Bye bye butchy

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I run frantically throw out the city, I only have one goal: find Barbara. I need to stop butch from killing her or the opposite. Barbara has gone crazy and she won't stop until she truly has power. She'll even kill Tabitha. I don't know where I'm going or what I'm gonna do but at least for the first time in my life I'm doing something. Gotham is in chaps cause of the virus. Everywhere is a war zone at this point. I don't know exactly where the safe house is but I'll have to be able to find it.
I need to prevent anyone from killing anyone. But at the same time I'm worried about myself, both penguin and bungalows are still on the lose as well as everyone else with the virus. If one of them were to pick a fight with me is surely be dead.
Especially if they were anything like that Lee Tompkins lady. Boy was she crazy, I guessed Jim had a type. I'd heard Barbara say that he'd been infected as well. But he's seemed fine when we were doing the trade of. Gosh, I'd just known that wouldn't end well, what with tech dead and the others to busy trying to murder one another to find a cure. I only hope Jim will be okay, he was nice and I always liked him.
And what about Selina where had she been through all this. I haven't even seen her since we'd kidnapped her that time. Maybe she'd gotten out of the city. I sure hope so, no one will want to be around when all these wars come to a head.
  I stop running when I hear a farm okie voice, it's coming from an alley way just a few blocks down.
I can't get there. I gasp to see Barbara, she's pointing a gun at butch.
"Barbara stop!" I yell running towards them.
"Don't do this, please!" I beg her but she's beyond reason.
"Stay out of this el!" She says with a warning tone.
"No! I won't let you do this, I won't let you kill him." I say coming closer to her.
"Oh don't be so naive, you know just as well as I that he's had this coming." she says. She looks at butch, "did you really think I wouldn't figure it out, the two of you have been whispering like teenagers for weeks. Oh bunchy, you shouldn't have waited." She sing songs.
I'm pretty sure the teenagers part is meant as an insult to me.
"Barbara don't-"
"SHUT UP!" She screams point the gun at me.
I flinch but I'm not going to leave. She looks back at butch.
"Believe me Barbara, if it wasn't for tabby you'd have been dead weeks ago."
Barbara laughs, "your trying to tell me she had nothing to do with this?"
"That right." Butch says, only I know he's lying for her.
"Oh so you've just gone behind her back, have you?" Asks Barbara.
"I was gonna hit you before we got to the safe house, play dumb when you didn't show." He explains.
"Leaning into your strengths," she moles.
"That's enough!" I tell stepping introns of butch.
"Move El, or the first bullet is for you."
"No- aghhhhhh!" I scream as Barbara pulls the trigger and shoots me in the foot. I collapse to the ground, screaming and desperately trying to stop the bleeding.
"Where were we?" Asks Barbara "oh yes, you being a stupid pathetic excuse of a man."
Butch shakes his head and steps closer.
"You wanna know why your always taking shots at me?" He says.
"The giant size of a target!" Barbara yells almost louder than my shrieks of pain.
"It's because for all your tough talk, you miss her... you miss her loyalty, her strength. She made you better and you know it. And you sacrificed that for what? To play queen for the day?
I see Barbara expression fade form a narcissistic smile to a deep scowl.
"If it helps," he continues "you never deserved her in the first place-" bang!
Barbara shoots him straight in the head.
"Nooooo!" I scream. Barbara slowly lowers her gun. Her expression is blank and her eyes... they look like all the light has been drained from them.
"I guess we'll see." She whispers just staring at butches dead body.
"Why! Barbara why did you do this!" I yell at her, tears coursing down my face.
"She'll never forgive you for this!" I scream "your going to lose her!"
Barbara turns on me with a demented look.
"You don't know that!" She screams back edging closer to me. I can't walk or run so I try to drag myself away from her.
"Get away from me!" I scream as she grabs my arm and try's to pick me up.
"Don't touch me!" I scream. "Help, somebody hel-"
Barbara strikes me across the face with her gun.
"You stupid brat, shut up!" She screams dragging me off the ground and forcing me to limp away with her.
Dizzy and confused she drags me to the safe house, occasionally hitting me when I struggled to much.
"Barbara stop it!" I whimper, all I want is the pain to stop.
We reach the old safe house and  she throughs me to the floor.
I try to claw my way across the room away from her but she steps on my back, her heel crushing into my ribs.
"Agh! Stop!" I plead with her kicking and screaming.
"I'll stop when you behave!" Barbara snaps, "don't make me shoot you again!" She yells.
"Let me go, let me go!" I cry. "Please I'm sorry please." I'm desperate at this point.
"Are you going to stop fighting? Are you going to be good?" She asks digging her heel even deeper.
I yelp in pain, "yes, yes please stop it!" I cry to her.
Barbara slowly let's up and backs of slightly. She lets me cry my heart out on the floor for a few minutes.
I stop when I feel her hand on my back.
Gently she helps me up and into one of the rooms. I lie down on the bed and pass out.
When I wake up again she's still watching over me. My foot has been bandaged but it still bleeds a lot.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I ask her desperate for some sort of answer.
"I'm helping you." She says with a crazy gleam in her eyes, "oh poor baby, all alone, injured." She reaches out to touch me, I flinch away. I've never been so afraid of a person in my entire life.
"Please stop," I say, "I can't- I"
I can't find the words to finish. But Barbara understands, because she knows what she's doing. She knows how she's hurting me and she likes it. I sigh and a few more tears drip from my eyes. I swipe at them hoping Barbara doesn't notice. But of course, she does.
"What's wrong?" She asks with a pouty face which turns to a poisonous smile.
"You know what's wrong," I say back.
Barbara smiles "one day your see what I've done for you, you'll see that I've freed you."
I shake my head unsure of how shooting someone in the door could free them.
Barbara lifts my chin, "you shouldn't have tried to save Butch, I'm quite angry about that."
She says in a measured voice.
Just then we hear a door swing open.
"Butch?" I hear Tabithas voice, "butch? Barbara? El?"
Barbara turns to me with a grave expression.
"Stay here." She orders me. Naturally I disobey her.
I use tables and walls to limp out the room. I see Tabitha opening a box, inside is butches fake hand, Barbara must have gone back for it while I was sleeping.
Barbara creeps up on her old friend not making any noise. I can hardly breath, what is she about to do? Barbara readies her gun and gets Tabitha attention. She doesn't even have to ask who it is. She raises her hand in the air.
"Was killing nygma... really that important to you?" Asks Barbara.
"Did you kill butch," asks Tabitha.
I gulp and wait for Barbara's response. Whatever happens next will kill one of them, I just can't tell who yet. I look back and forth between babs and Tabitha, will Barbara tell her the truth? Or will she lie like she's done the rest of her life... "he said you didn't have anything to do with him trying to kill me. Is that true?" Barbara asks.
Tabitha shakes her head "what does it matter?" She says defeated.
"Alright for arguments sake, let's say I haven't been the best friend. Do you think we could put this behind us, and move forward?" Barbara asks her gun shaking in her trembling hand.
"Did you kill butch?" Tabitha asks her again.
"That doesn't sound like a yes." Barbara says wanting so badly for Tabitha to agree. She knows she might lose her and for the first time since I've met her Barbara seems scared.
"I need to know, it's the only way we'll be able to move forward." Tabitha says.
Barbara  is silent for a good moment or two.
"Yes." She says in the most broken voice I've ever heard her utter.
" I killed him." She says tears beginning to flow, "but it's not like you have me a choice!" She yells.
I feel bad for the both of them, but for two very different reasons.
Tabitha looks down at butches hand one last time.
"There's always a choice!"

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