbara. I can't hear their conversation but o can tell Barbara is pleased.
"Excellent, penguin should be here soon, make sure bones calls."
She hangs up the phone and tosses it back to me.
"We need to clean this place up." She says to me.
"But I thought you weren't actually inviting the gangs over."
"I'm not," says Barbara "but penguin doesn't know that. He has to think that I was planning on gathering them here."
I nod, I'll admit it's a good plan, if of course penguin falls for it.
"What did Tabitha say?" I ask.
Barbara shrugs "nothing much, she's just working on the Tommy bones guy."
"Working on him what's that mean?" Barbara smiles "Tabitha can be very, persuasive" she says with a sneaky smiles. I go anxiously at this moment Tabitha is undoubtedly touring that man. Not that I feel to bad for him, from what I've heard he sounds like a jerk.
"So how long do we have until penguin gets here?" I ask.
Barbara shrugs downing her drink, "about an hour give or take."
I nod, "alright, I'll clean up a bit."
"Wait," Barbara tips me "don't bother, the clubs fine as is it, I was actually thinking we could have a talk."
"A talk?" I ask.
"Just you and me." She says smiling, there's a twinkle of madness in her eyes that I don't trust.
"Al-alright" I say. She pays the seat bed to her and I sit down.
I lol at her uncomfortably, was she going to say something?
"Tell El, you've been working here for a couple of weeks now, what'd you think?"
I play with the hem of my dress anxiously, was this a trick question?
"I, I dunno it's fine I guess." I don't know if it's the answer Barbara wants to hear bout it's what she's getting.
"Hmm," she says "and what about me, am I a good boss?" She asks with a raised brow.
I shrink in my seat, how am I suppose to answer this.
"Just answer the question it's simple," she says.
I can barely look her In the eyes.
"Y-yes your a good boss" I lie trembling under her gaze.
She laughs "poor baby, what a bad liar."she says touching my check. She's gentle but I still shake.
"Please don't hurt me." I say.
Barbara smiles "why would I do that?" She asks tilting her head like a puppy.
She sneers "your going to be stuck with me for a long time."
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, my jaw still trembling.
"Why so scared?" She asks tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"You know why." I say. She smiles at me, "oh don't worry if I was going to kill you I'd have done it already." I sigh with relief.
"Don't think I wouldn't though, if you so much as utter a word of my plans to penguin or my other enemies I'll have no choice but to gut you and hang you on my felling like a chandelier."
I shudder and pull away from her. It's frightening how vividly she's imagined my death. 
"Oh don't worry, as long as you stay loyal to me you have nothing to worry about."
I'm still worried.
"What about Tabitha, would you kill her too?"
Barbara glared at me, I know I shouldn't have asked that.
"Sorry" I mumble.
Barbara stares at me stoically for a minute.
"You may think I'm crazy, but you don't even know the half of it. I will destroy anyone who gets in my way. Even butch, even Tabitha."
I search her eyes for some shred or empathy but I can't find it.
Barbara is to far down her rabbit hole of madness.
She places a hand on my shoulder.
"Your right to be afraid, but you don't have to be. All you need to understand is that I'm in control,understand!"
She smiles sadistically and pets my head like I'm her pet. I shiver at her touch, Barbara just smiles. She knows she has me. I'm under her mercy and her control, nothing can stop her now...

Hey so I know this chapter was pretty short so I'm gonna be sure to make the next one longer ❤️

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