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hi everyone! TRIGGER WARNING: underage alcohol consumption, nudity

they quickly moved to the bedroom. surprisingly, cat knew what she was doing. she bit jades bottom lip, making her smile.

"cat this is crooked" jade laughed as she straddled cat.

"who said it had to be straight?" she raised her eyebrows with a giggle. "

fuck you" jade softly whispered into cats ear as cat sucked on her lips and down her neck.

"is that an insult or a do to list?" cat asked between breaths. jade bit her lip trying to hold back a slight smile. hours went by and things only heated up. they were laying next to each other. panting heavily. cat turned to look at jade who was staring at the ceiling smiling. she felt cats eyes and turned to her too. smiling. neither could think of the words. just smiles. suddenly jade stood up. throwing a t-shirt and sweat pants on.

"noooo" cat said reaching for jades hand.

"cmonnn i have an idea" jade said a twinkle in her eyes. cats face lit up as she threw clothes on and followed jade to the kitchen. she threw open the fridge door and looked disappointed at the contents.

"you have nothing fun" she pouted. cat laughed,

"i've never had a reason to have anything fun before this" she replied.

"well then cmon let's go." jade said grabbing her car keys and heading to the door.

"oooo midnight party" cat started to bounce up and down before running after jade.

"jade where are we?" cat asked once jade had pulled into a convenient store parking lot.

"somewhere" she replied not even smiling a little. but her eyes looked over at cat. she opened the door and cat skipped into the store behind jade.

"what are we here for?" cat whispered as jade opened pulled open the glass door. jade didn't answer she just walked through the store with a determined look in her eyes. she reached the liquor aisle and smiled at cat who gasped.

"jade how are you gonna buy that?" cat whispered in a hushed voice.

"you'll see babygirl" jade responded shushing cat. babygirl, cat thought, she liked that. jade walked up to the counter where an unsuspecting worker sat on his phone. she put the bottles on the counter.

"just these?" he asked not even looking up at her. once he did he hesitated for a second and then asked for her ID. she laughed for a second before replying.

"you're kidding right? you don't think i'm 21, god i hate looking so young." she laughed.

"sooo how old are you?" she asked the cashier flirtatiously.

"i'm i'm um 27" he replied stammering.

"no way" jade replied in a voice higher than her usual one.

"i would've guessed though you do give me the older bad boy vibes with all your muscles." she teased grabbing his muscles. he smiled like he thought he was doing something. cat just stood there mouth open. jade grabbed the bottles and laid down cash and walked out. winking at the cashier on her way. once they were on their way back to the car, cat ran up to her, amazed.

"how how... how did you do that?" she asked surprised.

"i've been doing that for a while now babygirl, practice makes perfect." she smirked getting into the car. once they were back at the house the two played drinking games all night. finally cat had the courage to ask what had been on her mind all night,

"so you like girls." she said in a nervous tone.

"i could say the same about you." jade said back, for lack of a better response. the two girls smiled at each other. jade leaned in a lightly kissed cat. cat on the other hand grabbed jades hair and pulled her in tight, rolling around on the cats bed. and they spent the night away, drunk, naked, and fearless.

𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘦//𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴Where stories live. Discover now