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now this one is sakuatsu, it's kinda a funny one.. well i said kinda..

"ugh there's so many people there" sakusa said while looking at the cafeteria, he walked over to an empty classroom

he made his way to a desk and cleaned it as well and the chair as well, since he could see their was dirt there.

he sat down, sakusa always bought lunch from home because he couldn't stand being in the cafeteria with a lot of people, especially since it was always crowded

he heard the door open, he looked and saw a blond kid, who reminded him of osamu. "OH hi i didn't see you there" the guy said with a chirpy tone.

"yeah, now leave" sakusa said annoyed. he hated interacting, except his friends but he still didn't like them touching him, well sometimes unless he's sure they're clean. "aw don't be mean, can i stay here, i don't really wanna be in the cafeteria" the blond guy looked at the floor.

"mhm sure, just don't come near me" sakusa said as he continued eating. "why not" the guy came near sakusa. "back away, i'm warning you" sakusa warned him.

but the guy didn't listen, he sat next to him. "dont be so rude, i won't hurt ya" the guy said to sakusa. "i'm not worried that you'll hurt me, just don't touch me" sakusa said again, hoping he'll take the hint.

"okay.." he said and started eating his food. sakusa just stayed quiet and ate his food. "hey.. what's yer name ?" the guy turned to sakusa and asked.

"it's none of your business" sakusa said "oh well hi none of yer business, i'm miya atsumu" sakusa wondered if osamu had a brother but he never saw osamu with him..

"didn't ask" sakusa said to atsumu, while he was still eating his food. "why do you have a mask hanging from your ear?" atsumu asked.

"i always wear a mask, well most of the times, only in crowded places, just in case someone tries to cough or sneeze on me" sakusa said and atsumu made an 'o' shape with his mouth

"for a second i thought ya were gonna say yer germaphobic" atsumu said and sakusa shrugged "i do but it's minor, i don't like people touching me not knowing what they've touched" sakusa said honestly and atsumu raised an eyebrow then reached his hand to touch sakusas shoulder.

sakusa quickly grab a spray from his teachers desk without thinking and sprayed it on atsumu. "OH SHIT IM SORRY" sakusa apologized.

"no no im sorry, ya told me yer a minor germaphobe and i still tried to touch ya, i'm sorry" atsumu felt bad, he regretted trying to touch the pretty boy.

"god i'm sorry, do you forgive me ?" sakusa said, he normally wouldn't feel bad but something was different about atsumu, so he couldn't help but feel guilty, probably because he did spray his eyes.

"i'll forgive ya.. if ya tell me yer name" atsumu smirked. "ugh fine, i'm sakusa kiyoomi" atsumu had a bright smile, he was happy. he didn't know why.

"wow can i call ya omi omi ?" atsumu asked with his big puppy dog eyes. "ugh fine" sakusa didn't wanna argue with atsumu, so he just gave in.

"YAY OMI OMI" sakusa felt his heart skip a beat when atsumu was excited he can call sakusa omi omi, sakusa found atsumu adorable like alittle kid.

"omi omi, can i have yer number ?" sakusa looked at atsumu deciding if he should, but he took out his phone and told atsumu to tell him his number.

"YAY okay it's **********" atsumu told sakusa the number, and sakusa texted atsumu.



omi omi:
.. bye

atsumu pouted, "why'd ya say bye" sakusa rolled his eyes at atsumus childish behavior. "because i'm right here, are you dumb ?" sakusa said, as his cheeks started turning pink, sakusa was glad he decided to slip on his mask on so atsumu couldn't see his blushed cheeks.

"omi, wanna hang out later today ?" sakusa gave a disgust look at atsumu. "out in public ? in crowded places ?" was all sakusa could say. "we can just go to the park, there's rarely people there so ya wouldn't have to worry about crowds" atsumu gave sakusa puppy eyes.

"dont give me that look". atsumu kept on doing that look until sakusa gave in.

"ugh fine whatever, just text me when, now bye the bells gonna ring and i have to go to class early to clean the desk since it's always dirty because of stupid people" sakusa said standing up. "OKAY BYE OMI OMIII" atsumu left waving at sakusa with the biggest smile on his face.

sakusa made his way to the door before he left, he turned around and took off his mask and smiled back at atsumu, then he put the mask back on.

"AHH OMIII" and with that sakusa left the room chuckling. "i hope you don't leave me since i'm hard to deal with" sakusa said to himself quietly.

INESIDH omg they're so cute. they really do be simping though

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