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kk now we are back with bokuaka (:

*knock knock*

akaashi was woken up by the sound of someone knocking on his door. akaashi rubbed his eyes and made his way to the door and opened it. he saw suga.

"hi akaashi ! come meet our other roommates" suga smiled while akaashi jaw dropped "more people ?!"

"well of course, now let's go" suga said dragging akaashi out of his room. akaashi sighed.

"hi guys this is akaashi, akaashi that's oikawa, atsumu, kenma and suna" suga introduced them. they all said hi to akaashi. "hello" was all akaashi responded with.

akaashi went back to his room. "wow is he that rude ?" suna asked. "no, i'm guessing he doesn't like interacting maybe something happened before ? i don't know but i have a feeling he's actually pretty nice." suga told them with a smile.

bokuto was still in his room, he kept thinking about the black haired male. the owl boy look alike laid down on his bed, and pulled the covers over him, he was bored but he didn't wanna bother akaashi.

*next day*

akaashi had just finished taking a shower, he slipped on a white collared long sleeve shirt under a black shirt. and he put black ripped jeans on with vans

meanwhile bokuto put on a white hoodie under a black and white flannel and some light-blue washed ripped jeans with white slip on vans.

okay i'm in school and i didn't know what outfit idea to put for bokuto so i looked around because i'm in gym and saw a guy wearing that fit so :P

akaashi left his bedroom, and saw his roommates in the living room eating breakfast. akaashi didn't know whether or not to try and be friends with them, they seemed nice but akaashi had trust issues.

"hey akaashi" suga said motioning him to go to the kitchen as well. akaashi listened and went there slowly. "hi sugawara-san" akaashi said with his usual monotone voice.

"no need to be formal, call me suga" suga informed akaashi. "oh okay suga" suga smiled brightly. "hi akaashi" atsumu smiled "oh hi miya san" akaashi said looking at him.

"gosh, no need to be so formal !!" atsumu giggled "oh i'm sorry" akaashi apologized looking down to the floor. "don't apologize, hey it seems like ya have trust issues but just know we're here for ya and if ya want, we can all be friends !" atsumu grinned ear to ear. atsumu was excited, he really wanted to be friends with akaashi.

akaashi just nodded at atsumu, "hey are you gonna eat breakfast ?" suna asked him with a small smile. "oh no i'm not hungry, i'll just eat at lunch" akaashi exclaimed with a soft voice, they could barely hear akaashi talk, but they knew what he said.

"oh okay, will do you wanna walk with us ?" oikawa asked akaashi. "um sure" they all nodded, "are you guys done eating ?" kenma asked them looking up from his game to look at them.

"yeah let's go guys" suga said. akaashi liked all of them, they were all so different. suga was like the mom, he was sweet and caring, oikawa had a badass aura, he seemed confident and akaashi admired that.

kenma seemed like an introvert but it looks like he had an obsession for video game which akaashi thought was cool since akaashi didn't know anything about videos games. suna was quiet but yet seemed the blunt and funny type.

and atsumu seemed like a baby, like he had an aura that just made you like or dislike him, theres was no in between, akaashi admired all of them. but of course he wasn't gonna say that. he didn't wanna come off as weird.

they all left the dorm and made their ways to their classes, akaashi talked a bit with them, akaashi was slowly coming out off his shell around them, which scared him, he was happy he had friends other than bokuto.

all of a sudden akaashi was startled by a scream. "AGGKAAASHIIIII" he heard someone yell his name, he turned around and saw bokuto sprinting towards him.

akaashi was scared, bokuto was at full speed and could knock down akaashi. akaashi was frozen but bokuto started getting closer to akaashi. "oh fuck no" akaashi moved to the left and bokuto ran past him then stopped "why'd you move aggashi" bokuto pouted

"because you were gonna tackle me" akaashi rolled his eyes. "... true" was all bokuto said before bursting into laughter.

"kaashi you look so pretty !!" akaashi didn't know how someone could be so blunt. like does he not realize what he's saying.

akaashi turned red like a tomatoe "s-shut up" akaashi said stuttering. "aw is my kaashu blushing" bokuto poked akaashi side but then stopped when he realized what he said. "oh i'm sorry i-i didn't mean to say that" bokuto was now flustered and embarrassed.

OHSIS aw anyways i'm in gym right now but i didn't know it was a b-day so i forgot to put shoes, and i'm with crocs rn.. i hate life 😔✊🏼

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