Ch. 1

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"Mama! Mama! Get up mama!" Theo screams into my ear

It's 6:30 am.


"Theo, hun" I say half asleep, "Your game doesn't start until 9:30, go back to sleep and I'll wake you up at a more reasonable time."

"But mama, it's my first game and I want to be extra ready!" He whisper yells, at least he's not screaming in my ear anymore. Got to take the wins where you can.

I adopted Theigo, aka Theo, about 6 months ago. Along with a little boy named Roman.

I met Theo through work. You see, I am a neurosurgeon at Grace Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland. Theo came to me with multiple head traumas and it was because of this that I spent a lot of time with him.

After a while of having him as a patient I found out Theo had been hurt by his foster dad, and after hearing this I decided I needed to protect him any way possible, so I adopted him.

I mean why not? I was, and still am, young so I have enough energy to keep up with him. I'm financially stable, and have more than enough love in me to give out.

Huffing, Theo accepted his fate and walked out of my room and back to his.

'Finally" I thought to myself 'I can sleep for a bit longer'

But greater forces had other ideas, right as I shut my eyes, a sharp cry tore through my room and I quickly got up and walked to the crib on the other side of my bed.

Once I arrived at the light brown baby bed and Roman saw me, he quickly motioned for me to pick him up. He hates his crib and would much rather sleep with me, but I'm trying my best to have him sleep by himself as I would much rather sleep peacefully at night and not with a baby foot stuck up my nose.

Roman and I met on much calmer terms than Theo and I did. During the final steps of Theo's adoption I had multiple meetings and consultations at his new foster parents house. His old ones were sent to prison for child abuse.

Anyways, let's get back on track. Roman was actually living with Theo's new foster parents and was quite keen to me during my visits, but he wasn't the only one interested. Theo and I loved playing with Roman and singing to him as well, we fell in love instantly and I knew I couldn't leave him behind. So, I adopted him as well.

As expected Roman took a bit longer to adopt than Theo due to the fact that I submitted my application later on for him, but thankfully I had full custody of both boys within the same month.

Both boys have been bubbly since day one and love to play outside. I couldn't have asked for a better family.

But I know what you guys must be thinking, 'Girl, you are 21. 21! You are in the prime of your life, live it up! Why be stuck at home with 2 kids when you could be living life to the fullest?'

And here's what I say to that, I am living it to the fullest. I love the life I have, I love my job at the hospital, I love my boys, I love my house, and I love what my life has become. So in the end, I am living my best life.

Plus, my brother has lived in Scotland for a while now, since I was 15 actually, so when I decided it was time for me to start a new life, one that was far far farrrrrr away from the old one, I thought 'why not go live near him?'

My older brother, Mathew, has lived in Edinburgh for the past 6 years. Along with his wife Mila and their 3 kids.

Mathew is about 10 years older than me, so he was able to move out of our "parents" house when I was 8, but even though he left, we made sure to stay in touch constantly. It was because of him and his constant support that I was able to become who I am today.

You see, I have always been a smart girl. I graduated high school at the age of 10, medical school by age 15, and then I finished my medical residency at 17.

Young, I know, you're not the first group of people to think that, nor will you be the last.

Now I stand before you all as a proud 21 year old medical attending at Grace Hospital, saving lives and being fabulous at it.

Theigo snaps me out of my day dreaming, "mama" he says pulling on my arm while Roam gives him a drooly smile, "can I watch my show for a while, at least until I have to get ready for soccer?"

"Well.." I say looking over at the clock, it now reads 7:03 am, "you can watch TV until 7:30 then we will have to start getting ready"

With that he ventures off into the living room and I hear him turn the TV on. The three of us live in an apartment near where I work. It's small enough to feel homey, but not too small to where we are stepping on each other's feet 24/7.

After a while I decide it's time to get the boys ready for our day, I decide to keep Roman in his soft pajamas, I mean, who would judge a 2 year old, right?

Once he is done I call for Theo down the hall, "Hey Bud!" I yell "it is time to start getting ready"

He gives a small 'okay' and hops on over to his room to put on his jersey.

'Today will be a good day' I tell myself, 'a good day'

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