the lucky ones

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hey guys! so this is a victorious story that i have been working on lately. it is really just for fun so i'm really sorry if there are any grammar or punctuation mistakes. also the writing is all in lowercase (sorry!)


TRIGGER WARNING- contains swear words

the echo of a slamming locker ricocheted through the halls of hollywood arts. the small echos that came after from the scissors that were glued to the front were piercingly loud. but jade didn't mind. to be honest she liked the loud noises that made people stare. more than they already did. she hoisted her bag around her arm and started the walk to history class. her red doc martins, jet black leggings and skirt, and blue top were hard not to stare at as she strutted through the corridors.

not looking at a single thing was her only focus on her way to class and if that meant bulldozing anyone in her way, so be it. she finally made it to her history class and glared at the man standing next to the door. looking down at his phone and one leg against the wall he seemed oblivious to her presence. clearly annoyed she cleared her throat.

"i'm here" she said no emotion in her voice. he glanced up at her smiling.

"yay" he said in a small voice kissing her forehead gently. the walked into the class together, sitting next to each other. this class which was particularly boring seemed to drag on. jade crossed her legs over becks visibly bored. she played with her nails and the buttons on becks shirt.

"ahh let's see" the teacher said scanning the room. "miss west would you like to answer this one?" she asked raising her eyebrows. this bitch jade thought.

"nah im good" jade replied not looking up.

"jadelyn" the teacher warned.

"jeez jeez wow ok fine" she rolled her eyes. "i think columbus was an awful person for invading the land of otherwise defenseless natives and then killing them all with the plague." she answered smugly. beck smirked at her knowing the teacher felt like an idiot now. jade was distant when she wanted to be but god the girl had brains.

the class finally ended after what felt like an eternity. jade swung her legs over and off of beck and stood up rolling her eyes.

"shoot me next time so i don't have to come to this class." she stated again emotionless.

"what's the magic word" beck joked with her.

"please fucking shoot me" she groaned starting to head to the door.

"no i love you too much for that" he laughed trying to get kissed.

"ahhh very cute" she stopped turning back to him and kissing him. a win for beck. the school day flew by after that which is usually did, and soon it was the end of the day. classes had finished and beck grabbed everything from his locker and shoved it into his bag for homework. jade did the same and then confidently turned the corner looking for beck. she glared at his locker which was covered with giggling hair twisting girls.

"hey!" she screamed making all but beck jump. "get your filthy hands off my boyfriend!" she yelled as they scampered away one by one.

"awww theres my little sunshine" beck smiled pulling her in. reluctantly she was pulled into a hug.

"cmon" he said as they pushed open the big wooden doors.

𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘦//𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴Where stories live. Discover now