"Now we can move forward"

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"There's always a choice!" Tabitha says and then throws the hand straight at Barbara's head. She ducks to the floor and it misses me by an inch. The fighting starts. Barbara gets up and pints her gun at tabby who's taken out her whip.
She slashes it towards Barbara and it lassos her wrist.
"No!" I scream "stop it! Stop fighting, Tabitha please don't do this!" But the two of them are already at it.
"Stay out of this!" Barbara screams at me.
"No!" I yell back at her.
Barbara yells as Tabitha pushes her agonist the wall, pinning her in place. Barbara laughs before kissing her lips, neither one of them can pull away. But then Barbara does, she head buts Tabitha hard.
"Barbara stop!" I scream.
Barbara has the higher ground now and she pushes Tabitha against the opposite wall.
Tabitha throws her off and to the ground, Barbara makes an attempt to grail away but is picked up by tabby and smashed back against the wall.
She screams and Tabitha begins to choke her. "Stop it! Stop!" I scream limping towards them.
Seconds away from losing air Barbara rips of her earring and slashes tabby across the face. She scream and falls to the ground. Laughing and panting in a deranged fashion Barbara break of an old slab of wood and charges at Tabitha.
Tabitha retaliates by pushing her threw a wall. Barbara crawls to her gun and Tabitha to her whip..
"Barbara don't do thi-ahhhhgg!" She shoots my leg this time. I fall the the floor bleeding out as they fight. Barbara gets up as Tabitha slashes her whip. It misses. Barbara cackles sickeningly.
"How many times have I told you not to bring a whip to a gun fight!" She yells smiling victoriously.
I want to shut my eyes but I can't, I look form Tabitha to Barbara, panting Tabitha pills down an old light which lands near Barbara's feet.
When I realize what's happening it's to late.
Barbara let's put a series of Janine shrieks as she's electrocuted by the light. It's landed right in a puddle of water. She drops to her knees, eyes going blank and twitching as the life leaves her body.
"No!" I cry out half form pain and half from what I just witnessed.
Barbara stops moving completely, "now we can move forward." Tabitha says. She gives me a look before leaving me and the corpse of Barbara alone.
"Barbara !" I drag myself over to her. Her hair is still smoking her eyes still so life like yet soulless.
"No, please no wake up, Barbara wake up!"
I scream shaking her body like she might get up. But Barbara is gone, dead.
"No." I cry softly burying my face in her fluffy coat. Her body is still warm but shes lifeless, like I soon will be if I don't get to a hospital.
but maybe I deserve this, my parents are gone Barbara gone. shes treated me like shit but still, she was all I had.
I shake and quiver in between sobs the pain I feel penetrates far beyond physical.
I should be glad, Barbara was cruel and terrible but I don't all I feel is pain and anger. Not at Tabitha at the world, they did this to her, to both of them.
"I'm sorry." I say silently even though no one can hear me. I'm alone, just like I've always been. I think, I think maybe I always will be.
As my last tears of pain fall to the ground I feel my body give out, I'm done, I can't do it anymore.
Soon I'll be with my parents again...

So this it, the end of book one but dot. Worry it's not the real end. Book two coming soon, just know, Barbara isn't the only one who can come back to life...

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