Gotta get Tech

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Me, Tabitha and butch sit at the bar. Ed Nygmas at the window and Jarvis tech whom we've just kidnapped is tied to a chair in the back room.
Barbara will be back soon but at least for now we have a break.
"We should be watching tech." I say to them.
"He's tied to a chair," says tabby "he can't get out."
I sigh, people always find ways of escaping.
I hear Ed's phone ring but think nothing off it.
Butch puts down his drink.
"We need to kill her." He says. I look up at him in shock. He looks at me and Tabitha "how much longer are we gonna wait? Come on. Nyoman chopped off your hand. He almost killed me. And now Barbara partners with him? That as the mother of all insults."
Tabitha let's out a long sigh, I'm quite curious to see how she'll respond.
"The city is going to pay us a lot of money to get tech back." She says " he e need to let that play out before we do anything rash."
Butch rolls his eyes, "I know you two are close. But whatever you had, she treats you like dirt now.
She treats you both like dirt and you know it." He says pointing to me and her.
"I'm not going to help you kill her." I say defiantly.
"She doesn't deserve your loyalty." He says to us.
Just then Barbara walks in.
"What's re you three whispering about?" She asks.
We turn around quickly.
"Nothing." We all day in suspicious unison. I sink into my seat, could we be any more guilty.
"Any word from city hall." I ask trying to diffuse the awkwardness.
"Trusts me," Barbara says with a dangerous smile, "we're about to own this town. Parts of it quite literally." Says babs with a laugh.
She stops laughing and goes eerily quite.
"Where's Ed?" She asks us. I look around but can't see him anywhere.
"He was just here a minute ago." Says butch.
Barbara glared at us before rushing to the back room.
She bursts open the door.
"Tech?!" She screams.
I look to see and empty chair and on it a magicians hat made of newspaper.
Barbara let's put a wild scream. She flunky the chair to true ground hitting the light and smashing the chair.
"NYGMA!" She screeches.
She matches up to us and grabs me by the collar of my shirt.
"How could you let this happen!?" OShe says in a terrible half whispery half scream voice.
"Us?" Says butch, "your the one who trusted him." She let's my shirt go. I gulp he's really fucked up.
She runs past us pushing me aside.
We all look after her cringing as she slams another door.
I look ten butch and tabby, "I told you we should have watched him." I say. Looking miserably the tow of them rush after Barbara.
Barbara comes back after a moment with her phone in hand.
"Get changed and get into the car! She screams at us all. We don't know where we're going or what where going to do but the three of us obey Barbara.
Quickly I change into a purple top and skirt with black leather boots.

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We then all rush to the car

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We then all rush to the car.
"Where are we going." I say as Barbara hits the gas.
She doesn't respond at first.
"We're getting tech back!" She yells at me not even watching the road. I give butch who's in the back seat with me a lol. This won't end well.
When we get there: a run down warehouse , we all jump in. Barbara tosses me a gun and gets out her own gold one. Tabitha has a machine gun and her sip and butch a hand gun.
Barbara blasts threw door open.
"NYGMAAAAAAA!" She sing songs, screaming at the top of her lungs.
He cackles like all sanity has been drained from her body.
All of Barbara's enemy's are here, tech, Nygma penguin even Jim and Harvey.
"Did you really think you could get away with this?" She asks.
We all get our weapons ready, its time to see what I've really learned.
"i knew you'd figure out this was about oswald, but how'd you figure out where we are?" ed asks.
barbara sneers, "please. you know how many cops I got on payroll?" she looks wt him, "oh, baby, you might want to use inside growl whilst making secret calks inside the GCPD." she says to him a cute voice.
"now hand him over!" she says, clicking in her gun.
penguin, ed and Jarvis all look to Jim.
suddenly Nygma pulls something of a chain hanging to Jarvis. my eyes widen when I realize its grenade.
"RUN!" Barbara screams.
we dive to safety barely missing the blast. I burn my legs slightly but no permanent injuries.
then the fighting breaks lose, butch starts shooting, followed by tabby, me and barbara. penguin runs away form the fire and ed chases him. Tabitha aims but keeps missing ed.
"LET HIM GO! LET HIM GO!" Barbara screams at her.
"WE NEED TO GET TECH!" Tabitha gives it up to aim at Jim, Harvey and Jarvis.
Harvey shoots backend they make a run for it.
"Get them!" Barbara screams at us. We all go running after them. We're gaining grow on them but I'm not as fast as the adults.
Tabitha shoots barely missing them. Barbara and Butch charge at them but miss as they duck into an abandoned parking garage. It's filled with rusty, broken down cars, the perfect place to him.
"Split up." Barbara orders us. I nod but don't start to far from her.
Barbara bangs in one of the car windows.
"Jimmm!" She sings "jimmmmmm. You and the ex are infected, huh?" She says referring to Lee. "I've heard Lee wants to remove my pretty little head from my body." she says, "is it weird that kinda makes me like her more?" She asks in a deranged voice.
She laughs, "you thinking about ripping anyone's head of, Jim? I bet you are..." she says in a sexy tone.
"Jim!" Barbara yells losing her temper, "come out, come out, wherever you are." She sings.
I follow her gun still raised. My whole body is shaking, I don't want to have to use it.
Suddenly a scream penetrates the silence. It's Jarvis.
Me and Barbara look at one another for a split second before she rushes to find him.
"Where are they!" She screams running towards him. He's tied to a pole, his head is dropping.
"What happened?!" Barbara asks colliding with him.
She shakes his head which practically falls of his body. This throat has been sliced open.
"Ugh" she says panting.
"What's he do?" Butch asks as he and tabby arrive.
Barbara looks to the wall, blood is smeared all over it.
"Oh, Jim. You sick bastard." She says in an almost whisper.
"I don't understand what did he do?" I ask.
Barbara turns to us.
"To make the antidote you need teaches blood, not his body. He's killed him and taken the blood!" She says piecing it together. I'll admit it makes sense.
"We need to get back to the sirens!" She screams, "common let's go!"
We run out the garage and hop in the car. Barbara drives back like she's in the worlds most dangerous race. I'm pretty sure we hit some pedestrians.
When we get in Barbara starts pulling money into a duffle bag. I don't know what she needs for but she shoves it in quite aggressively.
"Now that they have techs blood, they can make the antidote; and after what we tried to pull, the whole cities gonna be gunning for us." He says. "Hell, I'm surprised the cops haven't busted down our door already."
"Relax. They've got better things to do." Barbara says hurriedly zipping the bag.
"What are we supposed to do now?" He asks.
"We split up, go to safe house, and regroup there." Barbara says.
"Regroup?" Says butch, "for what?!"
Barbara snaps, "FOR WHATEVER THE HELL I TELL YOU TO DO!" She screams at us.
Grabbing the bag she rushed out, knocking down glasses and tables as she goes.
We all look after her in shock.
"I'm not waiting for her anymore." Butch says.
"She's broken every promise she's ever make to you, to us!"
Tabitha flings around on him, "I know." She says.
"Safe house is a perfect place to do it." He says not caring that I'm here.
To my shock Tabitha nods "okay."
"I'll take care of everything." He says.
Tabitha grabs his arm.
"No. We do it together." They kiss and the two of them run off. Once I recover from the shock I realize what's about to happen. There going to kill Barbara; or wheel kill them. Either way, it sup to me to stop this now. Even if it means I'm the one who ends up dead.

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