The Ex

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When I wake up it's no longer dark out. I'm not cuffed either. I sit up, I'm in Barbara's office lying on her black leather couch. Everything is fuzzy, I don't remember how I got here only that Barbara had tortured me and that I'd passed out. I remember her having a taser and being in excruciating pain. I wondered why she'd stoped, perhaps she figured I had enough torture for one night.
In my option it was more like enough for a life time.
"Only good your awake." Barbara says strolling into the room. I look at her "uh Barbara?"
"Hmm?" She asks clearly preoccupied.
"Aren't we going to talk, you know about last night."

"What about it?" She asks as though she hadn't done all those horrible things.
"You tasered me till I passed out!" I exclaim expecting more of a reaction from her. "Oh that right, well you deserve it an besides your fine."
I raise my eyebrows so high they might touch the sealing, how is she so chilled about this. "I wouldn't try to leave or anything though, I'm afraid your stuck with me."
I can feel the evilness return in her voice. "great" I mumble to myself.
She smiles walking over to me. "Oh don't look so depressed" she says lightly patting my check. She tucks a strand of my curly hair behind my ears. "God! you are really not a morning person."
I get up to look at myself in the mirror, I'll admit I have some bed head, or couch head rather but other than that I think I look fine. I walk out to where Barbara is eating, well more like drinking but that's just Barbara.
"I'm not opening till seven today because of the curfew so you'll have tons of time to clean up."
"Curfew?" I ask. She rolls her eyes. "Are you seriously this oblivious." She looks at me like I'm an imbecile. "There a killer in the lose." She says laughing a bit. I'm not sure what's so funny. For all I know it's her. "Again" I say. There seem to be a lot of murderers in Gotham. "Oh honey it's Gotham there's always a killer," she says like it's a known fact. I don't know why she calls me honey, it seems oddly motherly for such a terrible person. I have to remind myself that she's the same woman who's threaten my life twice, or maybe three times. I've lost count. Not that it matters. I'm sure she'll kill me one of these days. It's just a matter of how and when.
And then there's what she said last night. That we we're going to have some fun. What the hell would that entail! I really don't want to know.
"What about that guys body?" I ask, "shouldn't we get rid off it.
Barbara waves it off likes he's swatting a fly. "Oh it's fine, I'm sure someone from the city will take care of it."
If there were others in the bar I'm sure they'd be thinking the same as me. This lady was a full on psychopath. "But-" she glares at me which is her way of saying "shut up"
She like me up and down, before getting up. "Oh honey we really need to do something tabout all this. I frown, why does she have to be so mean. "Come here" she orders. I do so and she pushes me into view of the mirror. She straightens out my shoulders to fix my poster and gestures for me to raise my chin. I do and she smiles. "Good girl"
My blood boils slightly. "Is your hair always like this?" She asks playing with a strand.
"Ugh yes," I'm not really sure what to say.
Barbara frowns "shame, oh well we can fix it"
"Fix what!" She gets out a brush and comes there my hair only succeeded to make it frizzy. She then gets out a curling iron. "Why do you need that my hairs already curly?" I ask.
"No your hairs wavy" she said matter of factly "just be quite and let me help you." She says forcefully beginning to do my hair. I have to admit it looks nice but the iron is hot and very close to my skin. Part of me is worried she might burn me with it. "Well also have to do something about that check" she says pointing out the bruise that had formed where she'd hit me the other day. I touch it lightly it's very sore, tender almost.
When she's done with the curling she gets out a brush and some makeup. "There" she blends in the rest of the makeup so that the bruise is barely visible. "See" she says, "I told you you could be pretty"
I look down. I don't care about my appearance. I like to look nice and all but it's not what I like about myself. "What!" She hisses her smile melting into a frown.
"Nothing" I lie. Barbara picks up the curling iron and presses it into my hand securing my wrist so that I can't struggle away. "Ahh stop!" I scream as searing pain burns threw me. She drops my hand and puts the iron back down. "What was that for?!" I yell shaking my burnt hand. Barbara smiles smugly. "Don't lie to me!" She says. I sigh "I'm not lying I just, I have bigger things to worry about that my appearance."
She sneers "you stupid girl appearance isn't for others it's for you, it's a weapon stronger than any blade or gun."
I shake my head "no"
Barbara considers me for a moment before moving back to her natural habitat: the bar. I sigh and go into her office to change into some clothes. I wear a navy blue shirt that's slightly see threw and a black leather skirt. With chunky high healed boots. When I come out Barbara nods. This means she likes it, or tolerates it I suppose, I don't really know. "What time did you say we were opening at. "I ask" Barbara rolls her eyes "seven!"
I just nod. Suddenly the bar doors fly open. A man comes in dressed in a polices uniform. Is Barbara getting busted. "Well we'll well," Barbara announces "if it isn't Jim Gordon"
Jim Gordon I've heard that name before, on the new I think. "Barbara" he nods not paying attention to me. She smiles and poses elegantly "someone can't stay away" she remarks with a cunning smile. "I'm looking for Selina" Jim says shortly. Barbara told her eyes. "Hey Babs, how ya doing, you'd think for someone who used to be my fiancée you'd show a little more curtiacy. Ex fiancé!? So that's where I've heard him before. I remember back when I was still living with my parents they talked about a news story. About a police office and his girlfriend kidnapped and held captive in a church by his ex fiancée. It had to be Barbara, I remember Jim from the pictures on the news. My dad had talked about it for weeks.
"Barbara I don't have time for this I need to know where she is!" He says, it's obvious he's in a rush but Barbara doesn't care much.
" I saw her here yesterday" I pipe in. Barbara glared at me. "Be quite?" she snaps. Jim turns his attention to me. "And who are you?"
"She's no one" Barbara says clearly wanting all of Jim's attention.
"My names El" I say "I work for Barbara"
He raises an eyebrow and Barbara gives me a death stare, I know I'm going to be in trouble later but I still want to help. "Here at the bar? What was she doing?"
I shrug "I dunno pickpocketing and stuff."
"I asked El to escort Selina out." Barbara adds trying to stay relevant. Jim regards her but I can tell he's more interested in what I have to say. "Anything else? Did she where she was going, an address maybe?"
I shake my head. "No but she told me she'd be around the area for a while, said that if I wanted a tour of just have to find her."
"A tour?" Jim asks. I nod "I'm new in Gotham, I've only lived here for about a week."
He turns back to Barbara "Barbara do you mind if I take El for a bit, it would be much easier to find Selina."
Barbara growls. "Sorry but no, I need her here."
I turn to Barbara. "Wait can I please go I really want to get out, I promise ill come back." Barbara studies me for a moment. "Fine but Jim only for a little while, if she's not back by five Alcock I'll be coming for your head." She threatens. I smile and thank Barbara, maybe she's not all bad. Then me and the man I've just met leave to find Selina.
"So..." Jim asks when we're out of Barbara's ear shot "how'd a young girl like you end yo working for someone Barbara kean?"
I shrug "the same reason you too were engaged I guessed, I though she was a good person. Well at least I did until she pressed a gun to my head and threatened to kill me. I just wanted a fresh start but now... I don't even have a chocie."
Jim is silent. "Has she hurt you?"he asks. I nods "yeah, I'm just trying to stay alive, Selina told me that she had other employees but that Barbara had killed them all."
Jim shakes his head in disgust. "You know believe it or not Barbara used to be a very different person. A kind person."
I frown, if only id known her back then.
"Selina told me a bit about what happened, how some guy forced her to kill her parents and that she went to Arkham." Jim nods. "It's true, all of it"
"How'd she get out?" I ask. Jim sighs "it's a long story but basically she escaped and then went into a coma and then got released by another psychopath."
"Wow" it's hard to register what I'm hearing.
"So" Jim says changing the topic "are you and Selina close"
"No not really I just met her the other day, but she seemed nice enough."
Jim nods "a lot of people in this city seem nice, luckily Selinas one of the good ones."
I smile, I could tell. "She should be around here somewhere."
"Unless she's hiding." Jim adds.
"Why do you want to talk to her anyways, I mean what could she give you?"
He looks at me "it's confidential, police matter."
I sigh "oh come on I'm saving your ass by helping you and risking upsetting Barbara, the least you could do is tell me what we're doing."
He sighs giving in. "Selina's smart, and she knows a lot about the city, she has contacts I need."
"Do you want information?" I say. He nods "Selinas my best bet if I wanna catch this killer."  Just then my phone buses, it's Barbara. "Hello" I pick up the phone. "Where are you?" She demands. "Still with Jim why?"
"There's someone I want you too meet"she says, I raise a brow. "Just give me a bit longer we're really close."
Barbara sighs angrily "fine but tell him that if your not back soon, he'll be be the one to pay."
"Alright, bye" Barbara hangs up without saying goodbye. I turn to Jim. "That was Barbara" I say "she wants me back soon or she'll take it out in you."
Jim doesn't look surprised. "Of course she will." He mutters. We both jump when something crashes behind us, Jim raises his gun. "Selina!" I exclaim. She's just jumped onto a dumpster, I ant see a watt of cash in her hands. She looks really exasperated.
"oh great you again." She's not talking to me but Jim. "Selina, nice to see you." She jumps down from the dumpster "what you want now?"  She asks.
"I need your help, information on penguin."
I don't know who that is but I can tell she's not happy about it. "Not happening, I have better things to do than place a target on my back."
"Selina please I need your help" she glared at him. She started at me "why's she here?" She asks.
I frown "I needed to get out" I shrug,
"Ya well whatever you thought I'm not in the mood, I'm outa hear."
"Selina wait!" I'd it's really know what to say "what if, what if he gives you something in return."
She squints at me "like what?" I look to Jim. "Money?"
"No" she says blankly.
"No" I repeat. "I want a pardon from now on and into the future."
"Selina you know I can't give you that." Jim says. "Uh yess you can, best time you get a report or a complaint just throw it out, say you can't fine me."
I have to admit it's a fair deal. Jim considers it for a moment "fine, but only to a certain extent." Selina nods. It's good enough for her. I smile happy to be of help. My phone flashes again, another text from Barbara. "Oh crap it's almost four, I gotta go. Jim it was nice to meet you and Selina nice to see you again."
"What's the rush?" Selina asks. I just look at Jim, "Barbara" we say unison. She just raises a brow. "K well my ofer still stand, I'm sure you be able to find me again."
I say goodbye to Jim before running back to the Club. I just hope I get there on time...

Okay so this is chapter three, not super exciting but oh well. Next chapter will come later this week, spoiler alert  will meet Tabby 😍 anyways I know this weird is bad but I'm just kinda writing it for fun, bye!

Ps. The typos are bad but well I'm kinda young so...

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