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"KAASHI" bokuto yelled barging inside and hugging akaashi. "um hello bokuto-san" akaashi said awkwardly. "i missed you ! bokuto said still hugging akaashi, then he slowly let go.

"i missed you too bokuto-san" akaashi cheeks had a light shade of pink across his cheeks. akaashi didn't realize bokuto was also blushing realizing what he did.

he let akaashi go and then went to the couch "hey kaashi wanna watch a disney movie" bokuto captivated akaashi with his smile. akaashi just nodded and went to make popcorn.

"pick any movie and i'll get the popcorn" the black haired male saw a bag of cheddar cheese popcorn in the counter with a note. here's your popcorn, don't ask when i got it - love suga <3

akaashi just smiled and went to the couch and sat beside bokuto. bokuto picked the movie moana, as they were watching the movie the two males didn't realize they were so close to eachother, akaashi got slightly tired and put his head on bokutos shoulder.

bokuto smiled softly and put his hand over akaashis shoulder pulling him even more closer. akaashi started blushing but snuggled closer putting his arm around bokutos waist so they were basically cuddling.

they stayed like that for the whole movie but when the movie finished bokuto realized akaashi fell asleep, he looked at akaashi and saw a little drool coming out and bokuto didn't think he would fall harder but he did.

bokuto put his hand up carefully trying to not wake akaashi up and got the controller than was beside him and turned off the tv and then got akaashi softly and carefully putting akaashi ontop of bokuto while bokuto started laying down so akaashi was laying on top of him.

bokuto snaked his arm around akaashi and akaashi snuggled into bokutos chest, making bokuto's heart skip a beat. bokuto then kissed akaashi's forehead softly and started playing with the pretty boys hair, after a while he had fallen asleep.

*few hours later*

akaashi woke up and saw that he was laying ontop of bokuto, akaashi snuggled into bokutos chest and placed his left arm on the side of bokutos waist, akaashi felt warm and comfortable and didn't wanna move.

akaashi felt bokuto waking up, and akaashi quickly shut his eyes pretending he's still asleep. bokuto's eyes fluttered open revealing his golden eyes and saw akaashi sleeping, bokuto started blushing and kissed his head and started playing with akaashis hair.

akaashi felt a warm lips pressed softly against his head and started blushing, but bokuto didn't notice, bokuto just stayed put and akaashi opened his eyes placing his hand on bokutos chest, lifting his head up and bokuto and the black hair male looked into each others eyes and their faces turned a dark red shade, but a smile plastered on their faces

"b-bokuto.." akaashi said sitting up not realizing he sat on bokutos lap . akaashi just stayed on bokuto's lap not knowing if he should ask bokuto why he kissed his head. "i'm sorry it's just.. you were sleeping and i didn't wanna wake up so i just let you sleep on me.." bokuto said looking away.

"it's okay, i slept like a baby" akaashi said smiling softly to reassure bokuto. "well i'm hungry wanna go eat ?" bokuto sighed in relief.

relieved he didn't have to face the embarrassment of akaashi realizing he was getting turned on.

"yes i'm hungry... but not for food" bokuto said mumbling the last part so akaashi wouldn't hear it. "okay well do you wanna order food, and continue watching a movie because it's um.." akaashi went to grab his phone, "it's only 5:27" akaashi said looking up at bokuto.

"yeah sure" bokuto smiked "well what do you want to eat ?" akaashi asked bokuto "um onigiri ? osamu made me try it once and it's really good !"akaashi just nodded and ordered the food. "okay it'll be here in 30 minutes" bokuto nodded and grabbed the controller and went to netflix.

"wanna watch a scary movie ? unless you're too scared" bokuto wiggled his eyesbrows. "okay" bokuto didn't know akaashi loved scary movies, akaashi rarely got scared. "w-wait really ..?" bokuto said gulping.

"yes, unless you're.. too scared" akaashi gave a smirk that made bokuto blush "NO IM NOT" bokuto pouted, akaashi let out a giggle "okay.."

they started the movie the conjuring (i didn't know what movie to pick and that one was the first one in my mind :P)

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