The spy

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The next couple of days go by slowly. I've mostly been cleaning but when I'm not Barbara makes me go spy on Tabitha and butch. I haven't really figured anything important out yet, only that there now in a relationship. Barbara wasn't to pleased when I told her about this. It's clear she in love with Tabitha. I don't dare say anything though, I know that won't end well. On the Friday before the weekend after a particularly long night of serving drinks at the club Barbara calls me into her office.
"Sit" Barbara orders. Is it in the chair across from her. She reclines in her seat twirling a pen on her desk.
"So," she says "what have you learned"
I gulp, I'm not sure how to tell her."
"Uh well truthfully nothing much, they talk form time to time about you. Mainly butch saying your controlling, and Tabitha defending you. A few times he's said your crazy and that they should do something about it but they don't have any concrete plans. Tabby really seems to care, I mean she wouldn't let butch do anything."
Barbara sighs "so you got nothing!" She says. I look down "no, not really I mean, well, yes" I give up trying to make excuses. Barbara gets up angrily passing around the room.
"Crazy, controlling, I'll show him crazy!" She mutters to herself. She comes from being me placing a hand firmly on my shoulder.
I flinch slightly. "I'm sorry Barbara I just well there's really not much I can do-" she cuts me off, squeezing my shoulder painfully tight.
"There's always something you can do!" She says aggressively. She lets go of my shoulder and sits back down in front of me.
"Keep watching them, try to see what they do in private."
"Private!?" I say somewhat alarmed.
"Oh I don't mean like that!" Says Barbara " I mean when they think no ones around, when I'm out." I can tell an idea is coming to her.
"I know! I'll tell tabby you and I are going out and then once we leave you'll sneak back in threw the back door and listen to the two of them."
"What if they catch me?" I ask.
Barbara glares at me "they better not! Or you'll have to deal with me!"
I sigh, this job was way harder than I'd originally thought.
"Alright now go get changed." Barbara orders me.
I roll my eyes, why does she have to be so bossy.

I change into a shiny outfit and high heels

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I change into a shiny outfit and high heels. I then put my straightened hair into a sleek high ponytail much like I'd seen Tabitha wear.
Barbara who was to concerned with her schemes hardly noticed me.
"I still don't get why I have to spy on them?" I ask her "I mean why can't you sneak back in."
Barbara sighs "because, she'll know I'm there and also your less conspicuous."
"How?" I ask.
Barbara give some an uneasy look "oh you know your just more-" she doesn't finish the sentence.
"Tabitha!" She calls. Tabitha and butch come out from one of the back rooms. Their both smiling. Barbara looks like she might gag.
"We're going out." She says casually.
"Alright bye," Tabitha says jot seeming to care. Barbara frowns, a little hurt, but she quickly gets over it and drags me out out of the club.
She climbs into her car and shows me back to the club.
"Well what are you waiting for go back in. And don't get caught!" She says before speeding away in her sports car. I sigh in dismay.
As quickly and quietly as possible I sneak back into the bar. I hid in Barbara's office for a moment or two. When Tabitha and butch are sure we're gone they sit down together at the bar. I crack the door open slightly so I can hear and see their conversation.
"She's getting worse by the day!" I hear butch yell.
"Oh come on she's not that bad" says Tabitha.
"Are you kidding?" He replies " she's mental and it's only a matter of time before she takes it out on us, god knows she's already hurt that El kid enough."
I hear Tabitha sigh, she's clearly conflicted.
"Tabs we need to do something!" Says butch "I mean common she's working with Nigma!"
"She said I'd get to kill him!" Tabitha snaps back.
I hear butch scoff.
"Right she says, Tabitha shes a liar and a psychopath, she was in Arkham!"
I see Tabitha massage her head. "I can't betray Barbara." She says softly.
"Ya" says butch "well how long do you think it will be before she betrays you."
I can tell this hits home for Tabitha, I can't help but think that Butch might be right.
"Look we can't do anything right now anyways, I mean we at least ow it to her to stick this plan out. See if she can actually rule Gotham."
Butch clenches his fist like he wants to protest but does nothing.
"You just wait and see," he says "she doesn't deserve your loyalty Tabitha."
I sigh, Butch is partly right, but despite everything I to feel a sense of loyalty towards Barbara. I don't know why.
Tired of crouching on my hands and knees I get up accidentally banging my head on the door handle. It makes a small bang and I have to bite my tongue to stop from making a noise.
Tabitha jerks her head in my direction.
"Do you hear something?" She asks.
"Hmm?" says butch, he clearly wasn't paying attention.
"In Barbara's office I heard a clang, I think theirs something in their."
"What no way!" Butch says. I gulp I need to hide. I race around Barbara's office in a panic hiding behind her clutch just in time. Butch and Tabitha walk in, their guns are raised. What if they shoot me thinking I'm an intruder." I get out my cell phone and text Barbara.
"Come back now!" I text.
"Tabs there's nothing in here." I hear butch say.
"So what was that noise huh!" She retorts getting closer and closer to my hiding spot. She's going to find me any second now. I hold my breath but even the sound of my heart beat is like a drum.
Tabitha lowers her gun and they turn to leave, just then I hear a chime from my phone. I don't even bother trying to see the text from Barbara. Guns a blazing Tabitha guns to the couch. She pulls me up aggressively.
" what the!" She exclaimed when she raises it's me.
"I thought you went out with Barbara?" She says.
"I uh, I, I"
I can't find any words to explain myself. Just them Barbara enters the bar.
"Their you are!" She says taking everyone in the room by surprise.
"M-me" I stumble.
"No the couch, yes you!" Barbara yells.
I'm really confused at this point.
"Barbara, what's going on?!" Tabitha asks still holding me tight.
Barbara looks to me.
"This one decided to run off!" She says, I can tell by the look she gives me she wants me to play along.
"I, yes I, I did, sorry I, I just um"
"Did you really think you could get away?" Barbara interrupts me.
"I..." I'm at a loss for words.
"No, no Barbara I'm sorry." I say still playing along with her game. She smiles at me.
"I'm so confused why would you even run in the first place?" Butch spoke up.
"Be- because I was um well I was mad, I don't want to go out and I thought that I could run from Barbara. I heu see I wanted to prove something." I say making up everything on the spot.
Barbara shakes her head, "teenagers." She says "always so difficult am I right." She laughs. I don't find it too funny. Barbara moves closer to me.
"It wasn't very smart of you to run." She whispers " I'll have to do something about that."
I gulp, this fake conversation is much too real for my liking. Barbar like back to tabby and Butch.
"Why don't the tow off you go out somewhere, I'd like to talk to El. Alone." She says. Tabitha and butch nod but their obviously suspicious. I'm terrified that I've blown my cover.
Ionce their gone Barbara shoves me down in my seat.
"Seriously?" She says "you had to get caught" she sighs.
"I gave you one task, one! and you couldn't even do that!"
I look away.
"I'm sorry I tried to be quite, it just didn't go as planned."
Barbara sighs "well you'll have to do better next time." She says.
"Next time?!" I ask
"No! No way, I've already been caught once, do you know what they'll go if they catch me spying again."
Barbara raises a brow "do you know what I'll do if you can't be obedient!" She snaps.
Invite my tongue as per usual.
"If I get caught they'll no for sure what we're up too." I say trying to explain it to Barbara.
"Then you better not get caught!" She says.
I sigh.
"What did you learn?" She ask me.
I shrug, "nothing much, butch really doesn't like you, he was trying to convince tabby to do something about it. Whatever that means. But Tabitha said she wouldn't betray you."
"What else?"
"Um well, Butch keeps trying to convince her that she doesn't need you and that your key using her and-"
Barbar gets straight up.
"Using her! USING HER!" She screams "I'm at not the one suing her that fake handed freak is!"
I flinch as she screams.
"If he wants to play, we're gonna okay." She remarks giving me the evil eye."
"Off you go" she says "I'm not stopping till that man is destroyed and when he is." She laughs "Tabitha will finally see him for what he is."
"And what's that?" I ask her.
She glares at me "A waste!" She says.

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