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this one is daisuga.. this one is gonna be cute because suga is just so sweet to daichi (most of the times LMAO)

daichi and his other friends were at lunch, daichi started getting a headache, he felt nauseous and felt like vomiting.

the period had just ended, daichi decided to go to the bathroom for alittle, or until he felt better. he went inside and stood by the mirror, his hands on the edge of the sink.

"fuck my head hurts" daichi said to himself. he heard the door open but didn't bother looking. he heard footsteps coming towards him, he didn't wanna deal with anyone so he still was looking down at the sink.

"hey, are you okay ?" he heard a soft and angelic voice. he turned to his right and saw a gray haired guy. "oh wow" he said quietly.

"huh what'd you say ?" they guy said. "um nothing, and yeah i'm fine just got a headache." daichi told the beautiful guy.

"huh then you should go to your dorm" daichi shook his head, he couldn't go home, well he could, he just didn't want to mess up his perfect attendance. "no i can't" daichi said still looking at the gray hair angel.

"why not ? i know we don't know eachother but i can help you go to your dorm if you're not feeling well" daichi was stunned, is this guy actually this caring ? or is he a murderer..

"no, i don't want to be a burden" the other guy laughed. "oh no, you won't be a burden besides i wouldn't want you to stay in school while you have a headache" the guy smiled softly.

daichi started to feel worse, his legs were weak. he stumbled to the floor. "oh shit" daichi said trying to stand up but ended up falling back down.

"oh fuck, let me help you !" the angel said. "thank you" daichi smiled weakly. "god i'm taking you to your dorm, you're not well" and with that the guy helped daichi outside.

"okay.. also what's your name ?" daichi asked. "i'm sugawara koshi" suga said smiling "but you can call me suga" daichi smiled at suga. "i'm daichi sawamura"

suga helped daichi walk to his dorm. "oh what's your dorm number ?" suga asked "oh it's **" daichi told suga.

when all of a sudden he passed out "DAICHI" suga said loudly. suga tried waking daichi up but he didn't budge. suga sighed knowing he'd have to carry him.

"fuck you're heavy" suga groaned. suga carried daichi to his dorm. he opened the door and went inside, there was signs of names infront of the bedroom doors.

he said "daichi (:" in a door "i'm guessing this is his room" suga said opening the door. "wow it's neat" suga said to himself.

suga placed daichi carefully to his bed. suga admired daichi, he was really hot. suga started blushing when daichi all of a sudden grabbed sugas wrist making him fall down to the bed beside him.

"um daichi" suga said but daichi didn't respond "well okay.." suga kissed daichi's forehead, and saw a small smile for daichis lips.

"i can't tell if you're awake or asleep anymore." suga chuckled. "sleep well daichi" suga fell asleep alittle while after.

*2 hours later*

suga had woke up, and saw daichi was still asleep, suga tried leaving but daichi's hand was in suga's waist, daichi pulled suga closer making suga flustered.

*few minutes later*

suga was staring at the celling, the back at daichi. daichis eyes fluttered opened slowly revealing his beautiful eyes. daichi noticed his hand around sugas waist. "oh shit i'm so sorry" daichi apologized and sat up quickly.

"it's fine, don't worry" suga chuckled. "what time is it ?" daichi asked suga. suga grabbed his phone and said "it's 11:47" daichi eyes widened. "shit we were sleeping for 2 hours ?"

"yup appears so, but do you feel better ?" suga asked with a concerned tone. "huh oh yeah, i guess i needed a nap" daichi chuckled.

"okay that's good ! well i should get going" suga said getting off the bed "oh wait before you go, can i get your number ?" daichi asked

"yeah sure it's **********" suga grinned "thank you, i'll text you later" daichi said as suga walked away, suga turned around and waved bye to daichi.

"wow if i don't marry him, i don't know what i'll do" they both thought.

ISHISD suga is so cute 😿, i have school tomorrow and i'm so not ready.. oh my oops i forgot i have homework :P awkward.. ugh why does school even exist 🙄

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