The deal

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My bullet hits the target exactly, not a millimeter off.
I look to Barbara who's beaming with pride. For a split second I was the monster deep within. The inferno of fiery anger that was born when my parents died. Barbara had let it lose.
I let the gun fall from my hand before collapsing on the floor in tears of buried rage.
I should be embarrassed for crying and showing weakness in front of Barbara but I don't care anymore. Barbara walks over to me gazing over the sad mess. I shake and rattle between sobs.
"There there" she comforts me "you finally did it, you let go of the mask."
"What are you talking about !" I cry desperately trying to make sense of why she so cruelly manipulates me. Why does she try and drive me to my edge.
She pets my head like I'm some sort of pet.
"You finally embraced who your truly are, it was inspired."
"IM NOT LIKE TOU!" I scream as her laughs echo threw the barren warehouse.
"Oh but you are and now that you've tasted it you can't escape the darkness. I cry and let her console me, she doesn't really care but I'm so starved from effection I'll take anything, it's felt like tears since I've been hugged or even comforted. So why is it Barbara that builds me up when I'm my weakest? Is it some sort of conditioning so I'll be loyal to her? Or is she just playing with me, having some fun as she's put it before?
I don't even know anymore or care.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I ask her my blue eyes filled with tears. She smiles "I'm helping you,"
I shut my eyes, I'm done crying, Barbara has been breaking me down from the moment we meet but now I'm going to be strong.
I get up and wipe away my tears I'm not going to let her make me cry any longer.
I am a survivor!
"Let's go back to the club" I say casually picking up the gun. I slide it into Barbara's hands. She looks at me almost impressed, I can tell I've earned a little bit of respect.
"Will continue your training another day," she says touching my check. I swerve away from her. She glares at me but doesn't do much else.

When we're back at the club butch and Tabitha are sitting together talking.
"Well aren't the two off you hard at work." Barbara remarks sarcastically
"Back already?" Tabitha asks "what happened to teaching her to live?" She asks gestures to me.
Barbara sighs "someone didn't want to play along"
I frown I don't see how shooting guns is a fun activity.
"Just because I don't enjoy manipulating Ed like you did doesn't mean I-"
"Wait what!" Says Tabitha. Barbara glares at me, clearly I wasn't supposed to mention that part.
"You wen to see Ed!" Tabitha yells.
"She certainly did" says a familiar voice. We all turn to see Ed Nigma enter the club. Tabitha and butch immediately raise their guns ready to kill.
"Wow wow wow let's all just calm down!" Says Barbara stepping in front of Ed.
"You said we were going to kill him!" Says Tabitha seething in rage.
"I did, but Tabitha we need him alive more than dead, he's the key to overthrowing penguin"
She turns to Ed "have you come to see the truth?" She asks him.
He nods "yes,"
Barbara smiles "good now apologize to tabby and we can all get along" she says. Ed bites his tongue and swallows his pride.
"I'm sorry." He says blandly to Tabitha.
"Apologie not excepted!" She yells not dropping her gun. Barbara goes up to Tabitha "tabs please trust me, Ed's not going to hurt anyone"
"Well expect for penguin" he points out.
"Except for penguin." Barbara repeats.
"Don't you see, if we work with him we can get everything we want, we can rule Gotham and when we do I promise you can end him." She whispers the last part so Ed can't hear. Tabitha slowly lowers her gun.
"Fine, but don't think this means where even, you better watch your back!"
Ed smiles his polite smile "of course,"
"How do we know we can trust him?" Butch asks.
Barbara looks to Ed for the answer,
"Because," he says "I've finally seen the light, I finally realize what Oswald has done."
"He killed Isabella cause he was in love with Ed." I tell Tabitha. She nods.
"And you want what? Revenge?"
Ed chuckles "oh I don't just want revenge,no. I want penguin to lose everything, starting with his title."
Barbara smiles sinisterly "goodbye king of Gotham hello Barbara Queen!"
"Barbara Queen," I ask.
She smiles "has a nice ring to it don't ya think?"
"I thought you were already Gotham's queen?" I say. She shrugs "that's more of an unofficial title, once we're done with penguin everyone will know it.
Ed smiles sneakily. "See!" He exclaims "together we can do great things."
Tabitha doesn't look convinced and neither does butch but Barbara is practically glowing.
"Well I should getting going." Says Ed.
"But I'll see you around."
"Bye Ed" Barbara sings.
Ed waves goodbye "Tabitha, butch, El" he nods at us. I don't wave back, neither do Tabitha or butch.
When Nigmas gone Barbara turns to us smiling "now wasn't that worth it!" She says.
"I better get to kill him once we're done!" Tabitha says.
Barbara walks close to her and whispers in her ear.
I can't hear what she's saying but Tabitha smiles slightly. Barbara strolls over to the bar.
"Get me a drink" she commands me. I do as she asks pouring extra heavy as she likes. I sit down next to Barbara who massages her temple. Tabitha and butch whisper together in a corner.
"What's with them?" I ask her being sure to keep my voice down.
She pierces me with her gaze "I'm not sure, but I'm going to find out."
"How?" I ask.
Barbara grins "well you off course." She grabs my chin "your going to be my little spy" she says.
I frown "I don't want to do that." I say quietly.
Barbara glares at me "well then it's a good thing you have no choice."
I divert my gaze.
"Oh don't be so sensitive," she says "it's not like I'm asking you to kill a person. Just do some digging, listen to their conversation, see what you can find. It's not that hard."
She says.
"Are you even listening to me!" She asks.
I jerk my head back in her direction.
"Fine, I just, I'm tired."
Barbara rolls her eyes at me, she does so a lot. "I don't mean right now dummy, I mean later, in the future. It's not that hard."
I don't want to do it but I know I don't have a choice.
"Alright" I nod. "I'll do it."
Barbara smiles "good girl, just don't get caught. I wouldn't be very happy about that." She fixates her gaze purely on me.
"And you wouldn't want to make me angry now would you!" She warns with a hint of aggression in her voice.
I gulp anxiously.
"I wont" I say.
Barbara smiles returns and she pats my face. "Don't worry, once we figure out what those to love birds are up to and I'm the ruler of Gothams underworld everything will be better."
I try to look upbeat but nothing can hide my intense feeling. A felling that something would go terribly wrong with Barbara's plan, a feeling that something would change my life forever...

So this is chapter eight, let me know what stuff you'd like to see in the future chapters. I'm planning on this book going until when Barbara dies and then making a book two based on season four when Barbara comes back.
Anyways hope you like the story so far.
Also I know it's not exactly how things go in the tv show but since there's a new character things happen a little differently. That's why not all the conversation are the same as in the television series.

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