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this one is gonna be how iwaizumi and oikawa met :D

iwaizumi was at lunch with his friends. he was talking to his friends about what they're gonna do later today. he noticed bokuto kept looking somewhere but didn't mention it.

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the bell had rung "k guys i'll see you guys at the dorm later" iwaizumi said to boys, leaving the cafeteria, he went to the library to study since he had study hall.

he couldn't study at lunch because of the noise, and he wouldn't be able to focus. he took out his books and started studying since he has a test tomorrow.

he noticed someone was sitting in the table on his left, they were watching an alien documentary. "wow they believe in aliens ? hm that's pretty cool" he thought to himself.

he tried focusing but his eyes always wondered to the brown-haired guy who seemed so invested on aliens. the bell was about to ring so he decided to leave alittle early, since his next class which was in the opposite side of the building.

he put his books inside his bag, and tried standing up but ended up falling flat on his face. "ow shit" he said laying in the floor and didn't realize the alien guy was going towards him "are you okay ?!" the guy said helping iwaizumi up.

"oh yeah i'm sorry" iwaizumi nervously chuckled. "well i should get going now" iwaizumi picked up his bookbag and walked away nervously not realizing a book on the floor.

"WATCH OUT !" the alien lover warned iwaizumi, but before iwaizumi could react, he fell again on the floor. "oh for fucks sake, do i have bad luck, i literally fell twice in front of a hot dude" iwaizumi said not realizing he said it out loud.

"um" alien boy said "oh shit did i say that out loud ?" iwaizumi groaned out of embarrassment "today is not my day" iwaizumi thought to himself.

"it's okay, i think you're hot as well" the male said making iwaizumi flustered "i- what ?"

"im oikawa tooru" the guy told iwaizumi helping him up again. "uh hi i'm iwaizumi hajime" the spiky hair told oikawa.

"nice name, well we should get going to class before we're late. so what do you have right now ?" oikawa asked.

"w-well i have precalculus" iwaizumi said still embarrassed. "wow, well i have chemistry, i'll walk you to class iwa-chan" oikawa smiled

"what did you call me ?" iwaizumi asked "iwa-chan, if you don't like it, i'll just call you iwaizumu" oikawa was embarrassed.

"huh no ! it's okay, you can call me that"iwaizumi reassured oikawa.

IEBSIDH cute :')

both of the guys, left the library and walked to class together, they walked in silence, but not an awkward silence, it was rather comforting

"hey can i get your number iwa-chan ?" oikawa asked. "huh yeah of course" iwaizumi said pulling out his phone and gave it to oikawa so he can put his number in, while oikawa did the same thing. both of the boys exchanged each others numbers.

"well here's my class kawa" iwaizumi smiled. "kawa ?" "well since you called me iwa-chan, i thought it'd be okay to call you kawa" iwaizumi wondered if he wasn't supposed to do that.

"ohh, you can call me that, it's cute" oikawa grinned happily. "well iwa-chan, i'll text you later !" and with that oikawa left the spiky haired guy a blushing mess.

"god i don't care, he's the love of my life" iwaizumi thought to himself. he felt like he was gonna faint, he just met the perfect guy. "a guy who had glasses, fluffy hair, brown eyes, cute face, perfect lips, amazing body and thinks aliens are real.. wow" iwaizumi was simping over oikawa.

oikawa has invaded his thoughts, he couldn't focus on any of him classes because a specific alien loving guy was in his thoughts throughout the day, although iwaizumi wished he could've met oikawa differently.

iwaizumi turned red at embarrassment, knowing he fell twice infront of his future boyfriend. he just hoped oikawa ends up feeling the same way.

little did he know, iwaizumi was also on oikawas mind.

okay but iwaizumi being a simp KSBSK cute, we love cute iwaizumi :D

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