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"so why exactly are we driving to dexi? there's nothing to do there

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"so why exactly are we driving to dexi? there's nothing to do there... it's a pretty small town." mark questioned with a laugh as they pulled into a panda express about 30 minutes away from district red.

"you'll see maple boy." freya smiled, tapping the screen of marks tesla. "jesus fuck this car is expensive." she mumbled, playing around with the apps on the screen while mark told their order to the worker.

"i told you not to call me mapl-"
"shhh the stealer is on." she hushed the older, pointing at the screen where she had chosen a song from. he furrowed his brows, looking at the screen.

low and behold, the music video of the boyz "the stealer" was playing. freya began to sing along, pulling her phone out to scroll through twitter while the music played on.

mark listened in awe, her rapping and singing completely on point. she knew every lyric easily, it was honestly pretty surprising coming from someone like her.

soon they got their food and the song was over, now why not by loona was playing. "this should be a fun ride." the male cleared his throat as he handed freya her food while she immediately started to sing along.


mark looked up in awe at the large house freya has directed him to pull up to. it was in one of those committees where the houses are hella spaced out and have gates around them so you can imagine how nice it looked.

"okay now just a bit of preparation for you.... lolas 17 and is basically me but 100x more introverted, mama is very affectionate and papa... he might like you might not. we'll see." she explained as they got out of marks car. the older nearly choked on his spit, eyes flying wide.

"ma- pa- did you seriously bring me to your parents house!?" his voice cracked, the male immediately freezing in his spot. freya laughed at the boy, patting his shoulder and shaking her head.

"you'll be fine, mamas from italy and is fluent in english- the whole family is so if they talk in english you have the upper hand." she smiled, her long hair flowing in the wind. mark nodded slowly, still not understanding the whole family dynamic they had going on.

freya led him to tall black gates of the house, pressing a button on the side wall and leaning into it. "oh teddy~" she sang, smirking at the small camera attached to the device.

the gates opened automatically, earning a giggle. mark has never, ever, seen this girl this happy let alone giggle in the two weeks he's known her. but he sort of got it.

she was at home where her family was. he was guessing she grew up here, it had to have came with at least a few good memories for her to act the way she did.

the building inside of the black gates was huge. not quite a mansion but it could pass as one. it looked to have about maybe three high stories. the yard was large and covered in a small frost due to it being pretty early in the morning.

"hurry up maple boy." freya pulled the male by his jacket sleeve, rolling her eyes as they approached the door. "stand up straight." she said, looking mark dead in the eye.

he looked at the girl confused, furrowing his brows yet again. "i said stand up straight. you look decent, i think papa might like you." she mumbled, judgmentally looking him up and down.

mark scoffed, throwing his head back to stop himself from giving a snarky remark.

when he let his head fall back forward and was about to say something, he was cut off by the door opening revealing a man in a suit, no taller then 5'7 with light grey hair. the wrinkles on his face helped show that he was definitely older then 40.

"why hello teddy, it's nice to see you again." freya mused, crossing her arms and smiling mischievously at the old man. "heavens the devils back again." the man, supposedly named teddy, mumbled monotoned.

his expression was quite intimidating, he looked like he hated anything and everyone.

"you know it. are mama and papa home?" she peered over the males shoulder into the very large house. teddy nodded curtly, stepping to the side to let the two in.

mark didn't miss the very judgmental look he gave to him. what was with people and their judgmental looks today? was it judge mark day- well every day is judge mark day for freya.

they walked further into the house after removing their shoes, mark looking in awe at the high walls decorated with gold and black accents. the whole house smelled like cinnamon, a very comfortable scent for the large house.

freya laughed as she walked into the kitchen, running behind a tiny woman that was working on chopping vegetables and hugging her almost immediately.

"oh- freya! you've gotten so much taller!" the woman turned around with the largest smile on her face. unlike teddys light grey hair, she had a long black braid cascading down her back, he face still pretty wrinkly but she still managed to look quite young.

"hoyeon, le nostre figlie qui!" the woman called out, looking up at the staircase before letting her eyes fall onto mark who was awkwardly standing in the door way that led to the kitchen. her eyes widened, smile getting larger as she let go of freya.

"whos this?" she whispered to freya in english, smiling when mark smiled at her. freya chuckled walking over to the boy. "this is mark. just so you know he can speak english , he's from canada." she introduced, pushing mark in front of her.

his eyes widened, looking back at freya with a glare before turning back to the woman with a smile.

"you're handsome. are you her boyfriend." the girl scoffed to this, taking a piece of meet from the pile her mother had cut. "a-ah no. we work together..." mark trailed off, not exactly knowing what to say.

"what group do you work with? i just want to make sure my little princess is in good hands." a deeper voice that was obviously not the girls mothers sounded throughout the kitchen, the baritone sound causing mark to flinch a little.

"papa!" freya exclaimed, running over to the male and jumping in his arms. mark almost choked at the mans height. he had to be around.... 6'5 or 6'6 which mark didn't even know could happen.

this should be fun.

this chapter is barely edited spare me wind

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