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warning slight nfsw

bokuto was startled by a knocking on the door "AHHH KAASHI IM GONNA DIE" bokuto screamed, akaashi giggled and made his way towards the door and opened it. "here's your food" the guy said to akaashi.

"thank you" akaashi said getting the food and getting his money to pay, the guy got the money and said "hey you're really cute .. can i um get your number ?" akaashi was shocked and bokuto got mad , he out of instinct walked up towards akaashi.

bokuto looked at the guy giving him a "don't flirt with him" glare, the guy gulped and ran away, akaashi shrugged and closed the door. "he was cute, i should've given him my number" bokuto got sad and went to his emo-mode, he got sad he didn't want akaashi to date anyone but him.

"bokuto-san are you okay ?" akaashi asked noticing bokuto was sad. bokuto just ignored akaashi and sat on the couch his arms crossed around his chest.

akaashi put the food down on the cafe table infront of them. "bokuto-san ..?" bokuto still ignored akaashi, bokuto had a sad expression on his face.

akaashi didn't know what to do so he grabbed bokutos chin making him took at akaashis eye, but he was still upset "i was not gonna give him my number bokuto-san" akaashi sighed

"really ?" bokuto said still deciding wether or not he should believe akaashi "yes bokuto-san" bokuto's eyes lit up and smiled widely

"so this is what he meant by moods" akaashi thought to himself, the black haired male just giggled making bokuto flustered. bokuto quickly grabbed the remote and unpaused the movie.

they were both in the same position as they were watching the other movie, there was a jump scare and bokuto screamed and hugged akaashi tightly burying his face in akaashis chest.

"OH SHIT, I REGRET WATCHING THIS MOVIE" akaashi giggled and rubbed bokuto's back while getting the remote to change the movie. he put frozen, bokuto looked at the tv slowly and his eyes lit up when he realized akaashi put frozen.

"ou thank you !" bokuto was excited and he let go of akaashi making akaashi sad, bokuto had noticed and put his arm around akaashi again making akaashi smile, they both stared deeply into each other's eyes.

bokuto suddenly got a boost of confident out of nowhere and grabbed akaashis chin, his eyes traced down to akaashi's lips, their hearts beating abnormally loud.

bokuto licked his own and pulled him into a rough yet soft kiss. akaashi didn't realize what was happening but once he did, he slowly closed his eyes and melted into the kiss.

akaashi wrapped his arms around bokuto's neck and bokuto put his hands on akaashis waist, and pulled akaashi onto his lap. bokuto bit akaashis lips asking for entrance and akaashi happily obliged.

bokuto shoved his tongue onto akaashi mouth, causing akaashi to release a soft moan, making bokuto's cock twitch slightly. akaashi felt it and his eyes opened, but he closed his eyes again still kissing bokuto.

bokutos hand traveled to akaashis ass and gripped it, causing akaashi to gasp. akaashi moaning bokuto's name, making the two kiss rougher, their lips fitting perfectly against each other's.

akaashi took off bokutos shirt revealing bokuto's abs, akaashis hands traveled down to bokuto's chest down to his abs. bokutos lips traveled to akaashi's neck, and sucked on it leaving marks, claiming what's his.

akaashi moaned softly as bokuto found his sensitive spot, bokuto smirked and continued sucking on that exact spot, leaving a hickey there and causing akaashi to moan again.

bokuto put his hand on akaashi's throat, and kissed his lips once again, akaashi started grinding slowly on bokuto, the friction making the both moan

the black hair male kept on grinding onto bokuto but then bokuto grabbed akaashi and pushed him to couch making bokuto on top. bokuto then started grinding on akaashi making akaashi release a moan that made bokuto even harder.

until akaashi got a text message, they both groaned and akaashi got his phone, it was a text from suga.

everyone is gonna be back at the dorm in 10 minutes so don't be having sex with bokuto, we don't wanna walk in on it..

.. you ruined the moment you bitch



akaashi turned off his phone and looked at bokuto.

OEHSISH okay this was kinda bad so i'm sorry but... ima need some holy water brb 😔 but suga cock blocked 🙄

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