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"AHHHHHHH OMGGG" bokuto yelled when he received the photo of akaashi. "WHAT HAPPENED ?" the guys went running into my room.

"guys, i've met the love of my life" bokuto said before he pretended to faint. "he looks like a god.. he's so pretty oh my god" bokuto said still on the floor with his right hand on his forehead.

"who is he ?" osamu asked. bokuto pulled out his phone and showed them the picture. "oh shit.. he's so pretty what the fuck" they all said in unison which caused them to look at eachother weirdly.

bokuto stood up "BARK BARK GRRRR BARKK" bokuto growled at them.. literally. "what the fuck is wrong with you" iwaizumi asked.

"he's my future husband. don't compliment him" bokuto crossed his hands across his chest and puffed his cheeks.

"mhm sure besides i saw someone today" osamu said "no way me too" kuroo responded. "oh my, i saw someone as well" daichi said as well. "so we all met the love of our lives ?" bokuto said with a smile.

"well no.. but i want them to be mine" kuroo said and daichi and osamu nodded. they all looked at iwaizumi "so you didn't see someone iwaizumi ?" osamu asked. "well maybe.." iwaizumi looked down embarrassed.

"why are you embarrassed ?" daichi tilted his head to the side comfused. "w-well you see.."

the next chapter will be on how iwaizumi and oikawa met.. hehe

when iwaizumi finished the story on how him and oikawa met, the boys bursted into laughter. "no way bro that's embarrassing" kuroo said while laughing. "not as embarrassing as your laugh" iwaizumi scowled.

"wow bro.. that was uncalled for" kuroo said sadly "mhm don't make fun of me, how did you and your mystery guy meet" iwaizumi said looking at kuroo. "well.."

just so you know, i'll make separate chapters on how they meet their crushes so :P

"ouch.. you have no chance with him just saying" bokuto said to his bro "bro.." kuroo said looking at bokuto.



"stop with the bros, you both sound stupid" sakusa said. "wow look who finally came, did you not hear me screaming ?" bokuto said with his hands on his hips, while raising his right eyebrow

"yes i did, i just choose to ignore it, but now i'm here so spill the tea" sakusa said staying outside of the room. "come inside the room" daichi told sakusa.
"no it's dirty here" sakusa said annoyed.

"sakusa how are ya gonna find the love of yer life with that attitude" osamu said irritated. which reminded sakusa of something.

"hey osamu, do you happen to have a twin brother in this school ?" sakusa asked looking at osamu. "yes, his name is atsumu" osamu answered.

"bro did you not know about atsumu ?" bokuto asked. "um no, i just met him today" sakusa said turning a light shade of pink. "WOAH IS THE SAKUSA KIYOOMI BLUSHING?" kuroo said genuinely shocked.

"SHUT UP NO IM NOT YOU DUMBASS" sakusa obviously lied.. "ya like my brother ?" osamu asked "no i don't." sakusa denied "mhm sure, just don't break his heart, he's been through a lot" osamu warned sakusa, leaving sakusa confused. "what do you mean he's been through a lot ?" sakusa asked.

"it's not my story to tell." osamu said looking away from sakusa. "now how did you and atsumu meet" daichi asked sakusa.


.. this is one is not embarrassing.. well kinda.

"EXCUSE ME, BUT YA DID WHAT ?" osamu yelled at sakusa. "IM SORRY, I ALREADY APOLOGIZED TO HIM" sakusa said immediately.

"daichi how did you meet your crush ?" sakusa asked.

"well it's not really that's embarrassing, it's kinda cute.. well this is how it happened"

im eating popcorn while typing this guys..

"aww that's so cute" bokuto told daichi. "yeah well he's cute" daichi said blushing. "simp" osamu said rolling his eyes.

"hold up, osamu you never said how you met your guy" they all looked at osamu. "unlike ya guys my story is more normal"

sadly it's normal 😔✊🏼.

"booo that's boring" bokuto said. "we need the juicy embarrassing tea" kuroo pouted. "bruh we already told you, our embarrassing experience on meeting the love of ou- i mean the mystery guys" iwaizumi said embarrassed he almost said love of our lives


"CAN YOU BOTH SHUT THE FUCK UP DAMN" iwaizumi yelled at them annoyed. "for real, he don't need the world knowing he got caught slacking" osamu smirked.

"y'all are annoying, i'm going to my room" iwaizumi said storming out of bokuto's room.

um chile anyways so.. i'm on a live meeting for class right now, but instead of paying attention i'm writing.. oops. no regrets though :P 😏.

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