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the school day had ended and akaashi and the others were on their way back to their dorm, they were gonna hang out at a cafe near the school later. "hey guys, did you hear of the new kid ?" oikawa told the others

"oh yeah, supposedly the new kid is gonna move in with us since we had an extra room. and there's a transfer student from russia as well" suga said.

"a transfer student and a new kid ?! wow.." akaashi said surprised, akaashi was fiddling with his fingers, he wanted to hang out with bokuto tomorrow but he didn't know how to ask him.

"hey guys.." akaashi said softly that the others could barely hear him. "hm yeah ?" suna asked "um i wanna ask bokuto-san to hang out with me tomorrow since it's saturday but how should i... ask .?" the pretty boy asked still looking down fidgeting with his fingers nervously.

"just tell him "hey sexy wanna hang out me and you tomorrow in bed grrr 😏💧" oikawa said smirking. suga smacked the back of oikawas head while the others tried holding back their laughters, suga proceeded to say "don't listen to kawa just say "hi bokuto, do you wanna hang out tomorrow ? you know be simple"

akaashi nodded "thank you suga" they all arrived at their dorm and opened the door but stopped when they saw someone sitting on the couch. "oh hello i'm yaku morisuke" the tiny male said smiling making his way to the other guys.

"OH MY GOD YOURE SO TINY AND ADORABLEEE" oikawa squealed, yaku had an deadly expression on his face and said "don't mention my height" yaku gave a slight smile making him look like a psychopath.

everyone gulped, they were scared of the smaller one. "o-okay" everyone said stuttering because they were scared as fuck

i mean shit i would too 😿

"good, anyways do you guys wanna hang out ? i don't really know anyone since i just moved here.." yaku said hoping they'd say yes "of course !!" atsumu said excitedly "wait first are you homophobic?" oikawa asked.

"um no, i'm pansexual ? oh my god are you guys homophobic ?" yaku said worried "oh god no, we're all gay" yaku sighed happily "oh so are you guys dating anyone ?" the small one asked

"well no but i like someone" suga said making everyone look at him "AW SUGA YOU LIKE SOMEONE WHO ?!" oikawa said loudly with a sad tone because suga didn't tell him.

"his name is daichi.." suga started blushing "i don't know him but i like someone as well" atsumu said doing the debby ryan..

"samee" everyone said at the same time "oh my god spill who you guys like, what are their names ?" yaku asked clenching his fist in a excited way






"WAIT 'SAMU MY TWIN BROTHER ?!!" atsumu yelled ".. oh that's why he looked familiar oops.. kidding i knew" suna smiled cheeky way.

"okay but why do i lowkey ship.." atsumu said putting his index finger in his chin making a thinking expression "okay but same" oikawa agreed.

"okay but how do y'all crushes look like, spill the teaaa" suga said being a proud mom.

they showed pictures from instagram and showed eachother it. "okay but why akaashi crush look like an owl-" oikawa said laughing "HEYY don't be mean.. he's.. cute" akaashi blushed.

"okay but oikawa your crush look like godzilla with that hair .." suna said at oikawa smirking. "oh hush suna, osamu looks like atsumu so if you think about it you like atsumu" suna gagged "no osamu is way hotter" suna flipped his fluffy hair.

"why does your man wear a mask but he lowkey hot even though we can't see his bottom half of his face.." suga said giggling alittle "bruh suga your mans looks bossy but kind.." kenma said softly

"KENMA YOUR MANS LOOK LIKE A WHOLE FUCKING DEFORMED ROOSTER" yaku said laughing out loud. everyone laughed as well.

kenma just pouts going back to his game. "so yaku if anyone catches your eyes make sure you tell us" oikawas winked at him. "sure but i probably won't like anyone" yaku shrugged..

oh boy was he wrong hehe.

"anyways let's go to the cafe guys" suga told him, opening the door, they all left the room and went walking to the cafe, and spotted their crushes

okay lev already met the other tops so he's gonna be with them since yeah :P

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