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Another short chapter!

January 9 4:00 ; Matthew

"Yeah she's upstairs." Brandon says. " try picking the lock."

"Thanks." I smile at Brandon.

I jog up the stairs skipping two steps at a time and I walk casually to Ashley's room. "Ashley?" I ask and knock on the door.

"What?" I heard a muffled voice. Oh my god she's crying.

"Can I come in?" I ask.

"No." She says and I kick the wall.

"Fuck." I mutter. I twist the paper clip that Brandon gave me and I jam it into the key hole. I juggle the door knob and I forcefully open the door up.

I walk inside her room and close the door behind me and lock it. "I don't take no for an answer." I say and I sit next to her after glancing at her blood shot eyes.

"You look like you're high." I joke.

"Yeah." She nods her head and she falls back into her pillow. She didn't even bother fighting back.

"Did you finish the bucket list?" I ask.


"But you did everything on there-" I say and my eyes widen. Fuck!

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Okay, I have your bucket list. It fell out of your pocket in my car the day you made it. You caught me red handed." I murmur. "So you gonna tell me what's wrong?"

"I don't care you took it from me." She says ignoring my question.

"Answer my question."

"I'm kind of upset but I'm not mad at you."

"Ashley, answer. My. Question." I say in a low menacing voice. "There is something wrong and I know it."

"But there isn't."

"We both know that's bullshit!" I yell and stand up from her bed.

"Maybe I don't want to tell you!" She yells.

"Why no?!" I shout back.

"Because you'll leave me!" She whispers with a tear sliding down her face.

I froze at her words. "Why would I ever leave you?" I ask and look back at her.

"Because you'll judge me on this!" She shouts.

"Why would I judge you?! I love you!" I shout back, realizing my words two seconds later.

"What?" She asks. "You love me?" She asks. "Matt we don't even know what love is. We met three months ago!"

I was right, she never liked me. This was just all an act. But fuck it I'm confessing to her.

"Well that's enough to tell me that I do! The first time I actually ever saw you, I thought you were the most amazing and beautiful person. Every time I saw you, even before realizing it, I always had this-this feeling in my stomach whenever I saw you. Whenever you laughed. Even when someone said your name! Ashley, you don't even realize this, but I, Matthew Lee Espinosa am in love with you. I don't care what others think of you and I will never judge you like that!" I shout.

"Matt I-"

"Now do you like me or not?" I ask.

She remains silent.

"Well?" I ask.

"I don't like you." She says.

"I don't think I ever did." She adds making my heart shatter.

"But I know that I love you too." She whispers.

Without any other second, I press my lips to hers, slowly and sweetly but I t was just a short kiss, filled with love.

"I have to go." I say.

"Don't. Just stay." She pleads. "Lie down with me."

After a short thought, I hesitantly nod my head.

I wrapped my arms around her stomach and she holds onto my arms with her hands. We ended up resting and falling asleep.

A/n : update number three coming up

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