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they were walking towards the cafe and noticed a group walking as well.. they noticed it was all of their crushes... except sakusa, atsumu frowned.

"oh shit, they're all there" kenma said, getting anxious "calm down kenma" suga said rubbing his back.

"besides they might not even notice us" suga said reassuring kenma "oh shit, don't let him notice me he's gonna tackle me" akaashi whined. but then bokuto noticed him. bokutos eyes sparkled at the sight of akaashi. "well now they're gonna notice."

"KAASHI" bokuto yelled running towards akaashi "oh shit not again" akaashi just stayed still not knowing if he should move but by the time he was gonna move bokuto was already to close, bokuto grabbed akaashi quickly hugging him and twirling him up in the air.

"AWWWW" everyone.. literally everyone yelled making akaashi embarrassed "bokuto-san put me down" akaashi patted his shoulder telling him to put him down.

"sorry kaashi" bokuto frowned as he put akaashi down carefully "it's okay bokuto-san" they all started looking at eachother, they all thought "wow that could be me and ..."

simps :P

bokuto's friend group walked to the others, but yakus eyes landed on someone.. yaku and the gray hair guy locked eyes, they kept staring until the taller one broke the silence "wow you're so short" the tall guy told yaku making yaku angry.

"IM NOT SHORT YOU TRANSMISSION TOWER" everyone laughed at yaku's comment, the guy looked down at embarrassment. "i'm sorry but i'm lev haiba" the taller male said "it's fine, i'm yaku morisuke" lev smiled.

"come on let's go to the cafe" suga said to the others, the others decided to join them. they all sat in a booth infront of the love of their lives.

"hello what can i get you guys" a waiter came. everyone ordered the food they wanted.

"wait where's sakusa" atsumu asked curiously. "oh he's home, he doesn't like crowded places, we tried convincing him but he didn't budge" daichi said, atsumus face dropped. "oh.." was all atsumu said. everyone could tell he was disappointed.

"if you want, you can go over to our dorm and hang out with him, i'm sure he won't mind.. since he couldn't shut up about you" atsumu didn't hear the last part.. but atsumus eyes sparkled.

"can i go guys ?" he asked his friends, they all nodded and smiled. "YAY okay bye guys !!" atsumu said before running.. "did he ask for the dorm number ..?" akaashi asked.

"no.. no he didn't" they saw atsumu run back "um what's the dorm number" everyone laughed and daichi said "38" atsumu thanked daichi before leaving again..

"gosh what a goofball" oikawa giggled, iwaizumi smiled at the sight and oikawa noticed. oikawa blushed and looked down to his lap.

"the sexual tension is real" suna said and osamu laughed "okay but word" osamu said still laughing.

it's been 2 hours and they all talked and laughed and enjoyed their time together. "we should get going it's getting late" suga being the mom said. "yeah you're right" daichi agreed.

"let's go guys" everyone stood up, they went their separate ways but akaashi and bokuto stayed for alittle more.

"hey bokuto-san.." akaashi said quietly, "yeah kaashi ?" bokuto asked.. "well i was um" akaashi stopped, he was nervous. "you what ?" bokuto said confused.

"i was wondering if you.. you wanted to hang out tomorrow ..?" bokutos eyes widened because he was completely shocked "shit i'm sorry nevermind we don't ha-" bokuto cut him off and said "no, i would love to kaashi" bokuto smiled widely showing his perfect smile.

"r-really ?" akaashi not believing bokuto would want to hang out with him. "KAASHI OF COURSE" akaashi was startled, he was confused on how his mood changed to serious but happy to completely loud and excited.

"bokuto-san not so loud gosh" bokuto whined "SORRY.. i mean sorry kaashi" akaashi felt bad, he didn't want to hurt bokutos feelings "i'm sorry if i hurt your feelings bokuto-san" akaashi frowned.

"NO DONT APOLOGIZE.. i have.. moods" bokuto looked down at his feet. "what do you mean moods ?" akaashi was confused, he didn't comprehend what bokuto was talking about.

"well when i'm sad i go emo-mode and it takes me a while to get out of emo-mode and i get happy randomly and for the randomest things and sad for no reason" bokuto explained.

the other male was stunned, bokuto had.. moods ? wow. "oh well now i know" bokuto smiled "well i should go but I CANT WAIT TO HANG OUT WIYH YOU TOMORROW KAASHI" bokuto squealed. "yeah.. me too bokuto-san" akaashi slightly smiled. but it meant everything to bokuto.

OHEISUD omg anyways i saw something sad from bokuaka and i started crying 😔✊🏼

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