out of the woods

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seconds later beck and jade were in the car, speeding on their way to the hospital. beck had one hand on the wheel and the other on her leg. he could see her trying to breathe, but he could also see her biting her lip. she always bit her lip when she was nervous.

he began to rub her thigh, thinking of anything to calm her down. the hospital was a few minutes down the road, but the ride was silent. it wasn't awkward or anything, it was just neither of them could think of anything to say. their minds were blank, and all jade could think about was cat.

when they finally got there they both ran through the big glass doors and past the receptionist who yelled at them for running as they sprinted by.

"cat?!" jade yelled running into the waiting room. she saw a blur of andre and robbie as she got lost in the white walls. andre grabbed her arms holding her back. she looked him right in the eye,

"where is she andre?" she asked her pupils becoming bigger by the second.

"surgery" he muttered. he was holding her arms and watched as beck ran up behind her. grabbing onto her hands as he felt her muscles tighten.

"hey hey hey" beck said calmly and softly as she began to hyperventilate.

"deep breaths" he cooed as she began to slow down. in a few minutes they were all in the waiting room seats. silent. all of their eyes burned red and their cheeks were puffy.

"what happened" jade said flatly, no emotions coming out of her yet.

"car accident" robbie replied not looking anyone in the eye.

"a drunk driver" andre clarified squirming in his seat.

"was cat drunk?" beck asked squinting his eyes.

"no she was sober" tori responded her eyes watering.

"i'm gonna kill the jerk that hit her." jade huffed beginning to get up. andre and beck held her back.

"woah there" they both said loudly, holding her down in her chair. suddenly the doctor walked out and jade sat back down in her chair.

"how is she?" robbie asked standing up.

"she's... in surgery" the doctor replied rubbing his temples.

"ya no shit sherlock" jade shot back.

"she has a broken lung, and her femur is shattered. we are running more tests to see about brain or skill damage." he answered looking down at his clipboard.

"is she gonna be ok?" andre asked trying to look at the doctors papers.

"we don't know kids" he answered shrugging at them. it was infuriating how little he seemed to care.

"if she makes it out of surgery, it is very likely that she will have severe brain damage and may even be in a coma for as long as years."

he stated not looking at the kids.

"YEARS?!" jade screamed standing up. beck grabbed her wrist, a sign for her to stand down.

"alright then who did this?" tori asked trying to be logical.

"we are searching the license plate of the other car now. we found many empty alcohol bottles in his car, indicating he was intoxicated" the doctor continued.

"a fucking hit and run" beck muttered under his breath. hours went by and no one said a word, or moved an inch. a nurse came out around 2 am,

"you can see her now" she said looking exhausted. they all ran into the hospital room, gasping at the sight.

there she was. her red hair was tied back in a now messy ponytail that hung off the back of the bed. she was in a white and blue hospital gown and mascara was dripping down her face. she has bruised all over herself and dried blood sat on her mouth and around her eyes. she was still unconscious and her eyes sat softly closed. they all breathed heavily as they surrounded her bed.

"ok kids we have to give her some meds now and run some more tests" the nurse came in a few minutes later sending them all out.

"are we in the clear yet?" jade asked the nurse as they opened the door.

"almost kiddos" she smiled softly. the image of cat lived in jades head for the rest of the night. every time she closed her eyes, a banged up cat entered her mind. and she couldn't seem to get it out.

𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘦//𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴Where stories live. Discover now