Learning to live

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The next week flew by quickly, it was all Barbara plotting, her and Tabitha kissing and me cleaning.
I tried to stick to my work as much as possible since Barbara was still mad at me. As for butch he was around too but not as much. I got to know Tabitha better, she's actually quite nice, really strong, brave and intimidating but not a cruel and cunning as Barbara. Or as crazy.
She really invested in the whole overthrowing penguin thing. I'm not sure how realistic her plans are.
She sometimes me takes me out on her killing sprees or to torture people, when the interrogations happen in the bar she forces me to clean the blood. Not the most pleasant job.
But at least she's to busy to release her full rage on me.
"What are you doing?" Barbara pulls me away from my thoughts.
I realize the drink I've been pouring her has long since over flowed.
"Oh uh sorry" I stumble cleaning up the mess I've made.
Barbara sighs and snatches the glass form my hand. "You look terrible." She remarks.
I frown "Jeee thanks" I say sarcastically.
"Watch it!" Barbara snaps.
"Actually get dressed, we're going out."
"What where?" I ask. She just smiles deviously, "you'll see."
I go to the back room where my clothes are picking out a simple black dress and black boots.

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When Barbara sees she nods in approval "very nice, your getting better" she comments

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When Barbara sees she nods in approval "very nice, your getting better" she comments.
I smile slightly, why do I always seek her approval.
She then led me out to her car and we drove away.
"Will you tell me where we're going yet." I ask impatiently.
"Patience" says Barbara we'll be there soon.
When we finally get there I can't believe my eyes. We're at a giant manor.
"Who lives here?" I ask.
Barbara smiles "penguin, but we're not here for him."
I gulp "who are we here for then?" I ask.
She snickeres "Nigma!"
I shake "your going to kill him." I say putting the pieces together.
She laughs "no, in-fact I'm going to open his eyes to the truth.
"The truth about what?" I ask her.
Barbara ignores my question me exits the vehicle. I follow her, she doesn't even bother ringing the doorbell. I'm surprised that penguins door is unlocked but I don't question it. He doesn't seem to sane if you ask me.
"Oh Edddd!" Barbara calls. We walk there the halls until we find Nigma. He's working on something, presumable for penguin.
"Barbara" he says not seeming to pleased to see her. He looks very concerned, end o relapse he prolly thinks Barbara is here to murder him.
"Hello Eddy." She says a sickly sweet smile on her face. He cringes at the nickname.
"Penguin wouldn't want you here!" He says sharply. Barbara just laughs. "Oh who cares what he thinks, I'm here for you."
"And why is that?" He asks. I look back and forth from Ed to Barbara's like there a tennis match.
"To see if you've got any leads on your fiancée of course" she say.
"What do you care about Isabella?" he asks. She raises an eyebrow "oh you know, just genuine curiosity,"
Ed looks at her and then me.
"Who's this?" He asks gesturing to me.
Barbara sighs like she's tired of people asking that, "she's no one just someone who works for me"
"My names El!" I speak up tiered of Barbara stepping all over me. She grunts.
"Nice to meet you, Ed Nigma" he says extending a hand. I shake it. "Nice to meet you Mr.Nigma" I say politely.
"Call me Ed." He says. "Uh hello can we get back to our conversation!" Barbara interrupts. I back away silently.
"Yes Barbara!" Ed says in exasperation "what would you like to know."
She smiles "more like what you'd like to no." She riddles.
"What are you talking about!?" He asks her.
She grins "oh you know, stuff, who killed your bride perhaps."
"What do you know!" He asks his voice as desperate as the look on his face.
"Just who killed her." Barbara says causally examining her nails.
"Couch cough penguin"
Ed's eyes grow wide.
"What no! No he wouldn't do that!" He retires rejecting the information.
"But wouldn't he?" She says " just think about it, I mean he's clearly in love with you and-"
"What did you say!" He asks.
"I said he's In love with you and what better way than to kill your fiancée to get you for himself."
Ed shakes his head. "No! No your lying!"
"See for yourself" Barbara says "just ask him, then you'll have your answer."
"Okay fine let's just say I did believe you, how do you even know this?" He asks.
Barbara shrugs "it wasn't that hard to figure out,"
I twiddle my thumbs feeling pretty awkward.
"I'll get back to you," he says turning away from us.
Barbara smiles at me, "you do that, just don't tell Oswald I told you this, he'll never admit it if he knew it came from me."
Ed doesn't respond by me and Barbara know h believes every word she's said.
"Bye now." She says waving for me to follow her.
When we're out of the manor she laughs maliciously. "Now wasn't that fun!" She says to me. I'm unable to hid a smile, I have to a admit it it was a rush, but I still feel bad for pulling on Ed's strings.
"It was cruel!" I say trying to hide my obvious enjoyment. "Oh we're just getting started" she says "next stop the GCPD."
"What! What do you want there."
Barbara laughs once again "not what, who!" I know who she means.
"No no no not Jim, I'm done with your sick games Barbara!"
She rolls her eye at me, "oh your no fun! Fine then we'll go somewhere else." She grabs my arm dragging me into the car. I buckle my seatbelt as she races away.
"This will be good for you." Barbara insists "you could use a little danger in your life."
"I already have enough thanks" I say.
"Mhmmm" she says "you don't even know what danger is!"
It's my turn to rolls my eyes now. As if I'd want to know. "just because I don't find manipulation and torture fun doesn't mean I don't have a life of danger. I mean since I've moved here I've been held at gun point and threatened more times than I can count!"
Barbara cackles to herself "that's not danger, that's just Gotham"
"For you maybe!" I retort.
She swerves causing me to smash my face on the dash board.
"Opps" she says as though she hadn't just purposely done it.
"Whatever," I say "where to next."
Barbara grins "oh we're here!" She says.
I look around there nothing except an old warehouse.
"This?" I say painting to the crumbling old establishment.
Barbara nods and beckons for me to follow her inside. The inside is just as dismal as the outside and I wonder why we're here, that is until I see a pile of crates and boxes.
"What's in there?" I ask pointing to the various crates.
Barbara looks at with a twinkle in her eye. She walks over and using a crowbar snaps the open.
I follow her over horrified by what I find. The crates are filled with weapons:Guns,knives,whips,grenadines anything you could think off it was there.
"Aren't they beautiful" Barbara says like the weapons are an embodiment of her life's work.
"Why do you need all this!?" I ask equally shocked as I am terrified.
She glares my way "why do you think! Protection!"
"This isn't protecting Barbara this is terrorisum."
Barbara rolls her eyes "how do you think I became something in this city. Do you think I just waited around for things to be handed to me no! I worked and I trained and inspired fear to get what I want and if you even hope to survive in this hell hole you better do so too!"
I'm taken aback by Barbara's intense rant.
"I'm not going to become like you to survive!" I say.
She laughs "then be prepared to die!"I shut my eyes wishing I could tune her out but what she's saying is true.
She walks over to the crates and picks up one of the shot guns.
"Catch" she say tossing me the firearm.
"what the hell!" I yell nearly missing the catch. "Barbara I'm not doing this!" I say once more. "Yess you are now shoot that target. Common go!"
I have to bite my tung really hard in order to not say something I'll really regret.
"Do it El do it, think off all the people who've tried to hurt you, all the people you've lost. Your parents! Their dead, Oswald,  he wants to murder you, and me," she lets out a sinister laugh, "I've been using and extorting you since we first met!"
I fell my anger bubbling inside me my blood burning and searing my bones. I fell the gun I. My hands the cool metal trigger and the target clear and crisp.
"Do it!" Barbara screams "PROTECT YOURSELF!"

"Aghhhh!" All the pressure builds up in my body, my mind, my heart everything is in anguish. I pull the tiger...

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