Babs, Tabs and Ossy

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When I get back to the club it's just last four, I know Barbara won't be happy.
"Barbara!" I call entering the club. "We're over here" she calls back to me. To no surprise she's at the bar, but there's someone there I don't recognize. A beautiful woman, with long dark hair and incredible brown eyes. "Oh, hello" I say awkwardly waving to the woman. "this is my partner Tabitha Galavan."
"Nice to meet you" I stammer.
"So your the new recruit," she says.
"I have to admit I'd expected Barbara to hire someone much older."
Barbara laughs "so did I, but well she was the only one naive enough to come knocking on my doorstep."
I frown, they do know I'm standing right there don't they?
"Refill" Barbara says shoving her glass into my hand. I nod and go to get her a new drink. "Can I get you something too?" I ask Tabitha.
"Martini please," she says.
"I uh I'm still learning, I'm not very good at martinis yet."
Tabitha shoots Barbara a look, "seriously?" She says.
Barbara just shrugs, "she's young, she'll learn." She says deviously.
The two of them watch me like cats hunting a mouse. "So" I say awkwardly, "how long have you two been working by together?" Barbara and Tabitha smirk. "On an off for a couple years now," Barbara replies.
"On an off?" I ask.
"we've had our ups and downs." Tabitha says.
I can tell from the way they look at one another their more than just business partners and friends. Barbara notices me staring and goes to kiss Tabitha. Apparently I was right... and before I know it the two of them are pressed against the bar making out in front of me. "Uh maybe I should go" I say edging away from the display. Who makes out with someone infont of their employee. Should I even be surprised. I mean this is Barbara Kean, part of me really admired them both. How they could just love so truthfully and not care who is in the room. I've never had a serious relationship or even a first kiss but if I did I'd want it to be filled with passion. Just like theirs. After a few minutes of me awkwardly watching they end it. Barbara just smirks at me "what are you looking at?" She asks and I quickly divert my gaze. I blush as she comes closer caressing my face. "What's wrong, never seen anyone kiss like that?"
I look away from her, as if I'm not embarrassed enough. "You should get to work." Barbara says, "oh but change first, that outfit isn't the most flattering."
I roll my eyes "all my clothes are in my apartment remember, the one you won't let me go back to."
Barbara glares at me "check my office, I had a few things delivered in your size and before you get all weepy your should know I'm doing this for the club not you."
I smile slightly, no one does something like that for no reason. "We'll go!" Barbara demands.
I go to her office an sure enough there are piles of packages and bags. I fish threw them until I find something I like. A tight black dress much like one she'd where.

To my surprise it fits perfectly almost like a glove

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To my surprise it fits perfectly almost like a glove. I wonder how she got my size right. After going threw the rest of the expensive clothes I pick out some high heels to match my dress. I half to admit Barbara has excellent style. "Well let's see" Barbara says. I come out anxiously. I feel really on display as I show the two woman my outfit.
Barbara claps her hand together smiling brightly "much better!" She says. She turns to Tabitha.
"tabby, what'd you think?"
Tabitha nods approvingly. "Nice, way better than before."
Barbara smiles "why thank you," she says as she's the one who picked out all the clothing.
"How did you guess my size?" I ask.
Barbara just shrugs "well it wasn't that hard, what with you being the typical build and all."
I don't know whether I should be offended or embarrassed. Maybe a bit off both.
"Well thanks." I say.
Barbara smiles, I still don't like her but when you get over her psychopathic instincts she not all bad.
"Don't get used to it ," she says "the minute you betray me I'll shot a bullet right threw you head" she warns. I can tell I'm slowly growing on her.
"Well I should get going?" Tabitha says hoping fo her stool.
Barbara looks slightly upset "What why!" She asks a hint of anger in her voice.
"Because babs, my world doesn't revolve around you and this bar."
Barbara's anger flares up a bit, she clenches her fist to stay reserved. "Well I just thought that our business should come first!" Barbara says. I can feel the tension growing in the room.
"I have to pick something up but I'll be back later." Tabitha says ending the conversation. As she leaves I can tell Barbara is a bit hurt.
"What are you staring at start working!" She barks.
I get to work and Barbara continues her drinking. we don't talk for hours or at least until she opens the club.
I'm busy at work when a man walks in. He's limping on of his feet crooked. It's almost as if he waddles. He's dressed quite odd and his dark hair is gelled but people seem to be afraid of him.
"Ossy what a pleasant surprise." Barbara says greeting the man. He's follow by what seem to be personal guards.
"Barbara" he addresses. She smiles "what can I do you for" she asks in a charming voice. To my shock the man points at me. 
"Your worker, I here she helped Jim Gordon her entail. On me!" Barbara looks back at me daring me not to speak.
"She may have mentioned I finding a source for someone." She smirks.
"Well thanks to her Jim and the whole GCPX are all over me" he tells her. Barbara just rolls her eyes. "She's a child Ossy killing her won't help your case."
Killing me! Who said anything about that.
The man smiles "I'll take that chance" he pulls a gun out and Barbara steps in our path.
"Move Barbara or the first bullet will be for you."
No one is dancing at this point.
"Now now pengie I'm sure we can work this out."
She says trying to calm him.
"don't think I won't shoot you!" He says shaking the gun. Barbara rolls her eyes. "What if I tell you where to find Jim, then will you leave her alone." I couldn't believe what I was hearing Barbara Kean was protecting me!
"How about you tell me where to find that son of a bitch Jim and I kill you both anyways!" He screams making the whole club shake.
"Shot her and I swear to god penguin I will rip your little beak to shreds!"She screeches.
So this is penguin. "Barbara I don't want to do this." He warns her "but I will."
Barbara glares at him almost bating him to do it. But he doesn't. In his one moment of hesitation Barbara pulls out her own gun shooting all six of his guards.
"This is MY territory and now your outnumbered, so unless you want to be penguin pie I suggest you leave!"
Penguin grunts before lowering his gun.
"You can't protect her forever Barbara, I'm coming for you both!" He screams before leaving the bar.
"Bye ossy, now the rest of you get out! OUTTTT!" She screams shouting her gun into the air. Everyone scurries away like rats. From the looks of it there all pretty used to Barbara's rage. It still terrifies me but not as much as before.
When everyone's gone I sit down, my legs feel like they might give out, that's the fourth time someone has threatened to murdered me in Gotham.
"Are you alright?" Barbara asks surprising me with her empathetic tone.
"that's twice now you've saved me." I say.
Barbara just looks at me "I've tried to kill you more."
I nod but I know the truth.
"if you were going to kill me Barbara you'd have don't it already."
She stares at me, "I wouldn't be so sure about that." She says. I shut my eyes, I don't want to look at her anymore, don't want to hear her threats, I just wish I'd never came to Gotham. "You know since I moved here I new my life was going to be difficult, I just didn't realize that my problems started before I moved here."
Barbara sits down next to me.
"What now, you gonna tell me your sob story, hope that I have pity on you, hope that is don't kill you."
Something like that I think.
"I don't want your pity Barbara, I already had enough from where I came from."
"And where is that?" She asks.
"Metropolis"I say.
she looks at me "Never been, what happened there."
"What happens everywhere I say, people die, my parents, they died."
Barbara gives me a funny look , "just because I stabbed my parents to death doesn't mean I don't understand pain."
I look into her icy blue eyes "you don't know my pain."
I say. My lip trembles, I feel like I could break into pieces at any moment.
"I just wanted a normal life," I mutter my eyes watering. "I just wanted to escape." A tear rolls down my check, how naive was I to think that a new life was possible.
"El," Barbara says "I know you think I'm a monster, but I didn't just save you to spite penguin."
"Then why did you!" I ask unable to control my tears. Barbara wipes a tear from my check. "Because, believe it or not I can see some of myself in you."
I glare at her "we are nothing alike!" I say sharply.
"Oh but we are, and once your bushy eyed view on life gets its first taste of reality, once you realize just how harsh and cruel the world is, your going to grumble. You will be eaten up in Gotham, and unless you have me you have nothing. And you will break and you will become just like me and that, that will scare you to death."
I drop my gaze, why does she have to be so cruel.
"Then why not kill me, why jot end my misery now before it gets any worse?"
Barbara sighs"because" she says "that's life and the sooner you learn that, the more likely it is that you will survive."
"I've lasted this long haven't I?"
Barbara just laughs "oh honey the only reason your still living is because of me, because everyone knows that if you mess with MY employees your as good as dead."
She smirks evilly to herself. I wonder how she turned out so maniacal. I'll probably never know. Barbara caresses my hair one last time before downing the rest of her drink. She leaves me sitting at the empty bar with only one though in my head: if I can't survive Barbara or penguin, how will I ever survive Gotham?

Any ideas for next chapter I'm kinda on a writing block as of right now. Anyways your suggestions would really help. Also I'm making a new story called stabby babas one shots

Thanks 😊

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